Chapter 1:The dragon,the dream and the disgraced princess

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Hiro's Pov

It's been a year since me and the girls started dating now we're almost done with middle school. I enrolled Mythra and Ikaros last year.  I had the weird dream last night some guy who said he was my dad.


I find myself in a dark abyss floating around aimlessly then I hear someone call out to me.

???:Hello Hiro.

Me: Hello? Who are you?

???:You may not recognize me since you were a baby when you last saw my but I have watched over you as you grew up.

Me:we met before?

???:Yes My name is Gito and I'm your father Hiro.

Me:Then where have you been for most of my life.

Gito:A few days after you were born someone tried to attack you and your mother I managed to beat them, but that was only to get rid of me they banished me to a dimension  which I can not escape.

Me:Well what are you exactly for people to want you gone.

Gito: I am a Demi God and a powerful one one which even the strongest god can not defeat, which is why they used this under handed trick to get rid of me.

Me: Does that mean I'm a Demi God as well.

Gito: no you are mortal like your mother.

Me:oh I see.

Gito: You may be a normal mortal but you did get my inate sense of battle, you know what to do in a fight.

Me:So that's why I'm able to us Mythra's sword so easily.

Gito:Yes it's impressive you have the aegis with you and that angeloid.

I look at my hand and see I staring to disappear.

Gito:It seems you starting to wake up now , but son I have given you something that will help you in the future a power that is yours but someone else's.

Me:The power of myself and someone else.

Gito:The other person is created from a piece of your soul she will soon awaken and seek you out but don't be confused my son she represents your power infact she is your power.

I see myself fading even more.

Gito: Maybe when I can contact you again until then my son take care.

Ikaros: Good morning master.


Me: Ikaros what are you doing?

Ikoras:I was told by Dizzy to wake you up.

Me:But do you have to wake me up like that.

Me:But thanks for waking me up. So come on let's get something to eat.

Ikaros:Okay master.

Time skip

After we finish eating Dizzy asked me and Ikaros to get some more food from the store but something was at the door.

It was a dragon.

Me:What in the hell.

Ikaros:Master do you wish for me to get rid of it.

Me:Um I'm not sure

Dragon: tada!!!!!



Dragon: Hello Hiro-Sama

She then looks at ikaros and gets angry for some reason.

Dragon:Hiro are you cheating on me!!!!

Ikaros: Detecting hostility.

Ikoras materialize her armor.

Ikaros:Who ever you are I will not allow you to harm my master.

They flew into the sky and started to fight. The dragon girl rushed at ikaros but Ikoras hit her with a somersault.

Ikaros started preparing one of her Apollo arrows.

that's not good if she fires that this city is done for.

Me: Ikoras that's enough stand down.

Ikaros:But master she tried to attack you.

Me:Yes but what I wanna know is why she thinks I'm cheating on her I don't have other girlfriends other than you, Dizzy and Mythra.

Ikoras: I'm sorry master.

Me: It's okay Ikoras I'm thankful for you protecting me. So thank you.

Ikaros: Thank you master. I love you.

Me:I love you too my angeloid. Now Ms. Dragon why were you attacking us and what was about it me cheating on you I already have three girlfriends so how how do you know me and who are you.

Tohru:My name is Tohru and will you basically saved me I was stabbed with a god sword and you pulled it out.

Me: Hhhhhmmmm

I started to think about it.

Me:Oh yeah I remember it was the the time me and Mythra were training I had found you injured when I was looking around after our training session. So why are you here?

Tohru: I came to work for you as a maid I learned that alot of humans find maids to be very helpful and well I'm in love with you for saving my life.

Me:How can you say that when we just met. Well you'll have to talk to Dizzy and Mythra about a relationship with you already met Ikoras. I'm not starting anything that will hurt their feelings.

Tohru: Okay.

Me:We need to gett ingredients for Dizzy for dinner.

Tohru: I'll come too.

Time Skip

Me:Is that everything on the list?

Ikaros:Yes master we have everything Dizzy ask for.

Me: Okay. But Ikoras what's with the watermelon.

Ikoras:I just wanted one.

Me: for what?
She was just petting the watermelon.


Me: You hear that?
Ikaros:Yes it's someone crying master.

Tohru: Should we check it out.

Me: yes someone needs help at least.

We followed the sound of the crying and found a white hair girl she looked like royalty.

Me:Hey you okay?

She looked at me with a disgusted look.

???:What is you want can't you see I want to be left alone.

Me:Eh I can see that but I wanna know why you were crying.

???:I don't need to tell you my business.

Me:You don't need to get your panties in a bunch I just wanna help.

???:If you wanna help leave me alone.

Me:Hmmmm let me think about that. Nope.

???:What do you mean nope. Do you know who I am, I am Noelle Sylvia of the Sylvia family.

Me:Yeah that's the thing I don't care if you're a noble or not I'm just trying to find out why a pretty girl like you is crying.

She blushed a little when I called her pretty.

Noelle:(sigh) Fine if you want to know I'm a disgrace to my family, my siblings look down on me for not being able to control my magic.

Me:Well I can't really help you with your magic since I have none.

Noelle: Of course a peasant like you wouldn't have magic.

I just roll my eyes.

Me: Whatever you say princess. If you want your siblings to respect you, you have to prove them wrong.

Noelle:How can I my magic never hits it's target and it's hard to control.

Me:The come with me, Ikoras and Tohru we'll help you learn to control your magic.

Noelle got up as the four of us headed to the house.

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