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"She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire" -Charles Bukowski

• Vincent •

I'd been stood here for around fifteen minutes now, willing myself to knock on her door
I probably should have gotten changed, I was only in my shorts, but I was just about to get in bed when I'd had the idea to come and ask her now.

I want to ask her to be my date tomorrow
Part of me wanted everyone else to watch me walk in with her, see she was my girl
But mostly, I just wanted to spend time with her, get to know her more
Well... let her get to know me more.

Arlo finally interrupted my nervous pacing

Arlo Riviera had been my best friend ever since we were kids, he was going to be my right hand man when I took over
"What are you doing?" He asked me
I groaned and leant my head back against the wall
"Baby's in there" I told him, his face fell into recognition and he patted me on the shoulder

"Ah young love" he sighed, continuing to walk down the hall
"Fuck you" I shouted after him, earning a laugh

Fuck it, I should just do it

I knocked on the door, waiting for her
I heard a small 'come in' and my heart dropped

I'd never been in here when she was staying, never had a reason to, we never really spoke to each other
And I could never come up with a good enough reason to get her to spend time with me.

She was in the window, reading a book, looking like an Angel in the soft light around her

Her hair was loose, her nightgown teasing her legs, her thighs...
I swallowed harshly
"Hi" I said simply.
"Hey" her voice sounded sleepy and I immediately regretted intruding on her reading.

I was too busy staring at her I hadn't realised I hadn't said anything else
She slightly adjusted the way she was sitting and placed her book down, patting the space next to her for me.

The way she patted the seat made me think back to that night we kissed, I found my feet moving on their own accord and I was suddenly sat next to her
Her perfume invading all senses and making me want to lean into her.
To let her completely consume my entire being.

She was everything I ever needed... wanted
She was fucking perfect and I'd get down on my knees just to beg her to take me as I am.

She was just staring back at me, waiting for me to say something
Why am I not saying anything?

I looked around for anything I could say to start a conversation with her, my eyes landing on her book, The Secret Garden, I must of read it a thousand times as a kid

"That's a good book" I said, indicating to it, her eyes widened slightly and she looked down, a small smile forming on her face
"Oh... thanks" she mumbled, looking down at it.
She was... nervous?

"Are you settling in okay?" I asked, I know it's only been a day, but I hoped she was comfortable at least
We probably wouldn't be able to talk like this after tomorrow's party, depending on how she'll react to the news
I know Knox is pissed off that I'm marrying her but she can't be that against it... she'll come round to the idea... she has to.

"Yeah, I forgot how much I missed this place" she said, I felt like smiling but tried to keep my face straight, looking down at my lap to try and compose myself
I don't know why I was even doing that around her, to everyone I was the cold and unfeeling soon to be mafia leader
But with her I'd kneel down and give her anything she wanted

"Did you uh... want anything in particular?" She asked me, I felt my stomach erupt in tingles at her words
Please say yes

"I just... uh I wanted to ask you... if you'd uh..." fuck I could barely speak around her
I knew she probably thought I was a prick growing up, never really speaking to anyone
But that's because I couldn't get a word out properly around her... and I didn't want anyone seeing how flustered this girl made me
All the guys ever did was fucking tease me when it came to her.

"What is it Vincent?" She asked, gently grasping my arm, causing it to erupt in goosebumps at her touch
Well that just made it even harder, and the way she said my name...
I tried with all my strength to not grab her and kiss her.

To just throw her on the bed and kiss her, touch her... taste her... feel her soft warm skin under my lips and leave marks all over her.

She must of noticed my state because she immediately let go of my arm as if I'd burned her
I looked out the window and tried to think of what to say
"My ma says I need a date for the party tomorrow... and I was wondering if I could... well if I could take... you" I swallowed nervously, waiting for an answer

She looked down at her book, fuck... she's gonna say no, why the fuck did I think she'd say yes?
I'm a fucking idiot.
I got up to leave, I planned to go and wallow in whiskey

"You don't want to... that's fine I'll just g-" I was cut off as she grasped my arm again, her touch was so warm
Dear god send help
She was still silent... looking up at me

"I um... I'd love to be your date"
Was I hearing things? Did she just?
"Really?" I couldn't stop myself from smiling at her... her gorgeous perfect face as she nodded at me

"Okay... well, I guess I should uh... get to bed" I made my way to the door
She saw me out and watched as I walked to my room, I forgot how to even walk under her gaze.

Before I left, I turned back to her, just to get one last look at her
"Goodnight Baby" I know everyone calls her Baby, but I always meant it like she was mine, not that she ever knew
"Night" she murmured, her head resting against the door frame
I smiled at her and left to my room

I laid in bed thinking about her, what she would wear, walking in with her on my arm, everyone knowing she was mine and I was hers.

• Baby •

I woke up with the sunlight blinding my eyes, my back was aching as I realised I was still in the window seat, my book on the floor
Fuck... I must of fell asleep reading

I dragged myself up
I planned to spend the day with Grace and Brooke
Grace was adamant we'd be going shopping in New York as soon as we landed and after bumping into Brooke in the hall yesterday I invited her along.

Brooke Hamilton was a member of Giovanni's mafia, I used to see her playing around the house with Vincent and his best friend Arlo when we were young
I used to be quite jealous of her as I'd had that childish crush on Vincent, but then she started to spend some of her time with me, Lia and Gia

We'd play princesses and tea parties and she became a good friend to me
She's married now, with a handsome little son named Matthew who I'd never met
The last time I had seen her she was heavily pregnant and due any minute, it was only shortly after we'd departed back to Italy, we received a letter explaining that she'd given birth and all was fine

Baby's outfit

After getting dressed I strolled downstairs and into the second dining room

There were a lot of people already seated at the table, many I couldn't recognise
I made my way down the table and sat by Grace, who jumped at my presence
"Don't scare me like that Baby" she playfully hit my arm and went back to eating, her hair was slightly messy and she was still in her night gown, I was surprised she was even up this early.

I looked around and tried to find some familiar faces
Lia and Gianna were halfway down the table conversing with some other girls
Knox was sat chatting to my father and Rocco and Vincent were sat opposite me.

"Morning baby" Rocco smiled
"Morning Rocco... morning Vincent" I greeted to them both
"Morning princess" Vincent responded

Both our eyes widened as he realised what he just called me, he choked on his words, looking back down at his meal
Rocco started laughing as I just turned my attention back to Grace
"So... where we going today?" I asked her, chuckling as she had a mouth full of porridge

"Morning sweetie" my mother called to me as she walked past me, kissing the top of my head and sitting next to my father
"Morning mama" I called back to her

"I thought we could go to Times Square, check out all the famous shops" Grace suggested, wiping her mouth with a napkin before something caught her eye
Ah... Arlo

"Chi è quell'uomo torreggiante?" She drawled out, watching him
She was always like this. Obsessing over men.
One thing she didn't know however, was that a lot of people here spoke Italian.
'Who is that hot tower of a man?'

I rolled my eyes at her
"You know a lot of them speak Italian right?" I whispered
Her eyes widened

Arlo sat down on the other side of Vincent, smirking at her, she'd clearly spoke too loudly
"I'm going to get ready" she mumbled, flying out of her seat and making her way to the door, making me laugh.

A few minutes later, Brooke sauntered into the room, dressed like a goddess, she had that natural beauty any girl would kill for
Tattoos ran over her arms and legs as she carried Matthew in on her hip.

Jasper followed close behind her
Anyone would describe him as a guard dog.
The type to bite first and ask questions later
He'd chased Brooke for years before he finally got a shot
And look at them now, happily married.

With a gorgeous little boy who looked the spitting image of him.
Brooke sat where Grace had been, as she passed Matthew to Jasper beside her

"Morning everyone" Brooke smiled
"So we all set for today?" Brooke asked as she filled her plate up.
I nodded
"Yeah, just need to wait for Grace to get ready" I explained

I looked up, seeing Vincent immediately look away from me
I almost smiled to myself
I never remembered him being so... shy.

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