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❛ 𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚒𝚌 ❜
ᵃ ᶜᵃʳᵒˡ ᵈᵃᶰᵛᵉʳˢ ᶠᶤᶜ ᵇʸ ˢᵉᵇˢᵗᵃᶰ

✧ ✦ ✧

          HOLLY couldn't help but hold back a small snicker and the newfound information regarding her SHIELD partner.

Vers looked at her when she laughed. "What about you?"

The snicker suddenly caught in her throat and her eyes went wide. "Sorry—what?"

"What's something only you would know and not a Skrull?"

Nick turned too, smirking. "Yeah, Agent O'Neil. Share with us."

Holly glared at him before giving a deadpanned glance at Vers. "Um... I feel people can only keep promises if they pinky-swear?"

Nick looked at her with a wild expression. "Are you serious?"

Holly looked at him with a shocked look. "What do you mean are you serious? Yeah, I am!" she slapped her hands down on the table. "Okay! Subject change! Vers, it's your turn now. Prove you're not a Skull-alien-thing."

Vers smirked cockily. Lifting her fist, it suddenly glowed brightly and a blast shot out, destroying the juke box.

Both Nick and Holly slowly turned their heads, staring widely at her. "And..." Nick slowly started as Vers rested her chin on her fist. "how is that supposed to prove you're not a Skrull?"

"That a photon blast." Vers said.

"And?" Nick pressed.

"A Skrull cannot do that." Vers said as if the two humans were incompetent. She dismissed it with a knowing smile. "So, a full bred colonel turned spy SHEILD agent, partnered with a fast-food flipper. You guys must have pretty high security clearance."

"She's good a rhyming," Holly muttered, leaning towards Nick.

"Where's Pegasus?" Vers then asked, making Nick almost grumble at the alien.

Soon enough, they all made their way out the bar door. Letting Vers walk ahead, Nick grabbed Holly's elbow, tugging her to him. He leaned in close to her. "Let's agree that we never speak of this again. Okay?"

"Agreed." Holly nodded, holding up her pinky.

Nick's face suddenly went blank as he gave her the look. Holly cocked her eyebrow back, almost challenging him. After a beat of silence, he hooked his pinky with hers, giving it a small tug to confirm the promise.

NICK drove, Holly sat in the passenger and Vers seated herself between the two, her elbows resting on the head rests. Holly reached down, switching on the radio which played Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls by TLC. The song was fairly new; coming out the year before, and Holly quietly bobbed her head to the beat.

"Okay," Nick started. "the Skrulls sim alien races to infiltrate and take over planets... and you're a Kree. A race of noble warriors."

Nick looked up, meeting eyes with Vers in the rear-view mirror. Vers smirked, glancing at Holly when she also turned to look at her. "Heroes." she corrected. "Noble warrior heroes."

"So what do Skrulls want with Doctor Lawson?" Nick continued to question, keeping his wrist dropped casually over the steering wheel while his other hand rested in his lap.

Vers sucked in a breath, almost seeming tired of chasing the Skrulls. "They believe she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus."

"Light-speed engine? Doesn't light-speed only exist in Star Wars?" Holly asked, nearly forcing a chuckle. Nick turned his shaded eyes to her.

"Gotta admit, that's no the craziest thing I've heard today."

"Yeah, true.." Holly muttered under her breath in agreement, nodding as she stared out the window.

"Well, it's still early." Vers added, also taking a look out the windows of the car.

"And you, what do you want?" Nick asked her.

"To stop the Skrulls before they come unstoppable." she simply answered, coming off as cliche in Holly's mind, but she didn't voice her opinion.


Vers looked at Nick with a little surprise in her eyes.

Nick sighed through his nose. "Look, war is a universal language. I know a rouge solider when I see one. You got a personal stake in this."

Vers learned back in her seat, silently contemplating over his words as Nick turned down another road, which lead to an ordinary looking building in the distance. Pulling up to the gate, he stopped beside a speaker.

"Government property. Turn your vehicle around." a stern voice suddenly said and Nick sighed in annoyance as he and Holly both pulled out their badges. He held his up to the small camera on top.

"Nicholas Joseph Fury and Holly Madison O'Neil. Both Agents of SHIELD."

"Put your thumb on the pad, Agent Fury."

Nick did as such.

"Nicholas Joseph Fury?" Vers turned her head to the girl. "And Holly Madison O'Neil... You guys have three names?"

"Everyone calls me Fury." Nick responded, tucking his badge back in. "Not Nicholas, not Joseph, not Nick. Just Fury."

"What does your mom call you?"


"What do you call her?"


"What about your kids?"

"If I have them.... Fury." Nick nodded and Holly threw her head back with a groan.

"Doesn't Agent O'Neil call you Nick?"

"Yes, and I hate her for it." Nick said in a mono-toned voice, looking at her. Holly shrugged.

"He believes that his glare scares me. It really doesn't," she turned to him and a smirk. "Did you know, that under all that stone-cold exterior is a massive, massive teddy bear? He's a total sucker for animals—"

"That's enough." Nick snapped and Holly laughed, nudging his side.

Nick hated to admit it, but she was probably the only person he trusted with his life; of course, after his family. He was partnered with Holly when she first was hired to SHIELD, just meaning to train her. But after she got clearance up to his level and trained to be as skillful as him, the two stuck together and learned to trust each other with their lives. They became best friends very quickly and considered themselves more then just partners of SHIELD.

"And Agent O'Neil." the voice in the speaker piped up.

Holly's eyes suddenly hooded as she glared ahead. Muttering a string of curses under her breath, she exited the vehicle, rounded the car and stuck the pad of her thumb over the sensor. Lifting her badge, she held it to the camera. After it scanned and the man gave the OK, she climbed back into the car, slamming her door.

"I hate that part." Holly spat and both Vers and Nick chuckled at her. Holly shoved her badge back in her pocket as Nick drove forward.

✧ ✦ ✧

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
please read !!

sorry for not updating in a while,
and for the slight hiatus! I really hate
going on hiatus'. life has been a bit hectic
at the moment (if anyone cares) and i'm
trying to get back on a regular updating

also, i had to give my endgame ticket away
cause something came up. (im in drama at
my school and im starting to regret joining)
so im going to try to see the movie on the 27
or the 28, and start my endgame fic
that day. please please please hang in with
me! love you all

- sebstan xx

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