Nora || B - Brother

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B –

Brother, (n.): a male who has the same parents as another or one parent in common with another.


If we are being truthful, I spotted your brother before I saw you. He caught my eyes the moment he walked into the room, his 'devil may care' attitude making all females (and most males if we're being honest) turn to watch him walk across the room.

He seemed to be looking for someone, and that was when my sister came over to me, silently telling me that he was not worth the risk or the inevitable heartbreak. The infamous O'Callahan brothers were a huge 'no, no'.

"Though, I suppose if you have to try with one of them, the oldest one is the safest." She could not remember your name, however, as she had never actually talked to you.

That was my first pointer that you probably weren't as bad as everyone thought.

As your brother (also still unnamed) finally came to a halt his back now facing me as he embraced a male who was looking extremely bored as the swarm of mothers around him tried to get him into a conversation.

I quickly realized you were the brother, and just like that, the younger O'Callahan – however gorgeous – was forgotten.

I couldn't help but bite back a smile at the sight of your obvious joy of seeing your little brother, your eyes lighting up as you laughed at something he said. The women surrounding you laughed too, though I doubt they actually heard what your brother said.

Your brother suddenly turned, his eyes meeting mine momentarily, and I blushed slightly – moving my eyes a smidge to the side, where I met yours. For a long moment I couldn't seem to look away, but as a small grin curled the corners of your lips upwards the moment broke and I looked over to my sister, blurting out a question about how her day had been just to get away from your intense gaze. It took me a couple of minutes to dare to glance over to where you were standing again, only to see your brother looking at me with his startling blue eyes and a large grin on his handsome face. He winked and then nodded his head slightly to the side making my gaze move.

And there you were, your feet carrying you towards me at a quick pace.

With wide eyes I looked back to your brother who only offered me another grin, before glancing back at you just as you looked up at me, your eyes just as startling blue and a handsome smile curling your lips upwards.

My heartbeat had quickened considerably, and I was already starting to fret out about what to say before I pulled myself together – reminding myself I was 24, I was used to speaking in front of people (never mind they were usually children) and you were just a guy for crying out loud. Finishing my inner rant just as you stopped in front of me, a warm smile on your face I exhaled slowly, realizing there might have been some truth to my sister's words.

Maybe you were a little dangerous after all.

Then again, maybe I was up for a little danger. 

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