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Jeongguk never thought he would meet Taehyung again but he did. After two years.

Oh, how he still recognized the brunet just from the back standing at a flower shop near the cafe he visits almost everyday for a cup of coffee and some solace. University was hectic for him and he was struggling.

Hesitation filled his mind and he couldn't decide if he should just go and say hi because all he got were flashes of the old memories from two years back. How would Taehyung react when he sees him now? How would he react when he sees him? But he decided to greet him anyways. He was dying to know how he had been?

With subtle steps towards the small flower shop, he felt the wind blowing by as he did, calming his quickly beating heart a bit.

"Taehyung," he called that name after God knows how long and tapped on the right shoulder of the person who was busy picking flowers. He turned around and Jeongguk got to know that he wasn't wrong after all.

It was indeed Kim Taehyung.

Clad in a baby blue sweater and a pair of white pants, the brunet had glasses on now and Jeongguk must admit, he looked more beautiful than he used to, he looked serene, he looked like he was doing better.

"Hi," he greeted, his voice softer than ever, melting against the others eardrums. The way he smiled seeing Jeongguk was something he never envisioned.

"Jeongguk, it's been years," Taehyung said, his words carried a weird hesitation nevertheless the raven head smiled back, "You never called."

Jeongguk waited for Taehyung to call him and say the words he had been dying to hear for he doesn't know how many days, but he was sure he waited for the call for at least six months till he got mad and deleted his number but soon, he let go of that anger, he wasn't mad anymore, he was just disappointed.

"How are you?" Taehyung said, pushing the glasses up his nose bridge and looking down at their feet. He noticed how Jeongguk got a little taller but still they were of the same height.

"I am doing okay, how have you been? How are you here, in Busan?" Jeongguk asked, curiousity growing inside his mind while he took a look around. It was so cold, felt like it will start snowing soon.

"I was here to visit Jimin's grave, I promised myself to see him once in a while," Taehyung pulled up a soft and gentle smile, "So, stopped by to get some of his favourite flowers."

"I bet you were his favourite flower," Jeongguk reminded.

"I sure was," Taehyung almost whispered shifting his gaze from Jeongguk to the two boys around five or six year old running around, all giggling, "His flower boy."

Jeongguk could see how Taehyung's eyes got a little glassy and he just thought it was better to change the topic, "Um, it's so cold out here, wanna go inside the cafe and talk? I promise the coffee's on me."

Jeongguk smiled and Taehyung smiled back, "Yes, let's get in, I will get the flowers on the way back."

The boys walked to the cafe next to the blossom shop and didn't speak a word while they did, it was like they ran out of words. They had so many things to say to each other but when they were actually there, they couldn't form the words.

"This is my favourite table," Jeongguk guided the brunet to the table in the corner which was his comfort place and Taehyung hummed with a grin before taking the chair opposite to the other's.

"Ya, Jeongguk, want the reg? A cup of Cappuccino and a glazed donut?" the woman who was supposedly the owner of the cafe asked and Jeongguk nodded, "I brought a friend with me today, give him the best pastry you got and coffee?"

"Um, no, a slice of chocolate cake would be enough, thank you, Jeongguk," Taehyung took a quick look on the menu before and said causing the woman to nod and walk away.

"Seriously, a cappuccino and glazed donut? Regularly? That's too much sugar for you, you've always hated too much sugar," the older one chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest and letting his back hit the chair behind.

"I know, this is just a bad habit I grew but I am working out too to burn them all, so I will be fine and. . ." he couldn't finish his sentence when his phone in his pocket started ringing.

"Babe," Jeongguk called the one who called and Taehyung held his breath hearing the word that was reserved only for him. Oh, how much he loved hearing that from the other.

"Do you want me to pick you up on the way?" the raven head asked, tapping his fingers on the table and he took a brief look at his ex boyfriend who had his eyes down at his lap while he fidgeted with his sweater paws.

"Alright, alright, meet you in class," Taehyung saw how widely the younger smiled through out the call, the smile he used to give him when they were together.

Taehyung felt that weird pang in his chest, it was uneasy for some reason but still he managed to coax out a small smile when they had an eye contact.

"I love you too, meet you in class, babe." Jeongguk ended the call and let his phone be on the table while Taehyung stared at him, "That must be your boyfriend."

"Mhm, his name is Min Yoongi, he reads in the same university and we started dating around like seven months ago, I was gonna tell you how he is so annoyed with me eating these for breakfast" Jeongguk giggled while he told him about his lover, "Anyways, are you dating someone, Taehyung?"

"No," Taehyung wasn't expecting this question or maybe he was, he just wasn't ready to answer it yet but he knew there was no other way, "Um, I never dated anyone after you, actually."

The raven head didn't know if he needed to know that information and now that he did, he just wondered, if there was a tiny chance that Taehyung loved him back too, that time.

"You see, after we parted ways, I reflected upon what I did with you and all I could remember was how I hurt you all those times when all you did was give me your best," Taehyung confessed, looking away when he couldn't maintain the eye contact and looked at the window behind, the small snow flakes walking down somehow distracted him for a second.

"Here's your order," a boy who Jeongguk knew well came with their food and left them on the table with a smile causing their conversation to come to a halt.

"Here's your chocolate cake," Jeongguk helped and slid the plate of cake towards the opposite side of the table and Taehyung hummed, "Thanks for the treat."

"No worries," and there was again that silence between them, but this time, Taehyung continued.

"I didn't date anyone because I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore like I hurt you," Taehyung grabbed the fork and slowly cut himself a small portion of that cake, "It's probably too late but I started going to a psychiatrist, around some months ago about how I can't let go of what happened and how abnormally I think and. . . and, you know it well."

Jeongguk nodded, "Yeah, I know it."

"You probably must hate me, right, Jeongguk? You must hate me for hurting you, for being so selfish, for. . ." Taehyung was getting out of breath as he tried explaining and Jeongguk felt it, "Taehyung, calm down, I don't hate you, no, I can never hate you."

"I can't possibly hate you for not loving me back, it's okay," Jeongguk's voice had that reassurance in it which made Taehyung breath however he knew what he did in the past, he remembers it all and regrets it as well.

"How can you not, Gguk? You do remember how much of an unending loop I dragged you in, you remember how I was. I should've given you space, should've treated you better, I. . ." Taehyung didn't have to complete it as Jeongguk nodded, "I remember it all, Taehyung now please calm down."

"And not gonna lie, as days passed and I thought about us, I was mad, but not for long because what you had to go through is something only you know. But what really hurt me was, you. . . Taehyung, you never tried for me. If you thought like how you're thinking now and you tried to accept the truth and me, two years back, maybe our future could have been different, we could have been together," Jeongguk almost choked out those words as it was getting difficult for him too.

But they both realized that they needed this conversation. Because even it's by a tiny bit, their hearts were getting lighter.

"And why didn't you ever call? Didn't you want to know how I was doing? I waited for your call every day and night. I've waited for you like the foolish I was," Jeongguk never intended to say all of these things which he locked and hid in the bottom of his heart but maybe he needed some answers too and he also believed, it's today or never.

He remembered how he used to call Jackson to ask how Taehyung had been doing. Jeongguk almost hated himself for still loving the brunet until one day, he thought he loved him enough.

"Because I knew, you would have been happier without me getting in your life again, I didn't want to hurt you again, Jeongguk. You deserved better than someone like me," Taehyung smiled but Jeongguk saw the tears rolling down his cheeks from under the glasses.

"You really took the decisions by yourself, Tae and it was not fair," Jeongguk smiled back, his eyes also getting watery as he spoke, "But you're right, I am happier now, Yoongi is amazing. I love him very much."

Taehyung wiped the tears quick and took a big bite of that cake while he hummed, feeling a weird contentment inside him hearing that Jeongguk had been happy.

"Then I'm happy for you, Gguk." Taehyung smiled.

"And I think I'm doing better too, the therapies might be working because if not, I wouldn't have been here sitting with you. If it was old Taehyung, he would have just greeted and walked away," the brunet chirped, his voice had a new kind of happiness in it, "And I can't wait to get even better."

"Good for you," it was not only Taehyung who felt lighter and content, Jeongguk felt it too, he was happy to see the other smile like that.

"I can't wait to finally let go of the things in the past and and finally learn to love again, can't wait to find someone who will love me like you did," Taehyung took another bite of that sweet treat while Jeongguk took a sip of his drink, "Make sure you give your best this time."

"I will try."

"I really would have loved to stay for a little longer but I have classes and need to pick Yoongi on the way too, so," Jeongguk quickly ate the donut in one go while the older nodded, "Yeah, yeah you should go. I too need to see Jimin and then catch a train. Missed classes today, can't do it tomorrow as well, can I?"

"Of course not," Jeongguk pulled himself up to his feet and ran to pay for the food they had.

Taehyung stared at the male. He was still so handsome, maybe even more. He was still so endearing, so calm and so caring and he wondered how he managed to do that. Maybe that was just Jeon Jeongguk― kind, loving and so giving.

"It's snowing, oh my God" Jeongguk was surprised as they made their way out of the cafe, "You're lucky to see this snow, Taehyung because it rarely snows in Busan."

Taehyung hummed and grabbed Jeongguk's hand which made him almost gasp. He didn't say a word and pulled him to the flower shop where he was a little while ago.

Jeongguk didn't utter a word and watched the other.

"Can I get a white tulip, miss?" Taehyung asked the lady who was there in the shop, his hand still holding onto Jeongguk's.

"Wait a second, I won't take too much of your time," Taehyung chuckled, tightening his grip on the other's hand.

"Here you go," the lady gave him a white tulip from the hundreds of ones in the basket and Taehyung thanked her, "I will be right back for more flowers and will pay you, too. Just need to see him off, you see."

The lady nodded with a smile and Taehyung pulled Jeongguk out of the shop and let go of the hand, "This is for you."

He held the tulip for Jeongguk to take it and the boy knew why Taehyung must have given him this.

White tulips symbolises forgiveness or condolences and in this case, it was as if Taehyung said 'I am sorry' without uttering the words.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung called and got closer to pull the other in a hug, "You somehow made me a better person and I will always, always be grateful for that."

The raven head stayed quite nonetheless hugged back, "Thank you for loving me and making me so happy."

He pulled away and gingerly pressed his lips on Jeongguk's cheek before he momentarily stepped back.

"Forgive me for all the things I did, Jeongguk and please remember me only in the moments when we were happy, even that was short lived," Taehyung bit his bottom lip and looked right into the other's eyes those were also glassy just like his own ones.

"I forgive you, Tae. I did a long time ago. I still was somehow disappointed but after today, I don't have anything against you." Jeongguk gave the other a head pat and smiled the widest he could manage.

"I promise to always remember you fondly, and as the first person, I ever loved, oh so much," Jeongguk caressed Taehyung's cheek and immediately retracted his hand.

"Thank you," Taehyung closed his eyes and let the tears finally fall and Jeongguk did the same.

They both wiped their tears and gave each other one last smile before Jeongguk turned around and was walking to the opposite side while Taehyung moved to his right towards the flower shop.

But before he could get in, he looked at the other's direction and was surprised when he saw Jeongguk turning around as well.

Jeongguk giggled waving at him.

For reasons he couldn't fathom, the raven head didn't have anything against the other anymore, he will remember him in all those sweet moments and the smile he gave him a moment ago. Nothing more or nothing less.

Taehyung giggled as well and waved back.

And then, they continued their own path.

With a content smile adorning their lips and praying all the happiness in the world for each other.

i think this is a happy ending,
they both are doing better and i hope you liked this as much as i did !

i never knew this was needed until i read the whole book some days ago and had been thinking about how i didn't give you and the characters a closure and i really am hoping that, this chapter delivered it.

thank you so much to each and every one who read it and supported it ! with your support and love, it also got featured by wattpad and i can't be more grateful.

again, thank you so much
for everything, ily <33

— rin.

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