Chapter 2

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Racing through the forest barefoot, a twelve year old Norman jumped over the fallen logs, rocks and tree roots with ease. He was covered head to toe in dirt. The wind played with his now long hair. If anyone compared him to the five year old boy that first entered the woods, they would've thought they were two completely different people. Still the same person though. Just one was more feral. Norman was about as wild as the animals who lived in the forest with him.

Skidding to a stop in a leaf covered clearing, Norman looked around. Closing his eyes, he breathed in the fresh air. It was amazing being out in the woods. One felt so free out here. The child never even thought about leaving the place he called home now. To be honest, he forgotten what it was like living in society. He hadn't seen any humans in years. In other words, he was utterly alone out here with no one to talk to.

Actually, scratch that. That last part isn't entirely true.

Trees shaking caught Norman's attention. His eyes snapping open, the twelve year old boy whirled around. However, there was nothing there. Nothing was behind him but trees and bushes. But that couldn't be true, right? Squinting his eyes, Norman scanned the area where the noises had come from. At first he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Then he saw the edge of a red fanned tail sticking out from underneath some bushes. Giggling, Norman tilted his head to the side and called softly, "Tiberius."

Emerging from the trees he had been hiding behind, Tiberius shook his head as he approached Norman. The large dragon lowered himself to the ground, wagging his tail happily. Laughing, the twelve year old boy bounded over to the dragon's chest and hugged his long neck. Purring, the dragon rasped his tongue gently over the boy's long hair. Then he got up, stretching his wings out as far as he could in the space they were in. Getting the message, Norman grinned and declared, "Race ya to the cliff!" With that, he took off running.

Everything was a blur as Norman ran. He could hear Tiberius running after him. Meanwhile, he was getting closer to the cliff he was talking about. It was just a couple of yards up ahead. The child glanced over his shoulder, flashing a smile at the dragon chasing him. Turning back around, he howled in delight as he jumped off the cliff, plummeting towards the ground way down below. Spreading his wings, Tiberius followed him down. Everything grew quiet.

Then Tiberius shot back up into the air with Norman riding safely in between his shoulders.

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