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I sat in my cave, alone as always as I but into the small deers corpse. I was currently in wolf form, like almost every other day. I hardly ever turned back into my Faunus self as I didn't see the point anymore. I was embracing what I am, it's the only way for me to feel less hatred towards my self.

I've been living in this forest close to ten years now, having been exiled at around eight. It wasn't the worst so far, I had already had some training and I still have the sword I stole. Of course, the clan hates me for it and is searching for me. But, lucky for my I was able to get off of menagerie and the pack never leaves that place so I'm basically safe for the rest of my life from them.

Honestly, it gets lonely sometimes out here by myself. But it's not all bad. Looking to my right I saw the sleeping beowolf pack I shared his cave with. I was lucky that my shadow semblance lets me count as dead since I don't technically have a heartbeat. The beowolves also count me as their own on a count of the glowing eyes and black fur.

Only downside of my appearance was the fact hunters thought I was a Grimm. Can't really complain, made a name for myself out here in the emerald forest. To be precise it was quite scary and made anyone who hears it shake.

I am, The Shadow Wolf.


"Ah team RWBY, glad to see you made it. Now, i was wondering if you'd like to go on a mission for me." Ozpin said, sipping from his coffee mug.

"What's the mission?" Weiss asked, covering Ruby's mouth so she doesn't immediately answer.

"It's quite simple really, all you need to do is capture The Shadow Wolf." He said matter-of-factly.

Team RWBY immediately went pale, all of their eyes widening in horror. Ruby was practically trembling from the scary stories about the supposed beast, Yang was terrified as a memory played in her head, Weiss shook fearfully as she remembered when it had raided multiple warehouses of her family, and Blake was the worst as she remembered when she encountered the wolf during her time in the White Fang.

"Do not worry, the most you'll need to do is clear out the rest of the pack and put this around his neck when you get the chance." The great wizard of Vale said, holding up a black metal color with a red light on it and a chain attached.

"What is that?" Ruby asked.

"It's a shock collar with the extra feature of suppressing the strength of any creature it attaches to." Glynda explained, shaking its specs on her large scroll.

"So we just slap this bad boy on the beast and it's nothing more than a harmless dog?" Yang asked, seeming gain some confidence as she saw the collar.

"Yes, but do not underestimate him because even cornered prey will lash out at the hunter." Ozpin warned, the girls nodding and headingu out after grabbing the collar and coordinates.

"Do you think they'll be able to catch it?" Glynda asked, curious.

"Not a chance, but thanks to a certain bird I know he'll understand what to do when he sees the collar." Ozpin said, taking a long sip of his coffee.


I sat in the clearing, my ears twitching as I looked down and read the note left by the usual red-eyed crow. It always dropped these little messages off from someone named Ozpin. That might explain the human scent that's around it.

'Please wait in the clearing and climb aboard the Bullhead without causing any trouble, I know you're intelligent enough to read these but I don't know why there is a Grimm like you. I would like to study you and please don't mind the collar.' -Ozpin

'Might as well, not like I got anything to lose. Maybe he'll feed me some decent food.' I thought, looking up at the landing aircraft.

"Uhm...why is the scary wolf we're supposed to capture waiting for us?" A blond haired girl asked, looking at my in fear.

I let out a small huff, moving forward and jumping into the bullhead. I leaned my head towards the girl with black hair and red tips who had the collar.

"You want me to put this on you?" She asked, looking at my skeptically.

I nodded, looking at her with the shadow mist rolling off my body as random parts of me appeared and disappeared.

"We might as well, it's better than dying." The familiar black haired girl said, her bow twitching.

"Just be careful." The white haired one said, getting me to growl at the schnee.

"Here goes nothing." She said, putting the collar on me and holding the chain. "Oh, he doesn't seem that bad."

"Seems more like an obedient dog to me." The Schnee said, making me snarl and lunge, only to fall short after being shocked intensely.

Turning around, I glared at the blonde who had the switch to my collar. I'm already starting to regret this, I'm gonna maul then if they shock me again.

"Please don't agitate him while I'm flying, I really don't wanna crash." The pilot said, seeming nervous.

"How long till we're there?" The bow girl asked.

"Five minutes." The pilot replied.

"As long as he doesn't do anything for five minutes we should be f-" the blonde girl didn't finish as I jumped and bit the remote out of her hand.

"Yang!!!" They all shouted, looking at me in surprise.

"It's fine, he didn't hurt me. I think he's angrier at the remote than me." Yang said, sighing in relief.

I huffed in response, crushing the remote between my teeth and spitting it out. After doing so, I sat by the girl with the red hood quietly.

"I think he likes you Ruby." Yang teased.

"He does seem rather cuddly." The schnee said, reaching for me and getting a snarl in return.

"Weiss, not so much." Bow girl said.

"You wanna try Blake? Maybe he'll like you~!" Yang teased.

"Might as well try." Blake said, coming close and petting between my ears.

"He doesn't seem to dislike it." Weiss said, seeming surprised.

"We're here." The pilot said, dropping us off and quickly leaving.

'Nice place.' I thought, looking around till my eyes landed on a man with a mug, cane, and gray hair.

"Ah, the shadow wolf. I am Ozpin. It's nice to meet you, may I ask that you please change to your normal self?" He asked, sipping from his mug.

"Not bad old man, you're as wise as they say." I replied, shadows covering me as I slipped the collar off and changed to my true self.

"So It's as I guessed, you're one of them." Ozpin spoke, looking at me in interest.

"Was one of them. If the scar and brand didn't show it, I was exiled from the clan." I said, snarling a little at the thought of my ex family.

"Well I see it disappointing for them to kick you out for being different." Ozpin replied.

"I can't believe he was actually a Faunus!!!" Weiss yelled.

"And I can't believe I let you make contact with me Schnee, but I've been feeling generous today so be glad I didn't maul you.

"I can't believe it. Are you seriously the same wolf from before?" Yang asked, looking at me in surprise.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you and Ruby are the kids I saved from that pack of Beowolves?"

"You're the one who saved us?! I'm sorry for thinking you're scary!!!" Ruby shouted, jumping into me and hugging tightly.

"Calm down Little Red Riding Hood, you don't have to hold me like I'm going to eat your granny or something." I said jokingly, Yang snickering.

"Are you the exile from the Fenrir Clan?" Blake asked.

"Kadic Fenrir at your service, the only exile in the clans history and thief of the Fenrir Fang." I said, bowing mockingly. "Didn't think I'd see a Belladonna here."

"It seems we're both surprised." Blake said, smiling lightly. "How have you been Wolfy?"

"Not bad kitten, glad to see you've finally left the white fang." I said, chuckling. "How's Adam? Did he finally snap?"

"Yeah...he's lost all control at this point." She said, looking down sadly.

"I'll smack some since into him when I see him, for now I'll let you deal with your monkey problem. Let's go Oz, we need to talk." I said, heading to his Office with him.

Sun fell out of a tree a few feet away from them, watching Kadic and Ozpin walk off.

"How did he know I was here?!"

Team RWBY sweat dropped, looking at Sun as if he was an idiot...which he was.

"Ozpin! Who is he and what is he doing here?!" Ironwood shouted, glaring at Kadic.

"I don't like being in the same room as Atlas scum, but at least I'm staying calm." Kadic said, glaring back.

"Now gentlemen, we should all calm down and get to the task at hand." Ozpin said, sitting at his desk.

"Precisely. Now, why the hell did you bring an entire goddamn fleet?!" Qrow shouted.


"'Make them feel secure.'" Kadic mocked, sneering. "You're foolish, I can practically smell the accumulated fear. Everyone's expecting something to happen, and with what you have here I know it's going to."

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Glynda asked, adjusting her glasses.

"That can wait. First, I want to know. Who are you hiding downstairs?"

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