First Day At Daycare

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Tessa: Eva it's okay. I promise you the minute daycare is over I will be back to pick you and Zane up. If not then either your auntie Emily or auntie Yin will be here to pick you both up okay?

Eva: -nods shyly as she pouted not wanting to be here and hugs Tessa-

Tessa: -hugs back and smiles- that's my big girl. Now go have fun okay

Eva: -nods and hesitantly walks into the daycare-

Yin: -was dropping off Zane- Zane please. Your mommy and mamma are really busy. You will be fine

Zane: -clinging onto Yin shaking his head- Ma!

Yin: Zane if you do this I promise there will be red coloured baby food tonight. Just be a big boy please

Zane: -pouts and sniffles- Ma...

Yin: Zane... -hugs him- Alright... Alright... I'll see if one of your grandparents can look after you

Jack: -dropping off Xin and Jessica- Alright you two have fun and behave. I'll come and pick you two up when it's over. If not then your auntie Luna will come and pick you up have fun

Xin: -gurgles and waves- Da!

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