Chapter 2: Mina

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I flipped over and over on my bed. No way I was getting any rest tonight. I had a royal meeting tomorrow that was very important. I was even missing mortal school for it. I got to miss my math and spelling test, but no matter now. Leaders from other kingdoms that were allies of mine in the war were coming to see how the war mush end. In other words, I had to speak to adults about how messed up my realm was getting during the war. Oh boy. I flopped over again trying to get comfortable. I needed my sleep. I kept flopping over and over, but sleep did not come. I was tired, but I wasn't. At last I gave up. I turned on the light and grabbed a paper and pen.

Where are you? I can't handle this anymore. I'm not getting enough sleep, this war is going crazy and I'm failing mortal school. I don't think I can go on like this any longer. The nights are longer, the work days are longer, my eyes are longer, but my hope no longer exists.

I crumbled up the paper and threw it into the crackling fire. I walked towards my bed, but I didn't notice that the paper didn't burn or turn into ashes. I didn't notice how it flew out of the fireplace or how it settled next to me on my bed. I didn't notice because I was asleep dreaming about my long lost brother Jimmy.

"Princess! Princess! Princess Mina!" Called a voice. A voice that belonged to a maid banging on the door. I took one of my feather pillows and chucked it at the door. I put my head under a few more pillows. The calling stopped and footsteps seem to move away.

"MINA!!! GET OUT HERE NOT OR IM COMING IN A DRAGGING YOU OUT OF BED!!! GET OUT OF BED NOW OR I AM GOING TO DRAG YOU OUT MYSELF WITH NOT PROPER DRESSING AND NO BATH!!!" Yelled another voice. The voice that belonged to my annoying best friend, Scout. Scout had taken the role of being my best friend and "my parent figure" as he called it. He had once been friends with Jimmy, that's how I knew him. Scout was a normal citizen of a small village in my realm. He was a year older than me, 12 years old, but it made a big difference. He acted a lot older and was a lot taller than me.

"But I don't want to go to the stupid meeting or to the mortal school. I want to stay in bed all day." I wined.

"Don't make me get in there and drag you out of bed and into the bathroom for a shower." Scout warned.

"You wouldn't dare." I protested. The lock became unlocked. I threw another pillow at the door. "Geez! I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled at the door.

"10 minutes." Scout announced. I fell from the bed with a thump. "Mina" Scout started.

"Don't ask." I warned him. He didn't reply. I took the shorted shower in the world and put on a simple blue dress. I opened the door to find Scout leaning against the door frame. Scout held out my silver tiara.

"Maid said you forgot this at dinner last night." Scout said.

"It gets annoying, it's too heavyset had too much jewels on it." I complained again.

"Well princess, I'm sorry we haven't found a tiara to for your needs, but we really need to go. You need first before the meeting." Scout protested.

"Fine." I said. We went to the dining room. Scout was kicked out of the room, if I liked it or not. He was not allowed to see a royal eat, because of his villager ways. I thought it was rubbish. Scout didn't mind though, he would go outside and wait for me. I would always find him grooming a horse or feeding a few stray dogs or cats. Other times he would start picking fruits and hand them out to people.

I started playing around with my food. I just couldn't eat. I gave up after a few minutes. Forget about eating. It's rubbish too. I pushed my plate away and scrambled away from the eating room. I went out to meet Scout. The second he saw me he knew something was up.

"You didn't eat did you?" Scout asked. He didn't wait for my reply. "I know you didn't. You have to start sleeping more too." Once again he didn't wait for me to speak. "Mina, you look like you haven't slept in ages that's how I know." Scout said. I didn't have any words to say. Shocked I kinda was, but he had kinda been my best friend for two years with no fights. He is the only person in the world, well other than Jimmy, if he is alive, that would know me that well.

We walked over to the meeting doors. I had to wast two hours of my boring life in there. Scout said nothing. I walked into the room of madness.

As usual, everyone was yelling at each other. A few rulers were on top of the table. It was a nice table and it had been my father's favorite table.

"Oh shut up!" I yelled. Everyone seemed surprised by my presents for a while. That while didn't last long. All I'm saying was two hours of madness.

I walked out of the room two hours later. I looked around the hallways, but I didn't find Scout waiting for me.

Then I felt a cold hand on my mouth and a gun nose to my head. I froze.

"If you ever want to see your brother again I say that you leave quickly and quietly with me now and do as I say." The voice said.

I did as he said. But what brother did he mean?

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