Bài Nói Tiếng Anh.

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1. Tráng Linh
Hello everyone,I'm Trang Linh- leader of Group 7. Today, me and my members will tell you something about: "The changing roles in society." Like you already know, nowaday,our society has been change so much. Everything are more modern and more civilized. it also means human rules are developing very fast. Apparentlly, there is a big change in citizen's role. Back to the past, about 10 years ago, people wasn't have as much power as nowaday. The goverment control almost of thing that happend in daily life. And yet, you must have permission to do like almost everything too! The life was so boring and suffocating But now, there wasn't like those old day anymore. Our gorverment are perform a new policy. They are more opening and "friendly" with us. They even let you tell them about what do you think about the society and trying to make it better. Citizen nowaday have a big role in the way we develop our country, so as a Vietnam's citizen i hope you'll try your best to make our motherland proud.
Thank you for listening! Next person will be PhuongB.
2. Phương B
(Greeting Stuff do it by yourself lofl)
i will tell you about the changing role in society of women. Like you know, from the past, women dont have any power in society. Most of them must stay home, being a housewife and depent on their husband. Wosrt, people even see them as a gift, or as a item that could buy easily. That sound really terrible, isn't it? But how lucky, everything changed now. From early 20th century, women rules/ women power or as know as "feminist" are develop very fast. The old generation have been fight alot for they next gen. The result- well as you can see: Nowaday women have more power, they equaly as men. Alot of them even become big character such as Tong Thi Phong, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan or Hilary Clinton. They make this world move to another time: " Woman's Time". Thank you for listening, next is Oanh.

3. Oanh

I will tell you about mens changing role in society . In the past, men are rule or as know as "Men's World". They own and control everything, they're the breadwinner.they even had more love and attention since they was born. People in old society always want a son than a daughter. That's not fair at all. But now everything have been change . Nowaday, lot of men decide to become a House- husband. They will do all the housework, look after their kids instead of the wife. There is no more Men's World. Thank you for listening.
4. Công

I will tell you about  the changing role in society of school. As you know, school is very important to us. That's where we learn everything to become a good person. From the past, the concept :"go to school" not as popular as nowaday. People will very admire if you're a student or a teacher. Especially when you're a teacher, everyone will respect you. But there're always the distance between teacher and student. And student must always follow what teacher say. It's really boring isn't it? But Manh will tell you some brand- new thing in the future.

5. Mạnh

I'll continue Cong's work. So now, everything is changed so much. Nowaday, school still a big part of society but the distance between teacher and student is smaller.  Student dont have to follow every word teacher said. Teacher now more like a guide man will give you necessary information so you can slove your proplems by yourself. Morever, selfl- learning will be the main way for learning. There are also appear more type of school like: International school, Goverment school, some student even study at home. Thank you for listening.

6. An.

 I'll tell you about the changing role of robot in our society. In  the past, robot just cujtool to help us in hard and dangerous work. But now, everything is changed. Robot now can do a lot of thing like human such as: " cooking, sing,playing chess.ect." Some of them even smarter than human like: Sophia- a "female" robot that can have her own mind and emotion. That was a huge change and a big step of human technology.In the future, robots might become a important part of society but let's make sure that they won't destroy human.
Thank you for listening! That was all our opinion about " The changing role in the future". Hope you enjoy all of it.

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