Let me help you remember

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"I don't know who Keegan is but, I just had a vision, or like a flash back. I feel like Keegan was someone I knew before I was given the antidote."

I noticed Kensington gulped and her face went pale, does she know who he is? She shook her head slowly, "I don't know Anna, maybe you did know him. Or, maybe we can just forget this happened." She smiled so hopefully.

"Umm Kens, what's going on? I thought we were friends! I can't believe you won't tell me what's going on!"

"Woah, Woah! Don't start your blaming sister, don't accuse me of knowing something that I have nothing to do with. I was just told to not bring up your fam--, I mean I was told to not discuss anything because I don't know anything, yep!"

I cannot belive her right now! After all this time I thought we were friends, but turns out she's hiding things from me. WAIT! Doesn't that mean... doesn't that mean that the whole institute, including Sebastian is against me and hiding things from me.

My heart ached and I felt defeated inside and I just started to melt down.

"Anna, why are you crying?" "Kensington I don't need your help okay, I thought we were friends but I guess I was wrong. I can't trust anyone around here and I-I-I feel so lost and I don't know what to do."

"I'm so sorry Anna, but please don't cry, we're doing this for your own go-" " What's going on in here, An-Anna why are you crying?"

I was so thankful for Sebastian ' s  hug and comfort but that's when I remembered... he was one of them too. "I'm fine, please let me go."

The pain in his eyes was visible and I felt like a monster, but I shouldn't care right now. He hurt me more than anything, this was the least I could do.

Sebastian cleared his throat, "What's wrong, I hate to see you like this Ann." Ann was the name Sebastian gave to me after we started becoming close.

"Sebastian please don't call me that, only true friends have the honor to do so."

Pain flashed through his eyes and guilt plastered across his face, I feel so sick and all I want is to lay in my bed.

"I um.. guess I'll be going then, hey uh Anna if you need anything, you know where to find me."

I just simply nodded at him, he doesn't deserve the least bit of empathy at the moment, even though I feel wrecked and unsteady.

"Yeah, I'll be going to. Again I'm really, really, sorry Anna. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, remember we all make mistakes."

Her words hit me and shocked me in a way, I wanted to forgive them  because they've excepted me when no one else here did and I greatly respected them for that, I just don't know if forgiveness will come right away; and it shouldn't.


It was pretty late but my stomach didn't care, I craved for some fritos but we were all out... I pouted and opened the refrigerator, "Anna?" Sebastian

"Hey, what're you doing up so late ?"
"I mean, I could ask you the same. However, I noticed we were out of fritos so I went out and got more, I just knew you couldn't function properly without them"

I smiled cheekily at him, " I'm so thankful to have you; have I ever mentioned that?"

I deep frown appeared across his face. "Actually you once did, then today you decided you hated me."

"Sebastian, wait. I'm really sorry about earlier it's just , I've been starting to remember things from my past and I got frustrated; I've been trying to make and force myself to remember everything but I can't. And I got mad because... well because I know things are hidden from me and I'm worried that everything here and everyone is just a complete lie."

"Anna I'm sorry too, but this place - this place hides so much from everyone that Kensington and I don't know that much either. I started having visions a year ago and I remembered my whole family and who they were, although I was happy that I came here because seeing my past ; it wasn't a good one."

"So you're telling me that you, even left your family for a better life instead of staying there to make things better between you all?"

"Sometimes the road gets rou--"

Sebastian gets cut off as a loud round of thunder rolls through the institute and someone bursts through the kitchen door.

A tall muscular man approaches me and puts my hands behind my back while another comes in and puts a mask over Sebastian. "Sebastian no!!!"

It was too late, Sebastian was on the ground and tears streamed from my eyes as the man dragged me out of the kitchen and through the doors to leave the institute.

"Don't worry Anna, we're here to get you back to your family, everything will be just fine."


Wellll...... what do you guys think??
I'm really wanting Sebastian and Anna to happen, I don't know about you but it's almost like some "forbidden love."

If you guys truly love this story please, please, please, vote and leave some comments. It means so much to know people really enjoy my works.

Soo.. comment what you want to see in the next chapter and let me know what you guys think is gonna happen? Will Anna fight off the guard, will she run, or will she happily stay and go meet her family, OMG IS SHE GONNA FIND OUT WHO KEEGAN IS?!?!?!?

Well I'm not going to tell you, you're just going to have to keep reading my friends.

Until next time,
~Xoxo,Cassidy ❤

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