Episode 19 : The Story Of David Ware

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DISCLAIMER : If you're under the age of 13, or if you're sensitive to murder, violence, and scary stuff in general, I recommend you don't read this for your own safety.

Hello, my friends. Welcome back to my Crime Book. I am your host, Noel, and today, we are taking a look at a story that I discovered last year that really leaves me scratching my head. The Story Of David Ware. A man with a horrible attitude who hated law enforcement with all his heart, that would one day, all come to a horrendous boiling point that would be the end of him. Once again, credit goes to the YouTuber, "Horror Stories" for the information. Again, he was one of the most important YouTubers in my life and it is very sad to see him go. Anyways, sit back, relax, and enjoy as we take look at the Story of David Ware.

David Anthony Ware was a cold blooded and evil man who committed incomprehensible crimes for no reason that would confuse and upset anyone who ever encountered him. He hated the police with all his heart and he refused to listen to anyone but himself. But all of his crimes and police hatred would eventually build up to an event that completely shook the entire city. And all he ever got in return for his life of crime was absolutely nothing. This is the Story of David Ware.

David Ware was born on August 12th 1987 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and he was never well behaved growing up. He had a history of drug trafficking and he was arrested one time for urinating in a parking lot. In 2006 when he was 18 years old, he was arrested by 31 year old Officer Craig Johnson for public intoxication. In response to this, Ware spit on Johnson four times. He was also a very wreckless driver and he never carried around his car insurance whenever he was driving, nor did he change the registration tag on his licence plate on a regular basis.

David Ware was already a difficult man with a horrible attitude who gave anyone who knew him a hard time, but all of this was just a prelude to what he would do many years later that would be way more catastrophic and devastating than anything he had ever done before...

On this day, 4 years ago, at 3:00 in the morning on June 29th 2020, Tulsa Police Officer Aurash Zarkeshan was on his night shift patrolling the city when 32 year old David Ware made an illegal left turn and sped past him, and he didn't even yield. Officer Zarkeshan pulled Ware over for driving recklessly, but while he was pulling him over, he found out that Ware's registration tag on his licence plate was over 2 months expired and he had a history of drug trafficking. Officer Zarkeshan walked over to Ware's car and asked him to identify himself, which Ware did with no problem, even though he obviously didn't have his insurance in his car like he usually didn't. Officer Zarkeshan didn't mind Ware not having his insurance with him at the moment, but his vehicle needed to be towed safely back to the police impound yard since his registration tag was expired.

Officer Zarkeshan called his supervisor, 45 year old Sergeant Craig Johnson, the same officer who arrested Ware 14 years earlier for public intoxication, to help tow Ware's car to the impound yard.

Sergeant Johnson arrived shortly after and simply asked Ware to step out of the car since it's illegal for anyone to sit in a car being towed. But Ware refused to step out, so the officers continued asking him to step out, but Ware wouldn't listen to them. He claimed the officers were "violating his rights" and he "didn't' want to be arrested" even though all they were asking him to do was step out of his vehicle, which anyone is supposed to do when a vehicle has to be towed. Johnson and Zarkeshan tried to be as polite and reasonable as they could with Ware, but he continued to ignore them and called his friend, 29 year old Matthew Hall to come help him.

Everytime Ware kept refusing to step out of the vehicle, Johnson and Zarkeshan were starting to lose their patience with him and told him they would tase him and spray him with PAVA spray if he didn't step out. The officers asked Ware to get out of his car more than 40 times, but Ware would never listen to them.

By this point, Johnson and Zarkeshan had enough and started to tase and spray Ware and tried pulling him out of the car themselves. But as the officers attempted to get Ware out of his car, Matthew Hall arrived on the street they were at and the officers looked at the car to see what it was doing there. Unfortunately, they had no idea that Ware was hiding something extremely dangerous in his car...

When Johnson and Zarkeshan looked away, David Ware reached under his car seat and grabbed a pistol he bought 11 days earlier and he began to fire at the officers. He first shot Sergeant Johnson in the head as he fell to the ground. Officer Zarkeshan was horrified and tried to run away when Ware shot him in the head as well as he also fell to the ground...

Ware continued to fire at the officers multiple times before he ran over to Hall's car and the two sped off. The entire shooting was captured on both of the officer's body cameras and their car's dash camera.

Both officers were rushed to the hospital after the horrific shooting. Miraculously, Officer Aurash Zarkeshan survived the shooting and he made a full recovery. But sadly, Sergeant Craig Johnson was not so lucky. He died the next day on June 30th after he was taken off of life support...

His death was a devastating loss to his family and everyone he worked with at the Tulsa Police Department. He first became a police officer in 2005 and he rose to the rank of Sergeant 10 years later in 2015. He was remembered as a very polite hero who just wanted everyone to be safe.

Aurash Zarkeshan was a rookie who joined the police only 6 weeks before the shooting happened. Zarkeshan is now hoping to live a new and happy life and he's planning to go back to school to study Technology. But he will forever be haunted by that horrifying night and how his poor supervisor was taken so soon...

Shortly after the shooting, both David Ware and Matthew Hall were arrested along with a third man, 28 year old Jakob Garland.

Matthew Hall, the getaway driver who helped Ware escape from the crime scene was charged with helping him after committing attempted murder, and helping him after committing murder. However, Hall's lawyers argued that Johnson died after the trio were arrested and successfully changed his charge of helping Ware after committing murder, to helping Ware after committing attempted murder. Hall pleaded not guilty to both of his charges and his trial began 6 months after the shooting on January 4th 2021. The trial lasted for 2 months until March 22nd 2021, when Matthew Hall was sentenced to 24 years in prison for being an accessory to two attempted murders. But nearly 2 years later on January 26th 2023, Hall's sentenced was reduced to 12 years in prison by the Oklahoma Court Of Appeals who determined that both of Hall's 12 year sentences should be served consecutively instead of seperately. Matthew Hall will be released in 2032 when he will be 41 years old.

Jakob Garland was the man who gave Ware the gun 11 days prior to the shooting on June 19th in exchange for heroin. Garland was charged with illegal possession of a firearm and drug trafficking. He pleaded guilty to both of his charges and a year after the shooting on December 9th 2021, Jakob Garland was sentenced to three years of supervised release and house arrest.

Matthew Hall and Jakob Garland were easy to take care of since they were only helpers. But they were in nowhere near as much trouble as David Ware...

David Ware was charged with first degree murder, attempted murder, drug trafficking, and illegally possessing a firearm. He pled not guilty to all of his charges and his trial began 4 months after the shooting on October 19th 2020.

His trial lasted for more than a year, but on May 13th 2022, David Ware was sentenced to death for the murder of Sergeant Craig Johnson.

Ware's first execution date was set for August 10th 2022, but it was cancelled and Ware is trying to delay his execution as much as he can, but it's highly unlikely that he will ever be granted any mercy. He lived a life of horrible attitude and police hatred, but the murder of Sergeant Craig Johnson was the final nail in his coffin. Literally, and figuratively...

To this day, 4 years later, everyone still struggles to understand the Story of David Ware and why he was always so difficult and evil. He will definitely remain as one of the worst murderers of the 2020's...

The end...

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