15| Candlelight

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"I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each"


I spent the rest of the day wondering around the city, I bought a few new dresses and shoes, much to the dismay of the men accompanying me as they hauled my bags around after me.

When I finally did return to the Romano house, it was already dark out.
I was greeted by Laura, a maid as soon as I passed the doorway.

"Miss Garcia... your presence is requested in the library" she said
"The library?" I asked confused
She nodded as two other maids took my bags from my guards
"Okay um... can I freshen up first?" I asked.

"Of course" she said politely, I began making my way up the stairs before I realised something
"Laura... who's requesting me to the library?" I asked
"I'm not allowed to say miss" she said, drifting off towards the kitchen.

Alright then.
I got changed into something lighter, curious as I walked down to the library

Baby's Outfit

When I entered the library, the regular tables for reading were cleared, a small table with dinner set up on it. Red wine and carbonara.
My favourite.
And there, stood by the table was none other than Vincent Romano, dressed up in a black suit, a guilty look on his face.

I strolled closer to him, unsure of what was happening
He seemed to have sensed my hesitant state as he then spoke up
"I wanted to... clear the air so to speak" he said, pulling a chair out and waiting for me to sit.
I did, he tucked my chair in, sitting opposite me.

He was right. We did need to talk.
I shouldn't have stormed off earlier, no matter how angry I was I shouldn't have acted so childish, I should have held my ground.

"Why in the library?" I asked, he shrugged
"You like it here" he said simply.
I have to admit, it was a nice setting, the mass of books around us, the fires roaring at each interval of bookshelves.

I nodded, digging into my food and taking small sips of wine.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked after a while of silence
He sighed
"I'm sorry about earlier... I just- I've waited for you for a long time... it's hard to hold back when your whole life revolves around a certain person... and then you finally have that person and you can't do anything" he explained, looking at me with a pained gaze.

"I get that. But regardless of time you can't just expect me to do nothing with the rest of my life" I tried to reason with him
"It's not nothing. It's marriage. It's us leading together. Building a life and being happy" he explained, a smile on his face, I sighed
"I want to work when I get my degree" I said.

I could tell my words didn't settle well with him
"We... we can discuss that at a later date... tonight was just- I just wanted to get back on track, get to know each other before the wedding" he said, his voice smooth but his eyes begging.

I found myself nodding before the words even registered in my head
"Good, you can ask me anything" he said, I know I shouldn't, I know I should keep it casual, but I couldn't help myself.
"You mentioned earlier that you had me protected?" I asked, he nodded hesitantly.

"I didn't like the idea of you being vulnerable, so I hired men to watch out for you" He explained, his eyes hesitant like a child afraid of being told off.
"But I wasn't vulnerable Vincent, my father had guards around me constantly" I said.

"Well I didn't like the uncertainty, my men updated me every hour, so I knew you were safe" he shrugged, like this was normal.
"Okay" was all I managed to squeak out, knowing I wasn't going to win this.

"So... how's the planning going?" He asked
"Um... good" was about all I could offer
He sighed and put his cutlery down, staring at the table for a moment before standing up.

He moved round the table towards me, looking down at me with determination
"What do I have to do?" He asked, lowering down to his knees
"What do I have to do for you to give me a chance?... anything, absolutely anything" he said, staring up at me hopefully.

It was clear what this was.
He was to be the next leader, leaders didn't bow, to anyone.
Yet he was to me. That's how it was, I'd be the only he'd ever bow down to.

"Don't promise things like that" I said gently, my eyes flickering to the fire
"Why not?... I would do anything for you baby... I'd die for you, kill for you, I'd rip the entire world apart if you asked it" he said, nothing but complete seriousness on his face.

And it scared me, the bitter truth in his eyes scared the hell out of me
"Baby?" He pressed
"Postpone" I breathed out, the words so light on my lips
"What?" He asked
"Postpone the wedding" I said again.

"No... ask me anything but that. I want you to be mine officially" he said seriously
My face scrunched up at him
"I'm not anybody's" I said annoyed, retracting my hands
"I know... but romantically, physically, you're mine... just like I'm yours" he said like it made sense.

"No" I said, standing up
"Yes" He threw back, standing up as well, his height towering over mine, taking a defensive stance
"If you love me as much as you say you'd postpone... why do we needed to be married so early? As long as I'm with you it shouldn't matter yet" I said calmly
"I don't care, I need you as my wife, not as my girlfriend, not a fiancé. My fucking wife" he said getting angrier.

"I told you. I'm not about to be your obedient little bride" I said.

"I don't want you to be... I don't want you feeling trapped. I want to give you what you deserve, you should never have to lift a finger, never want for anything.
I'll give you anything you could possibly want" He rambled, grasping my face in his rough hands.

"No you can't. I want freedom Vincent, you can't give me that" I said
I know he couldn't, I can see it in his eyes, in the way he speaks, he wants me wrapped up in cotton wool and locked away from prying eyes.

"Just give me a chance... you're backing out before even trying baby... I can be the man you need me to be... I promise" he said, kneeling down again
"Please... please just a chance darling" he practically begged.

I couldn't bare it, seeing him beg of me
He shouldn't be begging
I'd heard stories of the man before me, the reckless, bloodthirsty tales of lost lives and missing bodies.
And yet he was kneeling before me, pleading with me for something as simple as a chance.

I didn't know what to say, didn't know what the right words were
"Please... I'll be everything you need, anything you want... I'll burn the world down at your say so baby" he said, placing a kiss in my palm.

"Stop... st-stop just stop" I said, kneeling down with him, the fire roaring beside us in the otherwise quiet library
"Just... stop... please" I begged breathlessly, leaning my forehead against his and pulling him into a hug.

His body stiffened before he slowly wrapped his arms around me
"I'm sorry Baby... but I'm begging you... I can't live without you, and I can't live any longer without you as my wife. I've waited years for you... and god help the earth if you weren't by my side" he mumbled, sitting back.

He grasped my face in his hands and made me look up at him
"I'd kill anyone in my path until I had you back in my arms" he said deadly calm, planting a soft warm kiss on my forehead
"Just try. Please" he begged, with so much emotion in his eyes it was burning me.

I nodded softly, feeling overwhelmed and defeated, I dropped my head down, feeling stupid for ruining the evening
"Do you- will you dance with me?" He asked gently, I looked up to see the hopefulness in his eyes.

I nodded again, suddenly on my feet again as he went to retrieve the record played by a book shelf
The soft tune we danced to at the ball played, before I was wrapped up in Vincent's warm rough hands.

"You're so beautiful" He mumbled against my hair, swaying us back and forth
I felt so confused. I agreed to give him a chance, and I wouldn't go back on my word.

But he seems so... broken.
Like he really needs me, and as much as I want to help him, I'd want to become his friend first. Not his comfort blanket.

"Vincent?" I whispered, he hummed, waiting for me to go on.
"I know you've been trying with me... but if we really are going to do this we need to compromise..." I trailed off, praying this wouldn't end in another argument.

"I... I can do that" he mumbled, but it seemed more to himself than me
"Why? What do you need?" He asked suddenly
"Nothing... that's the point. I don't need a big wedding or an expensive dress. If you want this to work we need to spend time together, you can't just... buy me" I explained carefully.

He seemed to be thinking it over for a moment
"Okay... I'm sorry" he said, I shook my head, taking his face in my palms
"Just stop trying to please me and just... be here" I said softly, he nodded again, pulling me in closer and resting my head on his chest.

I relaxed after a while. It actually felt quite nice, being in someone's arms
"Some of the guests will be arriving tomorrow... ma wants us all to have lunch" Vincent explained softly
I nodded against him, feeling quite tired. But I promised myself I wouldn't fall asleep on him again.

"Okay" I said, yawning afterwards, I heard Vincent chuckle
"Let's get you to bed" He said, I was suddenly up in the air. His arms around my back and legs, his words making me shiver even though I knew they were innocent.

I didn't complain though, I'd had enough of arguing and he was really warm
He carried me all the way up to my room, placing me gently down on the soft mattress, before leaving a small kiss on my forehead.

"Night baby" He said softly, but with his deep voice it sounded raspy. And sexy.
I heard the door close and I peeked an eye open, before closing it again
I could sleep in my dress... it's fine.

I snuggled into the pillows until a thought shocked through me
It was Vincent birthday tomorrow as well
Shit... I didn't get him anything
I thought for a while until the only solution I could come up with was to bake him a cake.

Yeah... I'll have to ask Adrianna what he likes tomorrow.
With a half baked plan of action in my head, I went to sleep.

• Unknown •
~ Naples, Italy- Airport ~

"Ready for take off Mr Sanchez?" The flight attendant asked politely, her blonde hair pinned to perfection and a smile drilled into her red lips
"Mhm" he said dismissively, no eye contact, letting her know she could leave.

He looked distracted, in a daze it would seem.

He leant back in his chair, eyeing the invitation for the thousandth time

Vincent Romano and Valentina Garcia

Who would have thought anyone could have been good enough to marry the siren?
The goddess that haunts his sleep
Should he even be going to the wedding? With all the history between them?

He sighed, dropping it back on the table and taking a swig of his whiskey. This was going to be a long flight.
All to see his business partner and the girl he loves get married.

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