New Beginnings

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Guyssss!!! I'm so so sorry I haven't been on, and haven't posted the new chapter yet, I've been so busy with softball and dumb old high school I haven't had time for anything, sleep is also a big problem...  but anyways, you guys don't have to wait any longer because now it's posted and ready for reading so, enjoy! 😊


We arrived in front of an extremely large castle in the middle of a field.. it was a fairly odd place to have a house if you ask me.

"Well, we're home Anna." Uncle Russell had a relieved look on his face and finally looked comfortable. We traveled for two whole days and he stayed awake the whole time just to keep an eye on good old me.

"Erm, I don't know Uncle Russell if I belong here. It's not a place I look like I'll fit into." Worry spread across my face and sweat was forming near my brow. Something just wasn't right.

"Anna dear, this is your family and you fit in just fine," *well sorta*. Huh, he just mumbled "sorta," under his breath? Interesting. We started walking towards the castle and and I started to feel the weird tingliness I felt the other night with Sebastian.

"Un--Uncle Russell!!! Somethings going on with me back away, HURRY!!!! "

"Anna, it's okay don't worry it'll all be okay!" My shoulders lit up and then my arms became little sticks of flames in a matter of seconds.

I screamed at the top of my lungs because this time it hurt so badly. My chest became tight and I lost my breath and fell to my knees, this time I actually didn't go unconscious.


Wh-who is screaming my name ? That voice... that voice sounds so familiar. A pair of arms wrapped around me and I looked up and saw a familiar face looking worriedly down at me.

"Anna, you're okay I got you don't worry you're going to be just fine I promise."

"Anna, it's your brother Keegan, it's okay you can trust him." Once uncle Russel ' s words hit me I started to cry, Keegan, this boy that was in my visions, the boy that loved me so much and treated me just right, he was here with me now.

"I love you Keegan, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." That's all I could say because I just kept choking on my tears, I felt pain, hurt, sadness, all the emotions of guiltiness.

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