I'll Make Your Month Better : Tokole

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Hey guys! It's ya boi WiiFanNumber12005! And Oh-Oh My God!!! OH. MY. GOD. IS-IS THIS EVEN REAL!? A-AM I NOT SEEING THINGS!?!?!?!?!?!? I HAVE FINALLY ADDED A NEW CHAPTER TO THIS BOOK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? N-No! It- It can't be! I haven't Added a New Chapter to this Book in A Year And A Quarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H-How is this Possible!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Well to give you guys an Answer, the cause for this Books extremely long Hiatus was a simple Interest Lost. During March of 2020, I just stopped focusing on South Park Ships and started focusing a lot more on Object Show Ships since I'm more a part of The Object Show Community. And because of this, I just simply took a Longer Than Planned Break from South Park Ships and even The Show! I was just focusing on Object Show Ships and I wasn't into South Park Ships and I honestly didn't know WHEN This Book would get a New Chapter! But then, on May 22nd, on The 208th Birthday Of The German Composer, Richard Wagner... I decided to Watch some South Park because Richard Wagner acts JUST LIKE Eric Cartman From South Park! If you're curious as to why he does, just let me know and I'll tell you! But ever since then, I have just been BINGE WATCHING A TON of South Park! I completely FORGOT how Insanely Addicting it was! And just like how I got back into it's Show, I got back into its Ships! :D Especially Tokole! Right before my Long Break from South Park and its Ships, during Black History Month of 2020, I decided to write a Story about Tokole for Black History Month! But unfortunately, since I was really Lazy and Sick at the time, I wasn't really motivated to continue writing the Story, and as soon as I lost interest, I just lost care for the Story all together! It wasn't until very recently when I found some Tokole when I was Watching South Park a few Days ago, and I remembered how Cute it was since I really Love Tokole! It's a Really Cute Ship! And of course! Within a few days of Writing thanks to my Motivation! We've FINALLY Made it to May 29th 2021! The Official Day I have FINISHED My Story and My South Park Book is Officially Re-Opened! :D So here it is! Enjoy! :D

Token sighed deeply as he walked towards the bench next to Stark's Pond. He had a very depressed look on his face.

February, which was Black History Month for the world, was coming to an end, and Token thought that it was just as terrible, if not even worse than last year.

Just like last Black History Month, or basically everyday of his life, His School or even his whole entire city barely did anything to support Token and his people, and he was always treated really poorly by a few of his friends. Particularly Eric Cartman.

As you all know, ever since they've known each other, Cartman has always made fun of Token for being Black, and thought it was funny. This always made Token really angry. He always found Cartman as a Racist Jerk who can't understand respect at all.

But when Black History Month came, Cartman was always at his WORST When it came to making fun of Token.

Usually during February, instead of Cartman just making fun of Token and calling him names, he would PRETEND To be nice to him, and whenever Mr. Garrison taught the class about Black History Month, Cartman would always try to get Token involved into whatever Mr. Garrison was talking about.

All of this obviously made Token really angry, but unlike other times when he would show his anger to Cartman, either in an emotional or a physical way, he actually didn't want to show any anger towards him, and he didn't know why. He must've thought that the disrespect Cartman gave him every February and the very bare amount the School and his friends even do to support him and his people, was so much worse than usual, that Token just couldn't absorb his Anger properly and just didn't do anything about it.

Token sighed again as he sat down on the Bench in the Park. Cartman always made his life a living Hell, but it was always so much worse during Black History Month. Because you're supposed to RESPECT Black People because THEY Are special too just like everyone else. But since Cartman seemed to never grow up or just simply never learn the basic laws of Respect, He just took his Rudeness to a whole new level, and all Token could do was just stay silent and VERY Sad.

"WHY Is my life like this!?" Token asked himself. "Like I know everyone feels like crap at least some point in their lives, but I've been dealing with all this sh*t for my WHOLE LIFE. Cartman will NEVER SHUT UP When he's around me. He ALWAYS Has to make fun of me! And none of my other friends seem to even CARE Most of the time!"

Token then stayed silent for a few more minutes before speaking to himself again.

"Man. IF ONLY I could wish just for once that they'd be in my shoes....."

Token was devastated.

But he couldn't really do anything about it. It was the weekend, and he didn't feel like going to any of the boy's houses because of how upset he was.

All he could do was just sit down in Stark's Pond and think about how his life is going. He stayed quiet most of the time, as he had no one to talk to, and no one to understand his really rough life.

"Why can't anything just go better?" Token said to himself.

Meanwhile Nichole was walking across the street from Stark's Pond, but at first Token didn't notice her, and she didn't notice Token either.

But as she turned her head around to get a quick glimpse at Stark's Pond, she saw Token sitting on a bench all by himself. Right now she thought that he was just sitting down enjoying the nature around him, because even though it was still February, there was barely any snow around.

Nichole stopped and looked at him more. She knew she was really good friends with Token after spending a whole night with him after Cartman locked them up in a Gym Room a few weeks ago.

Ever since then, Token and Nichole had been spending a lot of time together. They became really close friends and started hanging out a lot together. They would always sit together at lunch, sometimes they would have Play Dates, and sometimes they'd even take each other out for Dinner or Ice Cream sometimes.

All in all, Nichole really liked Token. She thought he was a really nice guy. She wrote about him a lot in her Diary, and She was pretty sure he was her best friend.

Driven by her huge friendship with him. She decided to cross the street and go sit with him. She was pretty excited.

"Hi Token." She said as she Bounced over to him.

Token looked up and saw that Nichole was walking to him. Token Smiled. He wanted to be ALL Alone this whole day. But Nichole would definitely be the ONLY Person he would wanna hang out with today.

"Hi Nichole. It's nice to see you." Said Token as she walked closer to him.

Nichole smiled more. "It's nice to see you too." She said as she walked over to the Bench.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

Token then made a bit of a different expression. "I'll tell you later." He said to her, "Wanna come and sit with me? It'd be nice to have some company out here."

Nichole smiled even more. "Sure!" She said a bit louder. "I'd love to sit with you in this beautiful nature!"

Token Giggled a little, then he scooted over to make more room for Nichole.

Nichole then sat down next to Token with a big smile on her face. She always loved hanging out with Token. He was such a nice guy, she felt like he was the Perfect person for her.

Token smiled back at her before looking down feeling a little shy. Which was rather unusual for Token since he doesn't really feel shy around anyone. Not even Girls. But something about Nichole just made him act and think a little bit different than his usual self. He didn't know what it was, but it wasn't really a big deal, so he just shrugged it off while still looking down.

Nichole also looked away and they both stayed silent for a few seconds before Nichole broke the silence.

"So uh, how have you been doing lately?" Nichole asked as she looked at him.

Token finally looked back at her. "Eh. It's been going alright." He answered. He didn't want to tell Nichole about the Drama about him and the Boys because he thought she was too nice to be involved in any Drama.

"What about you?" He asked her back.

"Eh, it's been going fine I guess." She responded. "Not very much has been happening lately..."

"Yeah, same here." Token responded before looking down again.

Nichole looked down too.

Now the Shyness and the Bullying was really starting to get to Token, since he worried that he was Boring Nichole by not talking or looking at her and just staying silent a lot.

A few minutes went by with us staying silent again, and at this point, Nichole started to notice my silence and found it rather unusual since she knew I wasn't really like this. So she finally broke the silence and said "Uh Token... May I ask you a question?"

I looked up at her again. "Oh of course." I responded."

"Why have you been so silent today? You're usually a pretty big talker, but today you've been... Offly silent for some reason... Is there anything wrong?" She said looking a little concerned.

I got a bit surprised and looked back down again "Oh... Well... The reason why I have been so silent today is because... Well... It's because of something that I've been Hiding from you because... I don't want you to be involved with it... You're too nice..."

Nichole then looked a little shocked but then smiled at me. "Aw Token, you don't have to leave me out of trouble if anything bad is happening to you. That's what friends are for! They're supposed to look out for each other!" She said as she put her Hand on my Shoulder. "I will help you with anything... No matter what..."

At this point I was starting to feel better and looked back and Smiled at her. She always cheered me up whenever I was in a Bad Mood. "Aw really? Thanks Nichole." I said to her, "I don't know what I would do without a friend like you."

She smiled back at me. "My Pleasure Token, I would do anything for you."

I smiled even more at her.

"So why are you so silent today Dude?" She asked me.

I then scratched the back of my head. "Well.........." I Sighed. "My February has been nothing but horrible. Just like all of my other Februaries.........."

"Oh really? Why? What happened?" She asked, concerned.

Token then looked at her a little Angirly. "Well, February is Black History Month, a Month where you HONOUR Black People. But does ANYONE at my School even do that this Month!? No! No one barely even DOES anything for Black History Month. And since you and I are the only African-Americans in our School, I just feel like.......... An Out Cast."

Nichole then looked at him worriedly. "Oh No Token! That's Awful!" She said to him.

"But that's not even THE WORST of it.......... Token said looking back at her.

She then looked even more worried "Oh No! What is it?" She asked him.

"...Cartman has made my entire LIFE a Living Hell! You already know that Cartman is a very Selfish and Racist Jerk who can't respect ANYONE for 1 Single Second. I am not exaggerating whenever I say that I am Eric Cartman's BIGGEST Punching Bag! Well, besides Kyle but you get the idea. He always treats me Horribly and makes me feel terrible about myself all the time... But February is when he's at his WORST to me! Not only is he extremely Rude and Racist to me like all the time, but since February is Black History Month, that only gives him AN ADVANTAGE to be an even BIGGER Douchebag! He will PRETEND to be nice to me even though I can obviously tell he's Faking it, and when Mr. Garrison was Teaching us a Story about a Famous Black Person, Cartman would ALWAYS try to get me involved into whatever Mr. Garrison was talking about!"

Token then sighed deeply. "I'm sick and tired of being everyone's Punching Bag, and a TOOL for Racist Jokes.......... I just want to have a normal fun life, and when Black History comes around, people of my Colour should be RESPECTED! Not insulted! I just want everything to be normal like the old days..." I said before looking down.

Nichole immediately gasped and Wrapped her Arms around him Extremely Tightly. Token was shocked because I wasn't expecting her to do that, but it made him feel better so he Hugged her back.

"Token that is TERRIBLE! I'm SO SORRY you have to go through with this! How long has this been happening to you!?" She said.

"About a few Years at most..." He responded.

Token could tell she was Heartbroken on the inside. She refused to let go of him. "Token I am so sorry for everything that's happened to you! I can only imagine how NIGHTMARISH it would be to be in your Shoes! The Girls aren't Racist and don't use me for Harmful Jokes, but they don't really do very much for me either. We usually treat each other equally, but I kind of feel like an Outcast too since like you said, The School barely does anything to support us."

Token thought she was the Sweetest person he ever knew outside of his Family, but she did feel like a Family member to him.

"Nichole..." I said as Token looked her in the eyes. "If you didn't come to this town and go to my School, I would've moved Schools by now. You help me through the toughest times of my life and I have no idea what I would do without you in my life. You're a Lifesaver to me..."

Nichole then touched her Heart. "Aw Token! It is my Pleasure to help you with anything! You're a very nice guy and you actually RESPECT Girls! Something that most of the Boys in our School don't do! You're Mature, you're Smart, you're an amazing person who in no way deserves any of this stuff! Token, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side all the time."

Everything she just said made him smile. "Thanks Nichole." Token responded. "You really know how to cheer me up in any situation! You always bring a smile to my face whenever I'm upset. You bring Sunshine and Rainbows to me when my World is a Rainy Stormy Day."

Nichole smiled even more. "Anything for you Token!" She said as she Giggled at me. But then... She said something that completely shocked me and changed the situation completely!"

"Oh, and I forgot how much of a Cute Gentleman you are." She responded as she Giggled again.

At this point, the smile on Token's face disappeared and my face went Red. He quickly turned away from her and looked back down on the ground shocked after hearing what she just said to him...........

"What did she mean by that?" Token thought to himself. It was a nice compliment but her calling me a "Cute Gentleman" really threw me off... What did she mean?

Then he thought of something that I have thought of before, but didn't really explore too much of it. "Does she... Does she like me?" He thought. "I didn't really think about this question too much because, well, it's very Hypothetical but now that I'm thinking about it a lot more... I'm actually starting to put some pieces together. She is very nice to me and she hangs out with me a lot. So... Could she possibly have a Crush on me? I kind of have a Crush on her before because I do think she's really Cute and Beautiful, but again, I never really thought too much about it because I was really shy, and thought I might make her uncomfortable if I told her if she liked someone else, and thought that people might roll their eyes seeing Black Couple in The 21st Century in a Town full of White People, but after she just called me a Cute Gentleman and neither of us would care what other people will think of us... I think that I should finally confess to her about my feelings because now my desire for her has expanded even more. She's the perfect person for me. She makes me happy, she comforts me, she always cheers me up whenever I'm in a bad mood, and she's actually someone outside of my Family who CARES FOR ME."

After all of that thinking, I finally built up enough confidence and courage to tell her about my Love for her. "Alright..." I thought to myself. "I'm finally ready... It's now or never..."

And finally... After a few minutes of silence... Token finally spoke to her again.

"Listen, thanks again Nichole for cheering me up. You're a really nice friend."

"Oh my pleasure." Nichole responded.

I then looked at her. "But can I ask you a question?"

"Ask me anything!" Nichole said as she looked back at him.

"Well.......... How am I a "Cute Gentleman" to you?" Token said as he looked away Blushing again.

And that's when I saw that SHE was Blushing too! As soon as I saw her Red Cheeks, my Heart started beating faster.

"Oh um... Uh- well..." She said trying to hide her Blushing. "I-I-It's hard to explain but, I-I don't know I-I just think you're a Cute Gentleman... You're a very nice guy, you respect me and all the other Girls, and you're Mature and Smart..."

And then... Right after she said that... She said THIS to me.

"Well, agh, Token... I have something to tell you that I've wanted to tell you for a long time..."

Token's Heart started beating faster and faster from all of the excitement and suspense building up! He KNEW She liked him back! And tried as hard as he could to prevent himself from exploding, let alone, move and jump like crazy! "Y-Y-Yes!?" Token asked her excitedly.

"I-I-I have a Crush on you." She said before she Blushed and Covered her Face Giggling."

As soon as I heard those Words, Token just wanted to Blow up the entire "Planet! I KNEW IT! YES!"

Nichole Giggled even more and after Token said those words in that tone, she uncovered her Face and looked at him. "So you- you like me back!?" She asked him, ready to cry tears of happiness.

"Yes!" Token said back, feeling The Happiest he ever was in a February! "Ever since we became friends I've had a Crush on you! You're so Beautiful and Cute! And you Cheer me up and comfort me whenever I'm upset! You always make me happy and bring smiles to my face no matter what!"

After hearing those words, Nichole touched her Heart and started Crying! "Oh My God TOKEN! That's Amazing! But why didn't you tell me earlier she asked him."

Token, with his Face still extremely Red just like Nichole's simply went into a Big Emotional Speech! "Well, I didn't really explore too much into the thought since I was obviously very shy and worried if I made you uncomfortable if I told you that stuff if you liked someone else, and I obviously wondered if people would roll their eyes at a Black Couple in The 21st Century in a Town full of White People, but after you said those words to me, my Love for you just expanded! I had a Feeling you liked me and I don't care if people get annoyed by us and our stereotypes. The Heart wants what the Heart wants, and my Heart wants you because I Love you more than anything in the World!"

And Token finished off the Speech with "So Nichole Daniels.........." He then stretched my Hand out. "Will you be my Girlfriend?" Token said as he looked her in the eyes.

And then, the most MAGICAL Moment of my life happened!

After hearing that Speech, Nichole nodded her head trying to stop crying. "YES!!! YES PLEASE TOKEN!!!" She said as she Hugged and Kissed him for an entire Minute!

Token felt like he was on top of the WORLD! Above EVERYONE who made fun of him when she gave him that Hug and Kiss! It was like NOTHING He ever felt in his life before! He enjoyed every single second of it! He instantly Hugged and Kissed her back feeling like I just got rewarded with The Greatest Gift he could ever ask for. After Dealing with all of that Bullying and Racism for Years, Token finally won The Girl of his Dreams! And he couldn't be any happier!

After that Beautiful Minute, their Lips Departed as they looked each other in their Gorgeous Eyes. She Nuzzled him and Buried her Face into him as he Cuddled her on The Bench. She Cuddled him back and Kissed him again.

"Token..." She said Panting. "That was the most Beautiful and Amazing Moment in my entire life!"

"Mine too Babe..." Token said as he Nuzzled her.

"I'm so happy we both Love each other! I promise we'll be together forever and NOTHING will ever separate us! I don't care what anyone else says or thinks. I wanna be with you my whole life because I Love you just as much as I Love my Family... You're that important to me.......... And whenever something goes wrong again, all you need to do is tell me and I'll easily fix it... I Love you more than anything..."

"Aw Me too Baby..." Token said as he Patted her Back. And you know what? You already have!"

"R-Really?" She responded.

"Of course!" Token said to her. You have just made this The BEST Day of my Life! You turned my Worst Black History Month into my BEST History Month! You just made my whole entire LIFE better! And I don't even think I'll ever get sad or angry for the rest of my life! Because I have you by my side and you mean more to me than anything... I Love you very much Nichole... You are the most Beautiful and Perfect Girlfriend I could ever ask for... Thank you for EVERYTHING you've done for me..."

"Aw same to you Baby!" She said to him. You also just made my Life Infinity times better! I promise we'll be together forever. I Love you too... Thank YOU for everything you've done for me..." She then Closed her eyes and leaned on him.

Token Closed his eyes and leaned on her too. They spent the next few minutes Cuddling in the Beautiful Sun feeling only one Emotion... Happiness...

And while all of that was happening... CARTMAN was across the Street taking PICTURES AND VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh....... My.......... God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He said trying not to Scream and go Crazy!

"That is the most ADORABLE thing I've ever seen in my life! Well done you two..." He said as he started to Cry.

Then, Cupid Cartman appeared next to him. "We did it Buddy... Our lives are complete!

They both watched in Awe as they watched them Cuddle in the Sun.

But this was easily THE BEST Day of Token and Nichole's Lives! They FINALLY Confessed their Feelings to each other and won each other's Hearts! And NOTHING will ever take them away from each other! They will be together even after the end of time!

The End!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww what a Cute Ship! I Love this Ship so much!!! Alright everybody, well there you go! The South Park Book has officially Returned! :D Lol, I REALLY wanted to Surprise you guys with This Chapter! Think about it! All of a sudden, after A Year And A Quarter of This very small Book only having Two Chapters SUDDENLY RETURNS!? XDDDDDDDDDD I KNOW that Surprised everyone! And it certainly did for me too! Because again, I didn't know what I was gonna do with this Book at this Point! So Writing, Finishing and PUBLISHING a NEW Chapter after 15 Months was TOTALLY AWESOME and UNEXPECTED! :D Now will this Book get More Chapters More Frequently? Well I'm afraid we're gonna have to wait and see for that... Because right now, I don't really have any South Park Stories in mind right now, so I'm afraid we'll just have to wait and see this Book's Future for now. But even if I don't Continue this Book, I would say that This Story was a VERY Strong Conclusion to it as well as its Triumphant Final Return! So we will see what happens to this Book in the Future. I obviously wanna stay hopeful that this ISN'T The Last South Park Story from me! But we'll just have to wait and see! So until then, goodbye, have a great Day and I'll see you guys tomorrow! Bye! Love you all! :)))))))))) :DDDDDDDDDD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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