Chapter 15: Moving Forward

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The next couple of months have been busy for both NCT and Shim Jiwoo.

While all the 127 boys were still very much doing activities for their group, the Dream unit were now promoting Chewing Gum. Before this came to be, Jiwoo did all she could to help the younger idols debut. Whether she was critiquing singing on the song prior to recording or pinpointing some troubles they might have had on their hoverboard dance, she made sure to do it carefully but with a stern mindset. They may be young, but they needed to be serious about their debut just like the next person, the criticism was a must.

Other than that, Jiwoo posed to be Dream's own personal cheerleader. Whenever late night dance practices turned out successful, she would be there to shower each member with endless compliments. There were also times when some members would have internal troubles, quoting they're not good enough or what if their debut turns out to be a failure. Jiwoo was always there to comfort them, urging them to hold on to their hopes and work even harder so to not have any regrets.

During this period, it was also found out that Jiwoo wasn't the best cook around.

It was odd, since now that everyone knew her family runs a fantastic noodle restaurant. The boys just figured she must've been a cook within herself. However, Jiwoo failed to inherit the amazing cooking ability from her parents.

She wanted to do something even more for the babies, so she went out of her way to make gimbap for them to snack on in between practices. Within hours, the handmade gimbap had taken a toll on the boys and lead them to unbearable stomach aches and a full next day of rest. If it weren't for the Dream's reassurance that it was only a mistake and Seokju and Minah's appearance to comfort Jiwoo, she would've cried and felt guilty about the situation for a whole week.

"I guess I should've warned you boys that you should never accept food made by Jiwoo," Seokju had said to Dream once they were better and back to practicing.

Besides that small fiasco, everything else had fallen into place, and NCT Dream had their successful debut. Chewing Gum proved to be an extremely addictive song, surprising those who would usually stray away from cute, boppy songs. Plus, the hoverboard choreography amazed the audience of music shows, noting how impressive it was.

Despite the increase of work, Jiwoo made sure to make some time for herself. Songs naturally came to her, and she would quickly jot down the possible notes and melodies into her trusty composer's journal to create for later. It was very much pleasurable when this happened, more exciting and more of a thrill whenever a new idea pops up. Before she knew it, she had created 10 songs to give to NCT for the future.

And of course, she spared time for her friends. Her and Minah would occasionally have their days out, shopping and catching lunch together when they could. Hanging out with the 127 boys proved to be a harder task but they had their moments when they had the free time. They even one lucky time when they were able to have a movie day at the boys' dorm. This was where she was able to meet a couple more boys, such as Doyoung and Ten, and surprisingly they were able to interact with each other well. And that hang out ended with a mess of popcorn and candy sprawled on their floors... but it was a good day nonetheless.

Could she also admit a small shift in her and Jaehyun's friendship... if she could even call it that.

Their greetings of each other (when they're not rushing to place to place) evolved to welcoming hugs, lingering a little longer than normal. The smiling, the eye contact? It was evident and obvious when the two of them were together. And from this, Minah was quick to tease the young composer about it.

However, she minded it less. The only thing that was bothering her about it was where they stood. Sure, they were sweeter with each other after the day Jaehyun had given her the necklace (in which she wears constantly), but nothing much happened farther than that. Did he like her or not? Maybe it was due to the fact that there was the dating ban for groups less than four years old, and they can't risk anything more. They knew this rule very well and knew that wasn't a boundary to cross, more so as one of the Big Three companies.

Too bad it was lowkey driving her crazy. Urges of wanting to hold his hand and give him kisses growing by the day.

But she will contain it. She'll have to if she doesn't want complications to arise for the group she had been working so diligently for.

Another thing?

Oh Songyi's letter had not been opened the entire time.

It was frightening. Whenever she was tempted to open and read the envelope's contents, she would convince herself that it was not the time. That if she opened the letter, she would become too distracted, far too up in the clouds to focus on her work for Dream. She put it off, promising herself that once things cooled with Chewing Gum promotions, she'd read it.

... Which was exactly now. Even with interviews and events to attend, there wasn't anything that Jiwoo had to do. She should be able to read that letter from Songyi without it affecting her work. She even begun bringing the closed letter with her in her shoulder bag when attending NCT's activities, just so she can have the opportunity to read whenever.

She doesn't know.

Was it okay to prolong it a little bit longer?

"So, Jiwoo, we have a new thing coming up." It was a free day off for Jiwoo, so she decided to stay in her studio of the seventh floor, editing and playing around with already-made songs. Her very busy cousin had visited her with news to share.

The brunette lass peered up to him after setting aside her acoustic guitar so to listen to him. She motioned for him to continue. "In a couple days, we're going to be filming another season of NCT Life." Jiwoo's eyes narrowed at the sound of this, which surprised Seokju. He have thought that she would be more excited about it. "And, um, after discussing with Sooman-sshi about it, he allowed me to take you with us during the days we film it."


"Okay?" Seokju raised a brow at his baby cousin. "That's it? Aren't you happy to be doing it?"

"Oh trust me, I am. But don't you remember what's coming out in a few days?" Jiwoo stared intently up at him. Seokju's blank face then shifted, once realizing what she must be talking about and he let out a sigh. The uncontrollable smile tugged at her lips, her feet stomping at the ground with utter joy. "SHINee's back!"

"Yah, Jiwoo. You're working even harder now, let's not have you completely be shut into your room for three days while blasting their songs on repeat," Seokju nagged, solemnly remembering back to last year's comeback.

The girl sat up, her eyes seemingly twinkling."But, here's the thing. I haven't participated at all for the 1 of 1 album. Everything will be new to my ears and just the fact that it's not something I created and it's just experiencing their beautiful voices and dancing like the first time is what's exciting!" She clapped her hands together, a long breath escaping her lips. "My oppas will be back and with a retro vibe! I'm going to love it!"

"You love everything they come out with." A roll of the eyes. "If they made a song about jangjjangmeon, you'd be singing about it for weeks."

Jiwoo shrugged in defeat. Her dear cousin knew her all too well. "You got me."

"But anyway, would you be able to focus on shooting season 4?" Seokju asked her.

"Yeah, don't you worry. I'll be able to concentrate. Who's participating in this season? Surely not Dream since they're so busy?"

"It'll consist of the older kids, including Doyoung and Ten."

Jiwoo grinned wider. "Oh, cool, I haven't seen them in a while. Ten promised me last time to show me one of his original dances for when he was on Hit the Stage." This NCT Life would even give her some time to be with Jaehyun without any worries of other conflicting schedules. Her stomach erupted with butterflies at the very thought.

"Yeah, for the days we shoot and there's Dream activities, I'll have Meirin to take your place. So, um, just prepare yourself for when we start shooting."

The composer hummed in response, very content with the upcoming events. "And oh? I heard from Minah that 127 will be coming back in around January. Are the other composers deciding which of the songs I made to be their title?"

"Yeah, sounds about right. They'll probably figure one out to give to them in a week or so. But not until we figure out choreography for it," Seokju answered.

Jiwoo could only nod in reply. As much as she was worried about the boys' mental and physical health, it was part of the tough life of being an idol. Always working, always one step ahead for the fans. So tiring. She guessed that was one benefit of not debuting herself...

"I also heard Taeyong and Mark are going to be helping again with lyrics for some of the songs on the next album."

"That's correct. They discussed with me about how they want to participate as much as they could. It'd be good experience for them to do so, and the fans will surely like it."

A solemn expression crossed Jiwoo's face as an idea popped in her mind. It wasn't really a new idea, it was reoccurring, even more so nowadays. "I want to directly work with them one day."

"What?" The comment caught Seokju by surprise. "You already work with--"

"I meant like making music together, oppa. Wouldn't it be easier for all of us if I could discuss my songs with the singers themselves?" Jiwoo uttered with knitted brows. Her gaze lowered just as Seokju stared at her more intensely. "I know before I've said that this was something I refuse to do but... I think that I'm getting more used to things."

Seokju reached over and placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder, his eyes boring onto her. "Are you not superstitious anymore? What is this change?"

"I-I mean, it's just that... I don't know? I feel like I don't need to depend on all of that anymore..." The girl wasn't even sure anymore. Ever since meeting NCT, there had been a lack of rituals and frantic thoughts about bad luck. Surely, this was her way of moving on in her mind. Showing that she didn't care about it all as she used to. It was a weird transition. She'll surely want to try to see the Shaman maybe... on last time. "I'm still pretty superstitious but I just want to really work with the boys. I think it's important if the artist to agree with what they're singing and so..."

"You want to reveal that you're their composer?" Seokju deadpanned, straight to the point. "Once that happens, you don't know how much that can spread. As happy as I am to the possibility to you getting the recognition you deserve, nearly everyone knows NCT's main composer as a man named Woo SJ. It'd be quite the topic here at SM, it might even leak to the media."

"No one really knows Woo SJ is a man, they only assume that," Jiwoo scoffed. "Plus, it's not a scandal to go by a different name, unless you want every idol and actor with a stage name in the music industry to be condemned or something."

"I guess... you're right. But we'll have to discuss this more later, okay? So we can have the opportunity for you to work with the boys." Jiwoo nodded in agreement to this. "Alright, good. I'll go ahead back to work, then. Don't overwork yourself, sweetheart."

"Of course, oppa."

. . .

In a matter of days, the first shooting for NCT Life had come. The SM crew, as well as the older NCT boys participating, arrived to Korea House, a traditional establishment made for foreign tourists to visit and experience the Korean culture. However today, it'll be used for the boys to learn more about Korean food... and for Jiwoo to take notes for her own benefit.

Maybe it was her mindset that she should've lived up to the family name and be able to cook delicious food as everyone expects her to, but she really wanted to try from here on out. She had more reason to. She wants to make food for the boys to eat to replenish and give them the energy they needed. She'll no longer only have the specialty of making instant ramen.

But maybe she'll let Seokju taste test her experimental dishes first.

"Jiwoo-yah, it's good seeing you again after a while," Doyoung beamed at the fellow 96-liner.

As of now, the boys were being touched up so they could eventually start shooting this early morning. Seokju said that they will record the boys strolling up the ramp, towards the entrance of the Korea House. Before that, the stylists had to make sure the boys looked alright, hair not too tousled nor their faces too shiny for any glints of light.

Jiwoo nodded at the currently two U members before her, baring a warm smile. "Yeah same, I'm happy to be able to help for this season... also Ten, remember that promise to show me that dance?"

The Thai boy let out a chuckle, "Yeah, I got you. Anything for one of my fans."

Jiwoo peered over at the other boys, the ones that she had known for much longer. Majority of them were either with Minah or another stylist or were waiting for their turn.

However, Jiwoo noticed something odd. Taeyong had always been touched up by Minah herself, as he was more at ease in her presence, but he was currently with a different stylist. She somewhat knew of the two's past, in which they've known each other before the SM Rookie days. Even when Minah would joke around and chat with the others, Jiwoo knew Taeyong was the one the older girl would consider her closest friend. But why this weird distance between them today?

Her attention was suddenly taken away when she spotted Jaehyun giving her a wave. With a smile she couldn't control, she waved back at fluffy-haired boy a little too joyously. The two were lost in their own little world, just waving to each other like two children until Taeil gave the younger boy an odd look, while as giving the same face to Jiwoo. A giggle left her lips at Jaehyun's cute, flustered expression and she turned back to the conversation with Doyoung and Ten.

The day went on as planned. They filmed the boys arriving to the house and having them stand in a line right in the middle of the open area. Their special guest, professional Chef Kwon Woo Joong, had joined in, and they all discussed about some history of Korean food.

After being assigned a Korean dish and getting the ingredients at the nearby grocers, the boys were ready to cook their dishes. Much to her fortune, one of Jiwoo's assignments for today as intern was to ask the boys certain questions in an interview manner, so they could have interesting content for the new NCT Life season. This gave the girl a chance to interact with the temporary cooks without really causing trouble.

There had been times whenever WinWin would ask Jiwoo for help on his spicy rice cakes. However, she knew that was prohibited for her to do... as well as that she was just as clueless he was. Thankfully, Taeyong had been great help to WinWin, so she didn't have to worry too much.

While she went around scrounging up replies from the boys, she noticed Minah chatting up to Ten or Yuta whenever the cameras were not focused on them. Jiwoo guessed that was fine, they had more than enough film to have for the first episode.

But, again, something did seem off.

"Jiwoo-yah!" The girl turned to the leader of NCT and she scurried over to his side after his call. Taeyong bared a small smile at her arrival. "You want to sneak a taste of my samgyetang?"

Just before Jiwoo could decline the offer, her stomach growled out of her subtle hunger. Knowing Taeyong's cooking abilities, she knew his chicken stew would be delicious. She glanced around at their surroundings; everyone was off to their own devices.

"Okay, just a quick taste then," Jiwoo chimed enthusiastically. She reached out to grab one of the clean spoons but Taeyong had stopped her. With a steady hand, he picked up the spoon himself and held it out for her, the soup ready for her to taste. A pause, the girl wasn't sure if she could accept that, as tempting as it was. "Taeyong I--"

"Just take it, Jiwoo-yah."

Hesitantly, she slightly opened her mouth, letting NCT's leader feed her the soup he cooked. Her resolve easily disappeared, as the warm, tasty liquid touched her tongue. A gasp in awe, and a thumbs up. "Wow, it's delicious!" She whispered over to him in excitement, so to not let the crew or the other boys overhear her. "You did a fantastic job for your first time at making this."

"Thank you," he beamed. "I'm sure I can trust your taste buds on this, then."

"I got no complaints, but who knows if Chef-nim will have a more sensitive palate than I do. But I'm sure you'll be just fine." Jiwoo held to her stomach, as it roared to be fed more. "I can't wait until we finish today. I'm excited on trying the others' dishes."

"Just wait a little longer, okay? The evaluations will start soon anyway. Surely, Chef-nim won't take too long."

"Right... but can time move a little bit faster?"

Taeyong laughed. "Just be patient, Jiwoo-yah." Out of the blue, he patted her head, catching her off guard. Luckily enough, a camera man had come back to record more of Taeyong and his finished samgyetang. Jiwoo rashly bid her farewell as she scurried away from the station, on over to where Taeil was putting the finishing touches of his kimchi stew.

And honestly, she was blushing at the mere contact. She couldn't help it if Taeyong was just too pretty. Surely, anyone would've been flustered if they were in her shoes.

"Jiwoo-yah, is there something wrong?" The oldest NCT member suddenly asked her. "You look a bit red in the face."

She blinked in surprise, gulped, and pursed her lips at the comment. "Eh, no, I'm fine. I think the heat from all of you cooking is getting to me, is all."

How weird.

But why was it weird?

Jiwoo glimpsed over at Jaehyun, or rather just the back of him. She hoped to the lord that the boy didn't see her just now, being bewildered by Taeyong. She would crumble down in mortification if he did. Fortunately, her crush seemed too busy trying the complete the gimbap with the much limited time they had left.

A sigh of relief. The last thing she wanted to do was give the wrong impression to anyone.

However, that wasn't the end of the weirdness within their group.

A/n: And we're back to the main story~ Around this, I imagined they shot NCT Life K-Food Challenge around the beginning of October. So if you reference back to my Bonus chapter, that's a four month difference.


Also ALSO, I wanted to add gifs of Jaehyun from the first ep of season 4 when the cameraman asked him who he was cooking for, and he said 'us' as the watchers. WE KNOW THAT ONE SCENE 💀 but for some reason I can't find it and can't kill yall with it... So you're all safe for now.

But anyway, that's the end of this chapter, thank you for reading! Spread love and support as always💕

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