Crystal Quartz Attack

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Garnet's POV
I warped back from the Strawberry Battle field where this all started. It all started with his gem indecent. Pearl was crying again like usual. Something then happened. A huge sound wave burtesed our ears. It sounded like the hand ship. We went outside, and saw Yellow Diamond.

Pearl's POV
"You're not welcome here!" I shouted as she came torward us. She snickered. "I'm not here to attack you." She said. What did she mean? She had someone else? She then got closer where we all heard her. Greg then came, Connie was with him. They quickly ran up to us to see what was going on.

Amythest's POV
Greg and Connie were with us. Yellow Diamond smiled. "I know your half human, I know he died." How did she know? And what did she do? "What did you do?" I shouted. She snickered again. "I sent a gem to get him, and bring him to me for some experiments." She said. We all gasped.

Garnet's POV
She didn't, did she? "Crystal Quartz, come on out!! She shouted. " Steven is dead!" I heard Pearl shout. "And you can't change that!" Yellow Diamond looked at us all and said "I had got a different Jasper to go get him, so I made him full gem, and brought him back to life. Only sad thing, he's with us now." She said as a new and improved Steven came out.

Pearl's POV
I gasped as "Steven" came out. It looked like Steven, but it also didn't. He had I black shirt With yellow diamonds on it, it was also torn. He also had torn black shorts. His gem was Now visible, and had dark pink skin. His eyes also glowed a bit like Lion's, and even had sharp teeth. I cried as I shouted "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR STEVEN?!?!?" She snicked and left the job for Steven.

Greg's POV
My eyes opened wide. I knew Steven couldn't attack us, he just couldn't. Yellow Diamond came out. "Also Crystal Quartz, take these." She said. She handed him a gem disablizer, and a sword. He shouted as he came running up to attack. Garnet grabbed the distablizer and the sword, and broke the disablizer and sword.

Pearl's POV
I attacked him with my spear. I hated Yellow Diamond even more now. As an energy ball went torwards him, and a different shield came too. It was black with diamond on it, and had a skull in the middle. "Oh, No." I said. He then charged at me, making me fall to my knees. As a gear rolled down my face, I knew this wasn't Steven, it was Crystal Quartz.

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