Chapter 3

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Today was the day that they all had graduated. After the graduation at school, they all had to go to their respective squads Head offices where they had been assigned.

Azalea, May, Ashley, Vile and Wren were the ones that were being graduated today.
Calla, Alden, Jen, Violet, Mika and Jack were taking an extra month because Calla had failed in the last exam, Alden had his homework piled up which he did not finish even if he had three months to finish it, Jen and Violet still had to give their physical agility test while Jack and Mika were taking technology and advancement extra classes which were for a whole month.

So today only these fives were being assigned. Since everyone was not available, Amber told them that they all would be a single squad until the rest of them were free.


At the Academy-

"Vile! Vile! Can I have one picture with you, please?" a girl asked as she came up to him

"Yeah, sure." He replied as he smiled at her


At this a bunch of other girls came running saying me too, take a picture with us too.

"Wren! Wren, please you are graduating today. I won't get to see you again. I will miss you a lot. It will be lonely without you, can you please take a picture with me?" a girl came up to him and timidly asked him

Wren stared at her thinking who was she and then said, "Umm.....Do I know you?"

"No, I am a year younger than you. I was always too shy to talk to you....but I've always watched you and now that you are leaving, I built up my courage to talk to you. Please take a picture with me!" She replied eagerly

"Umm..." Wren didn't know how to reply. He was really bad at this sort of thing especially when it came to turning people down. Usually he would just ignore them and say something which was considered rude. Well he never thought of them as rude. But he always got scolded for being so cold hearted.

A bunch of other girls were also standing there and trying to get a picture with him.

"Hey Wren! Wanna play one last round?!" A boy shouted at Wren while holding a basketball in his hand. He was standing in the open basketball court.

"Yeah sure! I'm coming." Wren shouted back as he secretly thanked him for saving him, he then turned to the girl and said, "Sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you. Hope you have a good time here. See you." He quickly said this as he smiled and then ran over to the basketball court.

Azalea and Ashley were standing and watching not too far from all of this, were eating their ice creams.

"Looks like they both are really famous." Azalea said


Ashley said nothing. Instead she glared at those girls.
"Look at him, getting all cozy with them." She murmured but Azalea was still able to hear her.


"Oh come on. Don't be jealous. It's their last day." Azalea said as she chuckled a bit

"What about you? Aren't you jealous? Doesn't it bother you?" Ashley asked Azalea

"Huh? Me? Why would I be? And to whom?" Azalea replied while looking confused

"Nothing." Ashley said as she figured that with the way Azalea was, it would take years for her to figure it out.

Just then a boy came up to them.
"Hello." He said.

"Oh! What are you doing here, Ryan?" Azalea asked as she was excited to see him

"Nothing much. I figured I'd see you before I head to meet the principal." He replied

"Umm, who's this?" Ashley asked as she did not knew this man

"This is Ryan. He graduated from here last year. We both took the same summer class. So that's how I know him." Azalea replied excitedly

"Oh, nice to meet you." Ashley said as she remembered she used to hear a lot about this guy from Azalea

"Same here." Ryan replied as he then looked at Azalea and asked, "So, which squad are you assigned to?"

"I'm in Squad 9 under Amber." She replied

"Oh, Amber. Is she still the same?" He asked

And then they both started talking excitedly about something.

Just then a basket ball came from nowhere and it hit Ryan straight on his head.

"Ow!" He said in pain

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Azalea asked worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine." He replied

Just then Wren came running towards them, "I'm really sorry, man. That idiot still needs to work on his aim. Are you hurt?" He asked

"Oh no I'm fine." Ryan replied

"Hey Wren! Nice timing. Meet him. This is Ryan. You remember him right?" Azalea said excitedly

"Yeah I do. It's nice meeting you." He replied as he shook his hand forcefully

"Same here." Ryan said by shaking his hand with the same force

"Do you know that Ryan has been offered a posi-" Azalea said as she was cut off by Wren who looked at Vile and said, "Wait a minute, Is that Vile? What's he doing?"

"Yep. That's Vile." Azalea replied

"I don't even want to know." Ashley replied as she looked like she could kill someone

"Well I guess I'll see you some other time. I have to go now. Bye." Ryan said as he looked at his watch and then at Azalea

"Oh, well okay. Bye. It was nice meeting you." Azalea replied as she smiled and saw Ryan go towards the main office.

"Well are we ready to go now?" Wren then asked as he looked over at Ashley

"Don't ask me. Ask him if he's ready to leave all those girls." Ashley replied

"I'll go call May." Azalea said as she ran inside

"Hey Vile! We are leaving. Come on." Wren shouted at Vile

"We are leaving without him." Ashley said as she started walking towards outside

"Hey wait for me! Ash!" Vile replied as he started running after her


-Head Office of Ataraxy (contains Squad 9 and 11 along with the medics squads and tech squads and many other officials)

"Welcome kiddos!" Amber said as she looked at Azalea, May, Wren, Ashley and Vile who were all lined up in front of her.

"As you may have already know that all the other squads were given today off to celebrate their graduation. And it's what they do every year." She said

Everyone got excited at this as they were really happy to get today off and enjoy. Their excitement was broken down by Amber who said, "But...I am not like others. You are not like others. So I won't be doing that!"

"Here you go! Your first task. These are a list of things. I want these things specifically from where I've written. If you don't understand anything, then use your brain if you have one." She said as she handed the list to Azalea

"You are just making us do your errands, aren't you?" May asked

"Of course not! These are not for me. Now I have got tons of work to do, so get lost. I want all of these things and you guys back by 5pm. Good luck." She said as she closed the door to her office and went inside.

"What are we supposed to do?" Vile said

"This is not what I was expecting." Ashley said

"This isn't even a proper job." Wren complained

"Let's see what's on the list," Azalea said as she started reading out loud what was on the list;
"1. A fresh bread from the valleys of glutton
2. A soft pink silk from the mountains of cotton
3. A golden rusted key said to be a thousand years old which you will find in the traders market. "

"What are these things?" Wren asked as he took the piece of paper from Azalea

"Valleys of glutton?" Vile said

"Mountains of cotton?" Ashley said as she looked confused

"What the hell are these things?" May said as she chuckled

"This list is so funny." Azalea said

"Don't laugh, we have to find these by 5 today and it's already 1." Vile said as he checked the time

"Well then lets go." Wren said

"But where to?" Azalea asked

"The mall!" Ashley said excitedly


After 2 hours;

"Yay! We have found everything on that list. It was so easy!" May said as she held the list up in the air

"There was a shop named mountains of cotton and from there we easily got the silk." Ashley said as she held the bag which contained the pink silk in her hand

"And we got the bread from the famous bakery The Valleys of Glutton. Although we had to order a fresh one to be made." Vile said as he held the box which contained bread in his hand and opened it to see the bread inside

"Now the only thing left is that golden rusted key." Azalea said thinking where they could find one

"I already got it. While you guys were busy with those two things, I went to the traders shop and got the oldest rustiest key I could find." Wren said as he held the key for everyone to find.

Everyone looked at the key with awe. They then went back to the office and gave Amber the things.

"Rejected!" She said.

"Wait, what?" Azalea asked

"Why?" May asked

"We got everything you asked for and with two hours to spare!" Vile said

"I'll accept the silk and the bread, but the key is rejected." Amber replied

"But why?" Ashley asked

"Sure this is old and rusty, but I wanted the one with the word "Dagger" carved on it." She explained

"But you never told us that before" Wren said

"Oops. Looks like I forgot to. Well now you know. So get going!" She replied

"So what do we do now?" Vile asked

"I think I saw that key she is talking about at the same shop." Wren replied

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." May said


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