Chapter 15

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"So you came here accidentally?" Aster said after Azalea explained to her the whole story

"Yeah." Azalea replied

"And you don't know how to go back?" Aster asked

"Yeah, well technically there is one way and that's the official portal." Azalea replied

"But you can't use that. That's impossible." Aster replied

"Yeah. I figured that out already." Azalea replied

"So what are you going to do now?" Aster asked

"Well it's obvious they will know that I am gone and sooner or later someone will come looking for me." Azalea replied

"You can't be sure. They surely can't use the official portal just like us." Aster said

"Nope I'm pretty sure. My dads a portal owner so he will figure something out." Azalea replied

"Then wanna stay with me? It'll be fun. I'll tell everyone you are my cousin whose visiting from the country side!" Aster said excitedly

"Can I?!" Azalea asked

"Sure. My mother won't mind. She's busy with her work anyway, so it wouldn't bother her. And my brothers away for a year due to his training, so it'll be nice to have someone." Aster replied

"Thanks!" Azalea said as she smiled

"Great. I'll show you around. We are going to have so much fun!" Aster said excitedly


After a few days-

"Just where the hell am I? It's so freaking hot.....I feel like dying." Wren said to himself as he was crossing a desert.

The tracking device had lead him into a desert.
'When will this desert end?! It's so hot and I'm so thirsty!' He thought as he still continued to walk


"Ah! Brain freeze!" Azalea said as she pressed her forehead using her hands. She and Aster were drinking the special cold iced juices. It had been a few days now and they had become close friends. Azalea was having so much fun in Melancholia because of Aster who was showing her around.

"This really is cold isn't it?" Aster said as she took another sip

"You are the one who wanted to become cold from the inside by drinking this." Azalea said

"Well it's good to freeze yourself from the inside from time to time." Aster replied

"I see that's why you have a frozen brain that doesn't work." Azalea joked as she chuckled


Three days later-

It had been three days since Wren was crossing the desert. He had found a group of people crossing the desert and had joined them till they get out of it.
The desert is the hottest during the day but at night it's the coldest. And that's exactly what was happening right now. It was so freezing cold.

'What is up with this stupid weather? I can't wait to find her quickly and go back home. I wonder what she is doing right now......' he thought as a cold wind blew and he shivered, 'It's cold.'


"Ah! This hot cocoa is the best!" Azalea said as she took a sip of hot chocolate from the mug

She and Aster were sitting in the lounge. They were watching a movie along with eating snacks and drinking hot chocolate.

"I'm really glad you are here Azalea. I've never had a friend and I've always been alone in the house. Mum has always been busy with her work and brother is busy with his training. I know it's only been around two weeks since you came here, but I really feel like you are like the sister I never had!" Aster said as she hugged Azalea

"Aww Aster! Same here! You too are like the sister I never had." Azalea replied. Suddenly she remembered Asters words in which she said two weeks. "Wait what? It has been two weeks?!" She said as she sounded shocked

"Yeah. Why?" Aster asked

"It's strange. No one has come to get me. Maybe I should really sneak into the official portal." Azalea said

"No way. Just relax. Someone will be here. If not then you can stay here with me!" Aster said

"I appreciate the thought Aster, but I should go back." Azalea replied

"What's waiting for you there? And if you go back you won't be able to come back forever. And then we won't be able to see each other." Aster said

"I won't be able to come back here forever?" Azalea said as she started thinking if she'd ever again get a chance to come back here

"Yes. And if they come and take you, who knows what they are going to do to you! You said that opening a portal is illegal in your place. And I'm pretty sure they all believe that you opened up the portal. If they find that out, who knows what they might do to you. And I don't mean to sound selfish, but there might be again some uproar between the two worlds because of this. And if they all find out that you were living here with me, who knows what they might do to-....." Aster suddenly stopped speaking. She then said, "You know what I am saying, right?"

"I get what you are saying but I have to go back." Azalea replied as she still felt hesitant

"If you go back, it'll cause an uproar. Both the councils will know about this. And besides you said that you have always wanted to come here. It was your dream. And now your dream is finally true, so live it. Go with your heart. And just live life to the fullest. If you are here, then that means you were sent here for a reason. And that means you should stay here. I mean, haven't you always wanted to come here? To see what the other world was like? If you go back, they are all again going to say no to teach you how to open up a portal and they won't let you come here again. It's because that's what they want. They don't want these two worlds to be opened. You will only be restricted back there. But here, no one is going to stop you. You can follow your dream." Aster said as she tried to convince Azalea to stay with her forever

"I know....and maybe you are right. It wouldn't hurt to stay here a bit longer because after all who knows when I'll get the next chance to come here." Azalea replied

"Great! Tomorrow we will head to the mountains. You will have a lot of fun!" Aster said as she smiled


The next day-

'I'm finally out of the desert! Finally!' Wren thought to himself, as he was now in some kind of a village along with the group he was travelling with.

"Are you sure you will be fine from here on out?" The leader of the group asked Wren

"Yes, thank you so much for your help." Wren replied

"It was no problem. Besides it was nice having someone strong as you to help us. Where are you headed?" He asked

Wren thought to himself whether he should tell him the truth or not. And then he thought, 'Ah well whatever. It wouldn't hurt to tell the truth.'
"I'm actually looking for someone." Wren replied

"Looking? For who?" He asked

"A girl. Have you seen her?" Wren said as he showed a photo of Azalea

" But you know, you might want to go to the royal city. It's the centre of Melancholia." He replied

"The royal city? Thanks!" Wren said

"By the way, why are you looking for her? Who is she?" He asked

"Umm....well we are childhood friends from the same town. And day she went to some other city but she never came back. And I searched that whole city, and she was no where to be found. She never really had any sense of direction and would always get lost." Wren tried to make up a story so that he would believe it

"I see. Well if you go to a city from the town, most people get lost. It's because the city is like a whole different place. They have these all new advanced things while the town or the villages are still living in the old ages. If she got lost in a city, then I'm pretty sure she must be in the royal city. Because all cities connect to the royal city. By the way, where are her parents? Were they not with her?" He asked

"Err....actually her parents are dead. And she lives with her old grandpa. And since he couldn't go look for her, he sent me." Wren again lied

"I see. Well good luck. I hope you find her. Although, if you decide to give up, you can always join my group. We are traders who travel all through Melancholia. And we could use someone like you." He said

"Thanks for the offer. But I am not planning on giving up!" Wren replied

"Okay then, see you! Come find me if you ever change your mind!" He said as he started walking away with his group

'He actually believed what I said! Guess the cities must really be different from the villages. I'm so good at making up stories. Maybe I should become a writer!' Wren thought to himself as he smirked. Just then his transmission device ringed. He checked to see a message.
'Go to the Royal City. From there it will be easy to track her down. And hurry up. It's been more than two weeks. We have told everyone here that Azalea has gone to train with her dad, while you have gone to buy something's for your dad from the Main Royal City. Best of luck!'

'Royal City, huh? I should hurry up. It is actually taking a lot of time.' Wren thought to himself as he started heading off towards the Royal City.


A few days later-

"It's so much fun in these mountains! Seriously, the last few days have been the best days ever!" Azalea said as she was hiking 

"How are you so fast as it? Wait for me!" Aster said who was far behind

"It's because I was trained!" Azalea replied as she looked like she was just taking a stroll in the park

"You know, I'm still thinking about how tasty that food was!" Aster said

"You are always thinking about food. Don't come crying to me when you gain weight." Azalea replied as she stopped walking and was waiting for Aster to reach her

"I won't! Also you have to admit, that was tasty. After we are done with this, I'm getting more of that!" Aster replied as she finally reached near Azalea

"Sure, it was so tasty. I can't wait to eat more of that!" Azalea replied as she again started hiking


"Stupid Mountains! When are they ever going to end?!" Wren thought to himself as he was hiking on to a mountain to reach the other side. Someone told him that on the other side of this mountain was the Royal City.

Just then his stomach growled.
"And I'm so hungry!" He said.
'Just where are you Azalea? If it wasn't her who came here, I would have never ever gone through so much trouble. I just hope she's fine. Although I do know she will be fine. She can handle herself.' He said as he looked at locket that he was wearing which was a gift by Azalea

Wren finally finished hiking and as soon as he got on the top, he felt like he stepped foot on something. He looked down to find his foot on the tail of a monkey. The monkey did not look happy and immediately attacked Wren.
"Sorryyy!" Wren said loudly as he dodged and ran away from the monkey


"Azalea, come on. It's time to go." Aster said to Azalea who looked like she was deep in thoughts

"Azalea?" She said again as she saw Azalea looking back at something


"Yeah...did you hear anything? I think I heard someone say sorry." Azalea said

"Sorry?" Aster laughed and then said, "You ears must be ringing. I didn't hear anything. Come on, it's time to go back home."

"Hmm...I thought that sounded kind of familiar. Well never mind, let's go." Azalea said as she thought, 'That sounded like Wren. But it couldn't be, right? He wouldn't be here. I guess I'm going crazy.'


The next day-

Azalea and Aster were in the market place. Today they decided to go shopping since Azalea didn't have any more clothes to wear and she couldn't wear Asters clothes because they didn't fit her. Before today, she was borrowing her mothers clothes.

"Look look! Doesn't this look pretty? I'm sure you will look great if you wear this!" Aster said as she held out shirt

"Yeah it is nice. But I've already bought this. I had similar clothes like this back at home. So I guess I was just kind of attracted towards them." Azalea replied as she showed her the new clothes she bought which she was now wearing 

"Oh that's great! You know you just fit right in. Nobody knows where you are from. And it's perfect!" Aster said

"Well that is because we all are similar. Also the difference between Euphorians and Melancholians is in their physical and mental strengths along with technology advancements. Don't mind it but we are far more stronger than you guys." Azalea replied as she smirked

"Yeah yeah. I get it." Aster replied as she looked around. "Oh let's go look at that stall over there." She said as she pointed to a jewellery stall nearby


"Yeah sure...." Azalea replied as she looked at the stall but then she saw Wren standing near the stall talking to the salesperson. She immediately hid behind a nearby tree.

"Huh? What's wrong? Why are you hiding?" Aster asked as she also hid behind the tree as a reflex

"Oh shit! That's Wren. What's he doing here?" Azalea said to herself out loud

"Wren? Who's Wren?" Aster asked as she was confused

'What is he doing here? Oh! He must have come looking for me! Wait a minute, why the hell am I hiding?!' Azalea thought to herself

"Hello? Excuse me? Just who is that guy, Azalea?" Aster asked

"That's Wren. He's my friend. I guess he must have come here looking for me. I have to go tell him I'm here." Azalea said as she tried to go towards Wren but was stopped by Aster

"Wait wait. Hold on a minute! You are saying he's from Euphoria?" Aster asked

"Yeah. I just said that." Azalea replied

"Then he's from your like squad thingy?" Aster asked

"Yeah, why are you asking me this? Let me go. I have to go tell him I'm here." Azalea replied

"Azalea, if you go to him, he will take you back right at this moment. Do you want that? Are you going to leave just like that?" Aster asked

"No...but he's Wren. And he's probably worried about me. And....who knows for how long he has been looking for me!" Azalea replied as she looked over to see Wren talking to some guy

"Azalea, you don't know if he's gonna hand you over to the council or not. You can't be sure about that." Aster asked as she was worried

"No, I'm sure he would never do something like that." Azalea replied

"Sorry, but I don't trust him. And I don't want you leaving just like that, out of nowhere. So we are going home. I'm sure you also have things you want to do in Melancholia, and if you went back, you would never be able to do that. So let's go. We can find him when you really want to go home." Aster said as she started dragging Azalea back to the house

"But...." Azalea said as she thought, 'Things I want to do. Well there are things that I want to do here. And it's true that I'll never ever get a chance to come back here. And I haven't even seen everything properly. He is here too soon. But....I don't like leaving him like that. He must have gone through so much trouble. I get why Aster doesn't want me to go. She will become lonely once I'm gone, and I don't want that for her. What should I do?'


"Excuse me. I'm looking for someone. Can you help me?" Wren asked a person who was selling jewellery

Wren has finally reached the Royal City and it was completely different from the rest of Melancholia. It was a lot more advanced.

"Yes. How may I help you?" The seller asked.
The people of Melancholia although were very busy and looked like they did not care about anything except their jobs, were actually really nice and helpful. They welcomed everyone open heartedly and treated everyone with kindness.

"I'm looking for this girl. Have you seen her?" Wren said as he showed him a picture of Azalea

"Red hair....hmm I think I have seen her in this market just now." He replied

"For real?!" Wren said loudly as he felt relieved, "Where?" He asked

"She was shopping with some other girl a while ago. I wonder where they went." He replied

"Other girl? Do you know who the other girl is?" Wren asked

"Oh I don't know her name. But I've seen her here many times. She lives nearby and has a short height. Also she has blonde hair and blue eyes." He replied

"Oh thank you so much! I really appreciate this! Finally!" Wren said as he smiled and then went to ask someone else if they know that blonde haired girl with Azalea.
He figured if he can find out where that girl is, he can find where Azalea is.



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