Chapter Five

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Lucy sat in the chair at the sheriff's office with her arms crossed over her chest and her head leaned against the wall behind her. Her eyes took in the other people that were waiting, most of them refusing to meet her gaze. Vicki's brother being the exception. His brow was furrowed as he looked her over. He was probably trying to figure out what she was doing there. Frankly, so was Lucy but when you received a call asking you to come in for questioning in a disappearance, you came in. If you wanted everyone to think you had something to do with it, you brought an attorney with you.

Damon was waiting outside in the car, claiming to be allergic to police stations. Besides, Lucy was an adult. She didn't need a keeper. As Stefan came out, they called her in. Her friend frowned as he passed and she gave a little shrug.

A blonde woman greeted her as she stepped into the office. "Hello, I'm Sheriff Forbes. Thanks for coming in." She gestured to one of the chairs across from her and Lucy sat.

"I don't mind being here, Sheriff, but I have to admit I'm at a bit of a loss. It's not like I knew the Donovan girl. I mean, I met her of course but I didn't spend any time with her."

She nodded then tilted her head as she narrowed her gaze. "Elena Gilbert suggested you might know more about where Vicki Donovan disappeared to."

"Did she now?" Lucy said after a small pause. One side of her lips curled up. "Let me tell you what I know. I know that Vicki has a drug problem. I know that Stefan tried to help her clean up because everyone else in her life gives in when she pouts and whines. I know when he refused to feed her habit, she went home and acted like Stefan was harassing her. That's what I know about Vicki Donovan."

Lucy's smile fell. "As for what I know about Elena Gilbert, she's jealous and petty. She's also a child that apparently thinks nothing about involving the police in her personal issues. I live with the Salvatores. She's jealous of my relationship with both of them, particularly Stefan. She doesn't like being told no."

The sheriff laced her fingers together on the desk and gave her a grim look. "With all due respect, Ms. Williams, Elena Gilbert has been through more than anyone should at her age. She's more mature and responsible than you're giving her credit for."

"Elena hardly holds a monopoly on suffering. It seems odd to me that everyone in this town, herself included, act like she does." Lucy stood. "I'll show myself out."

"I have more questions," the sheriff protested as she mirrored Lucy's position.

"No, you don't." She turned her back and walked out of the office, leaving the door open as she went.

As she left the station, her eyes fell on Elena talking with Stefan. She wasn't certain what was being discussed, but Stefan cut the girl off as his gaze fell on Lucy. "Sorry, Elena, but as I said, I wasn't waiting for you. I'm Lucy's ride home."

"Well, just stay away from me, Stefan," Elena said before walking off.

Lucy's gaze trailed her as she walked away. "Why is it she's always telling you to leave her alone when she's the one seeking you out?"

Stefan huffed a laugh. "Get in the car, Luce."

They were almost home when Stefan told her they had a houseguest. "My best friend Lexi showed up late last night. She's here for my birthday so I don't know if she'll stay beyond the day."

She looked at him in surprise. "It's your birthday? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm a vampire, Lucy. At some point birthdays lose their appeal."

She shook her head as he pulled up in front of the house. "You say that but if I turn, I intend to celebrate my birthday forever."

"You've thought about turning?" Stefan asked, surprise lacing his voice as he opened the front door.

"I grew up around the supernatural. Of course, I've thought about it." She shrugged her shoulders. "I tend toward yes but then something happens like my dad dying and I rethink everything. My uncle has told me he'll change me and help me with the transition whenever I'm ready."

"Is this the same uncle that set up a trust for you?"

Lucy nodded as they stepped into the living room. "I guess I never mentioned he was a vampire, did I?"

"No. I think I would have remembered that." He smiled at the blonde that suddenly appeared before them. "Lucy this is Lexi. Lexi, our roommate Lucy."

The two women took a moment to look each other over. "Nice to meet you," Lucy said. "Can I call you Sexy Lexi?"

The vampire blinked at the human for a moment before releasing a bright burst of laughter. "Oh, I like her, Stefan. You're right about her." She wrapped her arms around Lucy in a hug. "And about Damon," she added over Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy pulled back as a twinge of worry shot through her. "What about Damon?"

"Just that you've improved him."

She shook her head. "I didn't do anything except accept him for who he is. He did the rest on his own."

"Oh, I really like you." Lexi draped her arm across Lucy's shoulders. "So, what should we do this evening to celebrate our new friendship and Stefan's birthday?"

Lucy laughed. "Well, this is a bustling town so we have choices. We can stay here and drink or go to the Grill and drink."

"Wow, Stefan. Just wow," Lexi teased.

The fact that Damon still hadn't appeared bothered Lucy. It wasn't like him. "Is Damon here?"

"Yeah. He's up in his room."

Lucy smiled at the other two and slid out from under Lexi's arm. "I'm going to check on him. I'll be back."

"Sure," the other woman readily agreed. "I'm going to get ready. I say we go get drinks as soon as the sun goes down."

Lucy pulled out her phone and sent a message as she headed upstairs to Damon's room. She knocked and opened the door without waiting for a response. Damon was laying on his bed with his hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. She put her phone on the nightstand and crawled into the bed to lay beside her friend. "What's up, D?"



"Lexi showing up got me thinking. If we can convince the council that we got rid of the vampire threat maybe they'd back off."

Lucy sighed. It wasn't a horrible idea all things considered. The problem was executing it correctly. "You know, if they saw you getting rid of the vampire, they'd trust you. It would turn the attention completely from the two of you. If you convince Zach to take a long vacation, you could take his place on the council even maybe."

"You can be quite devious, Lucy Williams. I like it." The silence stretched for several minutes before he broke it. "Now to find a vampire that isn't me or Stefan."

"You aren't killing Lexi," Lucy said almost immediately.

Damon turned his head to look at her. His brows shot up in surprise. "What?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend that wasn't exactly what you were thinking. I know you. Family first. She's expendable. Problem is, she isn't expendable to Stefan. So, no. Also, no killing someone for your plan."

"Alright then, Miss Morals, what's your plan then?"

Lucy's foot shook as she thought. "First, I steal Stefan's phone and text that blonde...Caroline. That's her name. I tell her its his birthday and get her to have a little party in his honor at the Grill so we have a crowd. That guarantees a police presence. You make a new baby vamp. Then you bite me and set him loose. I scream and once there are enough witnesses, you come to my rescue."

"If I can't kill anyone, how am I supposed to make a new vamp?" His voice had a smug tone that made her smile. He thought he'd caught her in a mistake.

"I figured you could turn the guy that tried to assault me a couple of weeks ago."

Damon turned and lifted himself on one elbow so he was staring down at her. His intense crystal blue eyes took in every detail of her face. "Excuse me? Who did what now? And why didn't you say anything?"

She shook her head. "I took care of it and I knew if I told you, you'd kill him. I decided to save him for an opportune moment. Asshole meet moment."

He smirked. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you scare me sometimes."

She grabbed her phone and pulled up the photo of the guy's ID and sent it to Damon.

When his phone buzzed, he pulled it out and looked at the picture. "This douchebag. It'll be a pleasure." He sighed. "I should get going so I can make sure he wakes up in time."

"And I need to go steal Stefan's phone." She moved to get off the bed and Damon grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"You sure about this plan of yours? I don't like putting you in any danger." His brow was creased with worry.

Lucy brushed the hair away from his forehead with her free hand and smiled at him. "It will be fine, Damon. I trust you. We got this."

He studied her for a moment longer then nodded once. He lifted her hand to press a kiss to the palm. "Be careful, Williams."

"Right back at you, Salvatore."

They walked downstairs together and arrived in the entryway just as Lexi yelled for someone to come in. Elena opened the door and stepped inside. Lexi appeared in a towel and Lucy had to stifle a laugh at the look on Elena's face. The blonde vampire was too stunned to speak so Lucy came to the rescue. Damon ignored them all and disappeared out the door.

"Elena. What are you doing here?" Lucy asked, nudging Lexi with her elbow.

The girl's eyes moved between the other two women. "I wanted to talk to Stefan."

"For fuck's sake. You literally told him to stay away from you two hours ago. You can't keep getting pissed at him for being in your life when you're the one that won't let it go." Lucy raked a hand through her hair. What was with this girl?

Lexi snorted a laugh. "I'm just gonna get dressed. Stefan's in the shower by the way."

Elena watched as Lexi headed toward Stefan's bedroom. Anger and hurt in equal measure flashed over the girl's face causing Lucy to roll her eyes again. "They're just friends, Elena. Not that it should matter one way or the other to you."

The girl's eyes snapped back to Lucy. "My relationship with Stefan isn't any of your business."

"That's just it. There is no relationship between you and Stefan. You've made certain of that, repeatedly. He's not a teenage boy. He's too old for games." Stef would probably tell her off for that later but Lucy didn't want him getting hurt and that's all Elena would ever do. Thank god the girl hadn't set her sights on Damon. Not yet, anyway. Of course, he'd just tell her to fuck off. He tended not to be overly concerned about the feelings of those he didn't care for.

"Look, just tell Stefan I stopped by, would you?" Elena said before stomping out the door and slamming it behind her.

"Sure. I'll get righton that," Lucy muttered before making her way upstairs to steal Stefan's phone.

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