We're So Different, Baby

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Please read the --- chapter that comes before this,
and read this chapter only after you have read that one.
They are very important, so please try to not miss them next time if you did this time.

우리 완전 달라 baby

Harsh breaths, eyes wide and blood rushing in adrenaline, the two were still and stumbled against each other, on the road. The car whooshed past after the hit, only feeling quick winds against their skin.

The one on top slowly picked himself up, breathing still a little irregular, head heavy from incomplete processing of information. When he finally pushed himself back, sitting on his butt, coughing a little, sight blurry and unable to see anything.

The one still lying on the road sat up, too, coughing a little, his sight blurry as well.

All they could hear was a car screeching to a stop, too many people screaming and crowding past them, running to where the car went. They didn't realize the people were walking through them, not feeling anything but cold breezes.

Finally, when there were no people running through them, crowded around — what was it? A car accident? — their sight came back, hitting them with a full force of mental heaviness, crushing them with information.

A loud gasp left them both, head tilting back and eyes shutting tightly as if they were about to get knocked over, using their hands to steady themselves on the paved road.

When the excruciating headache ended, they let out a large breath, regaining balance and staring at the person in front of them.

Their eyes widened, also glistening with tears, heart jumping out of their throats.


Desperately finding each other's contact, they crashed into a hug, sobbing into their shoulders.

"Yoongi... oh my god, Yoongi. What the hell happened to us?"
"Jimin, Jimin, Jimin— Jimin, fuck— I missed you, fuck, fuck—"

Yoongi was fully crying, tears wetting Jimin's shoulder, arms tight around him, never wanting to let go. Jimin's grip also tightened, his tears were leaking just as much as Yoongi's were. Both of them were shaking a little, all the memories putting a large toll on them, heads heavy.

Hearing the police sirens made them realize where they were, pulling back a little, wiping their tears.

Looking at the crowd of the road, Jimin realized and recalled the current situation.

"Did we just... die again?"

Yoongi looked at the sight.

"I think so."

"Wait— that means, we only have a few minutes until objects start colliding with us, we gotta hurry out of the road—"

Jimin's panicked tone was followed by him standing up, grabbing Yoongi's hand to pull him up as well.

"I just realized, we don't have our horns and halos—"

Like a jinx, just after Yoongi's words, he cried out loudly, face distorting in pain as he fell back down onto the ground. He tried to stand back up, stabilizing himself with his arms and knees. However, his knees bucked in pain, curling up as he felt the worst of pains cover his back. The same thing followed for Jimin, but he ended up on his side, facing Yoongi, but he couldn't see anything, agony covering his sight instead.

Breaking through Yoongi's skin and fabric, a pair of black feathers peeked out, eventually emerging out to become huge pairs of black majestic wings, feathers raining just as two horns sprouted out from his head, giving him another crash of headache.

As for Jimin, white feathers fluttered everywhere as his wings emerged out a little, the pain spreading from his back all the way down to his toes as the halo formed first, and then the white wings grew out, matching in size of Yoongi's.

Both panting heavily, Yoongi dropped to the floor in exhaustion and pain, both their backs and heads consistently pulsing in pain.

It was only after a minute that the pain started subsiding, letting them sit up again.

When they regain their minds, finally able to think with the pain gone, Jimin realized something else, panicking a little.

"Aish— we can't stay here like this. Some angel or demon must've heard the news, we gotta go—"

Latching onto Yoongi's waist, he flew up, wobbling from side to side, stability wonky and weak flaps.

"You suck at flying."

Yoongi's brutal yet honest words made Jimin pinch his waist and glare at him.

"You aren't even using yours. And, what do you expect? I haven't used them in fucking years, I don't remember how to fly—"

Yoongi started flapping his wings, hoping to make it easier on Jimin. It didn't really make a difference, they were both wobbling from side to side, flying like new demons and angels who'd barely learned, as they enter the alleyways of the town to not attract attention from nearby non-humans.

They both glanced towards the crowd, getting a small glance of their dead bodies, trying not to wince at the thought.

"Your— apartment—"

Jimin's voice was strained, trying to focus on the flying. The flight was messy, staggering too much with their inexperience in flying for years. Barely, the two made it onto the balcony, their wing muscles aching already, They quickly entered inside, hoping no one saw them as they drew the curtains.

When they were sure no outsider can peek in, they finally faced each other, eyes meeting, a foot between the two.

Yoongi offered an optimistic smile, pointing at Jimin's wings and flapping his own.

"We got our wings back!"

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