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The room went completely silent when the announcer said my name. I looked back to see if Allegra was there, but she disappeared. The announcer urged me forward with his head and a stern face. I looked back and sighed, beginning my descent. I felt that glances of shock weigh me down. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I can feel them flushing a bright pink. I glance around the end of the stairs, seeing my father, I took the stair a little faster. I reached the end and every one by then had returned to chattering, but I heard bits and pieces. Most were about me. Father looked cheerful and lively, chatting with a man and woman dressed in dark blue.

I walked up behind my father, with the fakest smile I could muster. I might be home, but as of right now, I was not met to fit in. I held my opinions in when I saw the front side of the woman my father was talking to. Her dress hung low around her shoulders, showing more than it probably should. The man beside her keeping glancing at her and I began to feel very uncomfortable. The woman didn't notice, if she did, she did a very good job at hiding it. I ignored their whole conversation, really I was looking for Leon but I nodded every once and while to what they were saying. Even though it was all muffled, went in one ear and out the other.

Few people flooded in after their presence was announced. I still hadn't found Leon yet. It had been at least half an hour since I came in. I had drifted away from my father and his conversations about the betrothal. Though I had heard the word before, it didn't seem super important or meant for me to really listen, so I snuck away. I was now by one of the tables looking at the food options. Some of these things I have never seen or heard of before. I was going to try one thing, so I let my hand slowly move over that why but then shrunk back because I didn't actually know what it was. So I continued to study the food, trying to make some connection to what it actually might be.

"You know you can eat right?" A voice said from behind me.


I turned around, "Well I don't know what any of these are and you seem to be an expert, your Highness," I said facing him and crossing my arms.

"Please, just call me Leon," he said.

I acted like I was thinking about it, "Well Leon, don't you think you could have at least mentioned you were a prince or something?" I asked unfolding my arms from across my chest.

"We haven't know each other that long, and it never had the chance of being brought up," he said, staring me down.

"Oh you must have forgotten the five years you watched the Empire abuse me, sorry, I didn't realize your brain was so small," I said, in more of a forceful tone.

Something seemed to bother him, his eyes glanced down my body. He ignored what I had said, and grabbed my hand. We darted across the floor, only slowing down to give a few nods along the way. Once we were completely out of the Banquet Hall, Leon forced me to move faster.

"Leon stop," I said, trying to move his hand off my wrist.

He said nothing and sped up. He opened a door and pushed me inside, then closed the door silently behind him after he had walked in. It was pitch black until Leon switched on the lights and then advanced towards me. His eyes glazed down, studying my face and every inch. Then he looked back up and into my eyes.

"I never forgot your screams, when they injected things into you that they didn't even know what it was. I never forgot, when you cried yourself to sleep. I never forgot when you kept cutting yourself when they gave you your food every day. North, I can't forget that type of stuff, and I can't get you out of my head." he paused, to take a breath, "North, I watched as they whipped you because the test serums didn't work on you, I had to sit there and laugh along when they threw stuff at you because you meant more the Empire than they did. North, I remember it all," He said, dragging his hands over my shoulders.

I didn't know what to say to that. He knew it all.

He took one handoff and ran it through his hair. "North, I am going to do something, but after it you can leave, kill me. I don't care what. But I have to do this, I have to know," He said placing on hand on my cheek, holding me there.

He leaned down and our lips met. I had never felt something so passionate yet desperate at the same time. I have never been kissed. But it wasn't just the part that he was kissing me, it was the fact that we were doing it in a library. I didn't know how to respond but my body did. My body kissed him back, one hand wrapped around his shoulder another in his hair. He cupped my cheeks with both hands, deepening the kiss. It was absolutely magical. I had never felt so much at one time before. Leon made it seem so easy to just come to him, to do this with him. I had never thought I would even get to this ever. It was more of a surprise. Probably the best one I would ever have.

He broke the kiss, I took a deep breath in through my mouth. He ran his hand through his hair. I staggered back. He stared at me blankly and I touch my hand to my lips. He gave me a small smile like I was supposed to know what that meant? It had been my first day here in the ENclave and Leon had to make it so difficult. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. What did Leon expect?

"Please say something North," Leon whispered, slowly walking towards me.

"What am I to say? I honestly think the kiss was enough to say plenty," I said placing a hand on top of my head.

"North, you kissed me back? What does that mean?" he asked.

To that, I had no answer.

He pulled me around, so I had to face him.

"What did your kiss mean in the first place?" I asked.

"I have known you for longer than you think, and your comment about me forgetting drove me crazy. North, I've been there through it all. So I guess that kiss meant I was here for you," he said, pulling me closer to him.

A storm seemed to be brewing in the pit of my stomach, and I didn't have any control of it anymore.

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Chapter Question: Who liked the kiss?

Opinionated Question: Who expected the kiss?


Word Count: 1,166

Started: Feb. 19th, 2021

Finished: Feb. 19th, 2021

Edited: ######


Wow, three chapters in a day and there might even be a forth!

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