The Handsome Prince and his Witch of a Girlfriend

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Still Raven's POV

As I was walking out of my room with my stuff, then I heard my dad call me back.

Dad: "Raven, come here please."

I sighed as I walked back to my room.

Me: "Yes dad?"

Dad: "Here."

He tosses me a large pouch into my hands.

Dad: "It's full of Golden Drachmas, I want you to send me some Iris messages. Okay?"

I smiled as I tucked the pouch away into my messager bag.

Me: "Of course I will, Dad! I really have to go now....Love you!"

I ran out of the room and into the limo. I slide into the limo next to Carlos, my ears are instantly assaulted with the sound of him and Jay arguing. I sighed as I look out of the window as the limo takes off ignoring everything around me.
Before I know it we were pulling up to the school. If can call it a school. No this is a torture place. No a torture place would be more fun than this place. This is a Prissy Princess school. I climb out of the limo as I looked around and right away my eyes are drawn to a drop dead hot guy who had an old hag looking witch hanging on to his arm. I turn around as I hear Carlos and Jay yelling to see them playing tug-a-war with a piece of fabric that they must have stolen from the limo.

Me: "GUYS!"

They looked at me, I raised my eyebrow silently asking them if we're stupid.

Me: "We have company."

I rolled my eyes at them. We all turn to look as someone clears their throat. And it turns out that it was the hottie.

Hottie: "Hello everyone, I'm Ben-"

The hag then decided to interrupt him.

Hag: "Prince soon to be King Ben."

She corrects him. I roll my eyes at that. Then Prince Hottie-As I am now going to call him in my mind-walks up to Evie.

Prince Hottie: "And who might you be?"

Evie curtsies as she answers with a smile.

Evie: "Evie the daughter of the Evil Queen which makes me a princess."

That is when the hag jumps in.

Hag: "Actually, the Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you."

That is when I feel my anger take over, no one speaks to Evie like that! I yelled at her.

Me: "Look you hag!"

I feel my powers and eyes changing.

Me: "There are something's you should NEVER do in my presence! 1. You NEVER hurt Evie or her feelings. 2. You NEVER hurt Carlos or his feelings. 3. You NEVER talk bad about me, my father or my heritage. 4. You NEVER make fun of my job. And last but not least. 5. You NEVER hurt anyone I love or care about!"

I unleashed my powers on an innocent bush, turning it to charcoal instantly. Everyone was now looking at me in shock, except for Evie and Carlos who are looking at me gratefully, Jay and Mal who were looking like this was an everyday occurrence. Audrey who was looking at me with fear in her eyes, and Prince Hot-I mean Prince Ben who was looking at me in awe and what was that? Love? I break out of analyse of everyone when Ben comes over to me.

Ben: "Well you must be Lord Hades daughter."

He said while laughing. I smirked to myself as I reply.

Me: "Yep! The name is Raven. And thank you for using my dad's proper title."

He was still laughing.

Ben: "No problem!"

I smile to myself as I think about what my dad said about me finding true love....Well dad I think I just found it...
Ben's POV

I smile to myself as I look into Raven's stormy grey eyes and I think to myself......Did I just find true love? Because I think I just did.....

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