All Of This Is Not A Coincidence

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Please read the --- chapter that comes before this,
and read this chapter only after you have read that one.

모든 우연이 아니니까

"Jin, love, what are you doing?"

The question snapped Jin out of his little world; he was trying to balance three pens on a paperweight.

Smiling sheepishly, Seokjin greeted Namjoon.

"Nothing. Should we go?"

"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting."

Shaking his head, he grasped Namjoon's hand in his, walking out the main hall.

"It's alright. You're the main Authority, it makes sense you're busy. It's been weeks since we've eaten, what do you want to eat?"

Pulling Jin close next to him to walk in proximity, Namjoon beamed.

"Anything is fine. I'm not an expert on food like you. As long as it tastes good and helps me work better, it's all good."

"Alright, then, steak it is!"

The two then walked in silence, soon breaking with Jin's words.

"It's been a while since we've hung out like this."

He sounded sad, but also accepting. It's not like they could throw away their responsibilities. It was for the betterment of everyone.

"Yeah... But, it makes all these time we spend together worth it, yeah?"

Namjoon's reassurance lit up Seokjin's face, making him coo and gently pinch Namjoon's cheek.

"You're cute, Namjoon-ah."

A small blush made it to Namjoon's cheeks making Jin melt even more. This man was far too cute for him.

"Yah, stop blushing and being cute — compliment my face, too."

This made Namjoon laugh loudly, leaning onto Jin's shoulder to rest his head.

"You're as good-looking as ever, Seokjin."

Seokjin nodded proudly, heart bursting in happiness at this time spent together. With a soft heart and a small smile, he pressed a kiss on Namjoon's lips.

They were still walking, so it made them stumble a bit, laughter ensuing a little. Namjoon kissed back, longer and sweeter.

When they pulled back, they continued their walk towards the dining hall, smiles consistent on their lips.

"So, what's been happening lately?"

Namjoon sighed at the question, slumping down.

"Too many problems these days. With crime and there seems to be this troublemaker demon going around and making people rebel or something like that."

"Oh? What's up with that?"

"Nothing much, he's been imprisoned, I heard."

"Ah, yeah, a lot of that has been happening this past decade. I wonder why people are suddenly acting up."

Namjoon shrugged, as if he'd knew it would.

"Well, it's expected. You can't expect everyone to agree with everything."

Jin hummed in agreement, continuing to bite through his steak. Namjoon smiled at the sight, eyes crinkling cutely.

"Well, that doesn't matter. It's responsibilities that's gotta be done —!the meaning of our existence that we chose. For now, though, I'm just your lover, Jin."

This made Seokjin breathe out a laugh, grinning back.


They cherished these small moments of rests from their duties — reminding them of their days as humans, with no worries of the mass population. But, they always had to go back, to working and keeping things under control — for others' safety.

It would last years and years, routine of duty and rest, until their time of handing over the jobs would come.

After all, everything has to fade at some point.


Taehyung cooed after finding his husband, glomping him at sight. Snuggling up against his shoulder, he heard Jungkook laugh cutely before hugging back.

"Hello, Taehyungie~"

He swayed as they hugged, turning the whole situation into a mess of cuteness.

Without pulling apart, they started conversing still in an embrace.

"How was earth, TaeTae?"

Humming at the question in thought, Taehyung answered, taking his time. He'd been to earth for a spontaneous job, and after it was done, he was allowed to stay for a bit for fun before coming back.

"Well, I got the job done. But, there was something really weird going on. I don't know if I was imagining it because I miss them and hold so many memories and I hallucinated, but it was really weird."

Jungkook pulled back in alarm, questioning gaze in his eyes.

"What? What happened? Is this... is this about—?"

Taehyung nodded slowly, looking a little freaked out.

"Yeah... I was minding my own business, looking around for something to bring back to eat with you, and..."


"I saw the news, everywhere. And, they didn't have the same name, but... their faces."

Taehyung's eyes were wide at the memory, freaking Jungkook out a little.

"What? What was with their faces?"

"They looked almost exactly the same as Jimin and Yoongi. It was so similar. I looked closer and I couldn't find any differences except they looked very slightly older — since they died at twenty-six or twenty-seven or something. I think last time, they died a little earlier."

Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes, lips parted in surprise. He seemed calculating, like he was trying to figure out what was happening.

But, Taehyung smiled in reassurance, shaking his head and gently patting Jungkook's cheek.

"Don't stress about it. I'm sure I was like dreaming or something, and my head just convinced me they looked the same. It's our day off today, let's go to the market, and maybe visit Hoseok hyung?"

Sighing and closing his eyes, Jungkook nodded, opening his eyes again and grinning widely, wanting to not stress both of them out with something improbable.

"Okay~ Let's go."

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