Being Athletic Isn't Everything : Clybe

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Well everyone it's finally here! I hope this was worth all your wait, because my goodness, it is SO EPIC To finally start my South Park Book at last! So I HOPE Your all looking forward to this because, BELIEVE me, I know I am! This is one of my absolute favourite shows of all time! I Love it's Characters, Humor, Jokes, Gags, Ships, You get the idea! I love South Park a lot! And of course I PROMISED I would write a Book about this Show one day, and now that it's Valentines Day, I figured out that TODAY Would be the PERFECT Day to start this Book! This is my Valentines Day Present to all of you! So I hope you all enjoy! Our FIRST One Shot we will be checking out today is Clybe, Which is the Romantic Pairing of Clyde Donovan, and Bebe Stevens, and ever since I've known this ship, I've Always Loved it! It's been my 2nd favourite South Park Ship for a whole year now! I think they're really Cute, and a Perfect Match! And this is ALSO a gift to my good friend Clarenko, because she also really loves Clybe, so I hope you enjoy this One Shot, and I also hope your having a wonderful Day Clarenko! Because you are a really great friend! So anyways, without any further ado, let's get started with this amazing Book!

Clyde's POV

Hi there everyone! My name is Clyde Donovan! I'm sure a lot of you know me because I go to South Park Elementary, and I'm in the Fourth Grade, I'm a very popular person in the School, a lot of people there know me! Now a lot of Kids there usually call me The Second Fattest Kid behind Eric Cartman, who is another kid in my class. But... I don't see what's so Fat about me... I'm just as Skinny as all the other Boys in the class. But you hey. They're PROBABLY Right because I'm not very good at Sports, even though I love to play Sports for Fun, I'm not very good when it comes to being Competitive.

So yeah, that all pretty much explains why I don't have a Girlfriend, I'm not very attractive, and Girls usually like athletic people a lot more than wimpy weak ones...

But Hey! Everyone is Different! Because Even if I never get a Girlfriend in my life, I would never really need one! Because I'm fine on my own, and being Single is just as Good! Because you can do whatever you want! And hey! It's not like I have NO Intelligence at all! I actually Like going to School! I have a lot of friends they're, and I'm usually Liked by everyone! And not to mention that I'm actually pretty smart at a lot of things! So even though I am single, you all can still tell I have a really good life!

Now One Day, I was walking to the Bus stop with my friends, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, and Token. We didn't really talk very much, because of course we just gotten up an hour ago, and we were still pretty tired.

But then we arrived at the Bus stop in no time, and we just sat down and waited for the Bus to come. When It came, we quickly hopped on and drove to School.

When we got to School at 9:00, we arrived right on time like we always do! Anyways, when we got to School, we quickly went to our Lockers, Dropped our Backpacks Off, and then got out the stuff we needed for today.

Then finally, we made it into our Classroom ready for another day.

While The rest of the Boys just sat down waiting for Mr. Garrison to arrive, I just put my Books down on my Desk and walked over to the Schedule to see what we will be doing today, this was something I'd usually do, because I'm always Curious about what we're doing today.

I looked at everything on the Schedule and thought that today was just gonna be another normal easy day.

But THEN I looked at the Schedule and saw that we ACTUALLY had a HUGE Dodgeball Tournament Today! Even though this wasn't the first time I've heard of it, ever since last week, the Teachers and Announcments have been telling people to get ready for the Game today. But I must've Forgotten last night, and now all of a sudden I remembered that it's TODAY! And A LOT Of people were coming to watch us! I obviously knew that I would do the worst out of everybody because, as I said, I'm not very good at this stuff.

"OH NO!!!" I shouted out loud which obviously got the whole Classes attention, they looked at me very awkwardly.

I covered my face like I just fricked up the easiest thing in the world, and now everyone was just staring at me very awkwardly.

"Oh boy!" I thought, Today was DEFINITELY Going to be a HUGE Day!

Now I'm sure you'd expect me to get even MORE Nervous as they day went on, but to be honest though, I actually wasn't TOO Worried for most of the day! In fact, I just let it go in 5 minutes! When I get scared, I usually don't stay very scared for long and I'm perfectly okay afterwards.

For the rest of the morning I continued doing the typical things I do in the morning like, Math, Reading, Morning Snack etcetera, so I was fine and happy for the rest of the morning.

But we were all REALLY Happy when it was 12:00, because you know what that means! Lunch Time Baby! Lunch was OBVIOUSLY Everyone's favourite Time of the day, and I know you guys feel the same way! So obviously, this needs NO Explanation!

When I walked into the Cafeteria, I quickly went to the Food Stand and got everything I needed. Then I quickly went to go sit with the Boys at their table, but then suddenly I saw something out of the Corner of my eye. And wouldn't you know it? It was Bebe Stevens!

I saw her sitting at a table all by herself. Obviously, THIS Was the Girl of my Dreams! She had everything! Beautiful Blonde Hair, Gorgeous Eyes, and she ALWAYS Wore really Cute Clothes all the time!

I know I always think to myself that probably will never get a Girlfriend, in my life, but man! Let me tell you! If I HAD to Date anyone Girl in the WHOLE School, Bebe would DEFINITELY Be my Number One Pick!

And I felt a little bit sad for her too, why was she sitting at a table all by herself? Almost Everyday she'd usually sit with the other Girls, so, why was she sitting at a table all alone?

I decided to Skip the Boys for today, I mean hey, I ALWAYS Sit with the Boys at lunch, so, Why not have a little bit change?

So I decided to go sit next to her and give her a warm welcome.

"Hi Bebe." I said as I sat next to her.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi Clyde." She said with her really Cute voice.

I Giggled a little bit, like seriously SHE IS SO CUTE!!!

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself?" I asked her. "Don't you sit with the Girls almost everyday?"

"Eh, Today I'm having a little break from them, you know, sometimes you just need some time on your own? Kind of like a Song, you know, when you listen to a song you really love, and then it gets stuck in your head and you get tired of it? Well, that's just how I'm feeling right now."

I nodded in understandment. "I can totally relate with THAT!" I said to her.

She Giggled at me.

I blushed a little being so close to her. I was glad I was keeping her happy.

So for the rest of the Lunch we just chatted and ate our food.

Meanwhile though, the rest of the Boys on the other Table OBVIOUSLY Noticed my Absence and saw me on the other table with Bebe, I mean OF COURSE They would! What else would they do while I'm not with them!?

"Hey, do any of you guys know why Clyde is sitting with Bebe instead of us today?" Stan asked his friends.

"Oh Please." Cartman jumped in. "I've seriously Dealed with ENOUGH Bullsh*t with Clyde a lot of times but, This? This I don't even have any word to explain!"

"Of course you don't." Craig told him. "You can't know EVERYTHING In the World Cartman."

"Ah yeah uh Shut your f*cking mouth Craig." Cartman said back. "No one asked you to speak."

"They must be Dating." Kenny Muffled.

Kyle on the other hand though looked way more suspicious. "Really?" He asked him. "I don't think so. That wouldn't make sense, look, I know Bebe lost all her Interest in Me after a little Game We played but, why would she go out with Clyde? Or better yet, why would she even sit with him? They Barley interact with each other!"

"Well At least Bebe would much rather sit with Clyde than sit with a stupid Jew." Cartman said to Kyle.


I Laughed a little at the other table. I've always LOVED Cartman and Kyle's Rivalry! They just make the ENTIRE School Year WAY More Interesting and even more Hilarious!

Now Cartman Was starting to get upset at Kyle too. "KYLE, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS!?!?!? I AM NOT FAT, I AM BIG BONED!!!"

"Oh My God, you use that Excuse EVERYDAY Stan said as he Rolled his Eyes.

Cartman quickly looked at him angrily. "OH What are YOU gonna do about it Stan!? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"Jeez, SOMEONE Has a very short temper today." Stan said to him.

Cartman just gave him a dirty look, He was SUPER angry on the Inside, but he tried to hide it because he knew if he tried to argue back with them, it would only just make things worse. So he let out a Sigh instead.

And soon in no time at all, Lunch was Over.

"Well that was definitely a "BLOW OUT LUNCH"." I said as I bounced back to the Classroom.

When I walked into the Classroom, I just sat down in my Chair waiting for Mr. Garrison to Come, but THEN I remembered what time it was now!

I then Gasped before shouting "THE DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT!!!"

Stan heard me and looked at me a little Concerned. "Woah woah woah! What's wrong Clyde?" He asked me.

"The huge Dodgeball tournament! It's today! And it's about to happen right now! A-And you know me, You know I'm not good at this kind of stuff at all!"

Stan Gently put his hand on my Back. He understood me.

He was silent for a few seconds before finally speaking up to me. "You know, my Mom always told me that sometimes, you just have to believe in yourself and feel confident about what you're gonna do! That's all you have to do Clyde! Just believe in yourself and just TRY To do your best! Plus, there's another thing you REALLY Need to know about."

"What?" I asked him.

He then smiled at me. "Have Fun! It's a Game! It doesn't matter if you win, lose, or even do the Very worst! Just have fun! That's all you need to do, and you'll be just perfectly fine Clyde!"

I tried to smile back at my friend "Thanks Stan." I said to him. "I'll try my best!"

Stan smiled more at me. "That's the Spirit Dude!" He said before going back to his seat.

Soon afterwards, Mr. Garrison arrived in the classroom.

"Okay Class." Mr. Garrison said as he walked in. "As you all remember, we have a big Dodgeball Tournament today. So I hope your all ready because a lot of people are here today! And you all better do good because I do not want any embarrassment from my Classroom! Okay? Let's all head down to the Gym now."

We walked down to the Gym and when we finally got there, we saw a lot of people! There were actually way more people than I expected!

Our Class made a quick Wave before everyone needed to get to their Positions. It was Boys Vs. Girls for the Fourth Grade, because the teachers KNEW that everyone would be happy that way!

After we all got to our positions, Mr. Mackey Blew His Whistle. "Alright Thank you everybody for coming here to watch our class play some Dodgeball M'kay? It's very kind of you, and I hope that you all have a nice time and enjoy the game M'kay? Alright, South Park Elementary, Are you all READY!?"

"YEAH!!!!" We All Yelled, myself included because even though I was still A LITTLE Scared, I had to do what Stan told me, Be Brave, Try your best, and have fun.

"AND GO!!!!!!!!!" Mr. Mackey Said as he Blew his Whistle again.

And in less then a Millisecond, THERE WERE BALLS FLYING EVERYWHERE! Everyone was just throwing them around like a Crazy Party of Havoc! I joined In as well, trying to do my best, and actually, I was actually doing quite good! I dodged a lot of Balls, threw a ton, and I was having fun! 

However though, EVERY Single time I tried to get one of the Girls out, they ALWAYS Dodged them like Pros!

And then, In about ONE Minute into the Game, I threw another Ball at the opposing Team, and guess what? SOMEONE CAUGHT IT!

The one who caught it was Heidi Turner, I never knew she was so good at this stuff!

"GOT ONE OF YOU STINKERS OUT!!!" She Yelled over to us.


Mr. Mackey then blew his Whistle. "Alright, well it looks like Clyde Donovan is the first one out, M'kay? So, I'm sorry Clyde but uh, you can just go sit down and watch the rest of the game M'kay?"

I then sighed Deeply. "Yes Mr. Mackey..." I saw that everyone left on the Court was just staring at me.

I buried my Face in my Hands as I Blushed from all my Emberrasment.

After that the Game Continued on.

When the Game finally finished, I looked at the score board displaying the results, as it turned out, the boys CRUSHED The Girls by 7 Points! Darn, I felt bad for the Girls actually, but at least they did better than me...

The score board also showed players who did the best to who did the worst, I looked at the other part of it, and of course I was at the very Bottom, I came in DEAD Last... Then everyone who noticed my name at the Bottom looked at me, I then started Crying.

But I had to go back to my Class and finish up the day. There wasn't very much left of it anyways.

Soon in no time at all, the Day finally finished.

"Alright Class, I hope you all had a very fun day today, because I know a lot of you had fun with the Dodgeball Game, so yeah, uh, There's no Homework for tonight, so you all can just go home and have a nice day." Mr. Garrison said as the Bell rang.

Everyone quickly packed up their stuff and ran out of the School, but I just packed up my stuff and walked out slowly because of how Sad I was.

After I walked out of the School I walked home feeling very Sad, Like, I KNOW I tried my Best, but now everyone just thinks that I'm a Complete Idiot now! I mean, Look at me! I came in DEAD LAST, If THAT doesn't say Idiot to you, then I don't know what does.

I sighed deeply again. Well I may as well go home and try to cheer myself up after how much I was such a Loser today.

I continued walking Home, and when I was about Half way there, I actually had a Surprise! Yeah! I ran into Bebe again!

I tried to speak up under my sad mood. "Oh, Uh, Hey Bebe." I said trying to put on a smile, I did not want to look like a Loser in front of my Dream Girl.

"Hi Clyde." She said Smiling at me.

Her Smile cheered me up a little though.

But even she noticed how Sad I was. She looked at me in the Eyes ."Is something the Matter?" She asked me.

I looked a little surprised, how did she NOT Know WHY I was so Sad? But I told her anyways.

"Isn't it NOT Obvious!? I said to her. "I came last in the Dodgeball tournament today! Don't you remember?"

She then looked a little sad on her face. "Why? There's no reason to be upset about that!"

I looked at her in the Eyes again. "What do you mean? I came in DEAD LAST. You think That's not Stupid to you!?"

She walked Closer to me. "Being Athletic isn't EVERYTHING. Everyone in the world is different Clyde." She said as she put her arm around me. "Come on I'll take you home."

I smiled a little at her. "Thanks Bebe." I said trying to cheer up, I didn't want to act sad around her. But I couldn't help it. "But That's why I don't even have a Girlfriend!" I told her. "Girls always prefer Athletic and Strong people, not Wimpy Weak Ones.

She looked at me again. "Really?..... Is that what you really think?..... You think that's the only thing in the world that Girls care about? Everyone on Earth is Special! Especially You!"

I looked at her as I started to feel less sad actually. "You-You think I'm..... Special?" I asked her.

"Of course!" She said back to me. "You have a great sense of Humor, you're very nice, and you're very smart!"

At this point, I actually started to Smile a little bit at her. At this point, I actually knew, she was right! If I just start to think about things I'm actually GOOD at, I start to realize that, I actually AM Special!

"Oh Yeah!" I said to her. If I just think about what I'm good at, I realize that I AM a very special person!"

She smiled more at me. "See? Everyone is special Clyde! We all have something to ourselves that  make us very special!"

I smiled more too. "Your right Bebe! In fact, I'm actually all Cheered up right now! Thanks to you!" I said as I started to Blush again at her, and I could also see that she was Blushing at me too!

She Giggled as we walked a little more.

"Besides, If I ONLY Cared about Athletic Boys, then why would I ever do something like this to you?" She then scooted Closer to me, and she gave me the BEST Present of all! She then wrapped her arms around me and Kissed me right in the lips! 

I was Super Shocked by this! The Cutest Girl I've ever know, just Kissed me! But I was SUPER Happy By this Too! I wrapped my arms around Her and Kissed her back. We started to Blush even more!

We Kissed and made out a little bit for a minute when our Lips finally Departed. Our cheeks were still Super Red!

I smiled at her. "Bebe, that felt nice."

She Giggled again. "I Love You Clyde, I've Always Felt this way about you! I think you have A LOT Of things that I really like! You're Cute, You're Funny, you're Smart, you have a lot of things that I Love about you!"

I touched my Heart as I made a silent Gasp. "I-I-I've honestly felt the same way about you too!"

Bebe Touched he Heart too. "You have!?"

"Yeah, I think you're super Cute, Adorable, Pretty, Beautiful and Gorgeous! You are the Girl Of My Dreams! I would've done anything to Date you!"

Bebe Giggled. "Well, Now we'll ALWAYS be together forever!" 

I Giggled at her. "I Love you."

She responded at me with a Simple Heartwarming "I Love You Too."

We then pulled each other in for a nice big tight Hug.

"Wanna spend some time at My House? It would be nice!" I asked her.

"SURE!" She said Excitedly.

We smiled more at each other as I took her hand and we happily walked home together.

The End!

Awww!!! What a very Cute Couple! A WELL Deserving Spot for my 2nd Favourite South Park Ship! So I hoped you all enjoyed my Valentine's Day Gift to you all, I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day! And I'll see you guys next time! Bye! Love You All! ❤️❤️❤️

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