Chapter 1 (unedited)

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[Author's Note: The explanation of Mitsuki's team will be copied and pasted on several books from the Wing Collection. But if you remember it, then if you see it again, you can skip that part.]

All Star was the name of the cheerleading team that Mitsuki Harabe founded.

In front of everyone or when they were performing, they were united. But in reality, the team was very divided in the inside.

There was five group. The first one was led by Chikabe, the best classical dancer. The second one was led by Kobari, the rival of Chikabe. Kobari's group were full of boys whereas Chikabe's group were full of girls. The irony was that everyone thought Kobari was the slut when everyone knew that the real slut wasn't her. The third one wasn't in rivalry with anyone but no one dared to go against them. They were full of delinquents that weren't afraid of anyone except Captain Mistuki. They weren't the best cheerleaders but they could be considerate as the best fighters since they were the ones in charge of protecting Captain Mitsuki. The fourth group wasn't really a group but people still considered them as a group: Captain Mitsuki and her two best friends. And lastly, the nothing. They didn't meddle with anyone unless it was needed.

And Nobari was in the latter group. It wasn't that she didn't dare to enter a group, it was just that she didn't dare to talk to anyone feared they will find her different and mock her.

To put it simply, All Star group that was once admired by everyone was a mess. Without a captain, the group was simply, she sneered at her thought, a piece of crap. Since Chikabe lost her place, the third group took the control and were ruling with fear. A lot of people quit cheerleading and she was one of them.

Nobari signed and looked at her reflection. People said she should smile more but when she tried, she just felt like a monster. When Captain smiled or whoever smiled, they were like a bright sun but whenever she smiled she was like some dog shit.

"Hoshino! Come eat!"

Nobari wanted to shout back to her mum that her name was Nobari but she felt her words blocked. Nothing came out. Should she make an appointment with a specialist?

Nobari went to eat her breakfast and signed as she remembered her middle school years. She usually ate at the training dojo than at home but now she ate every meal at home. That made her life quite lonely. Just how was she able to bear this loneliness before?

The saying, 'one can live without having it but when tasting it and losing it will be the worst' or something like that couldn't be truer.

"Hoshino, are you sure you are not skipping your training?" Her mom asked. Hoshino's mum was worried for her daughter, for three years straight, her daughter barely had the time to eat her breakfast but now, for one whole month, she was able to do. Was she bullied? But that Mitsuki wasn't that kind of girl to bully her peers.

She nodded.

It was true, without Captain, no one wanted to train and with the third group taking the power, no one wanted to go. So in short, they were all skipping until Captain come back.

Nobari clenched her fist when she thought of the money that her mum gave her to pay the training but was still in her closet. Since she was skipping, well more quitting, she didn't give them the money and what the point of paying when there wasn't any training?

Hoshino's mum wanted to say something but she was beaten by the bell. "Hoshino, quickly eat it should be your friend Rina." She was happy that her daughter made a friend that wasn't someone from the group. She always feared that her daughter will be alone since she was always training herself until she faints but middle school and high school were different. In middle school, Hoshino was in the same school as everyone so it was alright. But now, that she was in a different school, how will she make friends?

"I am going." She murmured and left the house. She saw Rina and greeted her.

"Hoshino!" Her friend, Rina, shouted to her. "I have something to tell you."

Rina was her first friend and the only one who accepted to be near her. She was also the only one who seemed to accept her calm and shitty personality.

"What is it?"

"I know now how to take revenge on Sasaki Eiji."

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