Bad Beginnings

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It was quite warm on the bed I was laying and I was so comfortable I didn't want to move, but I did anyways. Wait...what?!

There was someone in the bed with me... thank god its a girl, wait I know who this is!!! "Kensington!!!" "Anna what do you think you're doing shouting like that?!?

You're gonna wake up everyone and they're gonna be all moody and want to slay you." Okay, really I didn't even care to be honest.

I missed Kens so much, I haven't seen her since she left for training and so much had happened since then.

"You honestly think I care," I rolled my eyes. "Haha! I missed ya kid, and we need to catch up but now isn't really a good time for that."

"Kensington, do you happen to know what is going on? I remeber sirens, screams, and shouting and then being dragged into here."

"Uhhhh yeah, well, it was a demon angel attack and they were after something, well someone, and we don't know who.

They marked on the walls, 'We will get her soon,' and it let everyone in a frenzy around here."

I was terrified, someone in the institute was under the threat of a demon attack but, why are the angels demons?

"Hey uh Kens, why are the angels demons, I mean aren't angels supposed to be 'good' and 'angelic like?'

"Anna, back then the angels were a part of the institute and when they got kicked out-- "

"Wait, kicked out? But why, how?"

"Like I was saying, when they got kicked out for unleashing the institute ' s secrets, they were asked to leave and never return. Finally, all the ones

who left decided to join the forbidden angels, who later began known as the Demonic angels , or demon angels.

They felt they wanted peace and to no longer hurt or bother with us anymore unless we did something that was unsuitable to them.

Whoever they want, was either guarded by them or they were sent here to find the person, who is obviously a girl."

Honestly, I probably looked like an idiot because my face was blank and my mouth was hanging open. I just couldn't believe my ears. This was utterly amazing but also very scary.

Strong pain came to my head as I started to see an image of a boy and I in a field near a castle, it looked like I was really enjoying myself and I was very fond of this person.

We sat together and he said my name, "Anna, you really are a challenge I hope you know that." "Really Keegan, and you think you're all the better? You should really go get yourself checked."

We both started laughing like maniacs and and brought me into his arms and kissed the top of my head, then the image vanished.

"Keegan." "What was that Anna? Who's Keegan?" The funny thing is, I honestly don't know who Keegan is, but I must have either used to know him or I'm going to be knowing him really soon.

Uh oh, do you guys remember who Keegan is.... well if not I think Anna is about to remind us all.
Until next time guys,
Xoxo Cassidy ❤

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