Chapter Eight

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This one isn't alot about Will and Jen. You'll see though ;)

Kat's POV

When we got home from Vidcon we just crashed on the couch. By that I mean we fell asleep cuddling watching Super Natural.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked back at Mitch, he was still asleep. I grabbed my phone after the second time trying to grab it. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked quietly "Hey Kat. It's Bee." Bees voice said also quiet. "Is everything okay?" I asked still quiet. "No everyone's just sleeping. Is everything alright?" she asked also worried. "No, Mitch is just asleepĺ I said looking back at Mitch. "Oh, then I'll wait till later." she sighed. "No, Bee what's up?" I asked getting a little more worried. "Well. Ugh this is hard to say...." She said nervously. "It's okay Bee. I won't judge" I said factually. "I'm not embarrassed, it's accepting it" she sighed again. "Everything will be okay, just spit it out" I said still quiet. "Well. I'm pregnant." She said slowly. "Omg. No way?" I asked after a small gasp. "Yeah, how am I going to tell Mitchell. We've only been together for a year, look at us compared to Will and Jen. Did we mess up?" she asked whimpering. "Sh, sh, it'll be okay. And Will and Jen decided to move slow, It's been three years and they're getting married. They've only started doing that. Everything will go fine. I'm sure Mitchell will be fine with it. I'm sure he wants kids too." I reassured her. I heard laughing in the background. "Seriously wow, now I can't use that excuse again" I said bummed. A Straubee baby would be cute. "I'm sorry! It was a dare. I'll talk to you later Kat, night" she said sweetly. "Yeah, night" I smiled and hung up. "So she isn't pregnant?" Mitch asked scaring me. "Yeah, just a prank" I said looking over at him. He nodded and kissed me. I kissed him back. We then went back to sleep.

We woke up around noon. It was a boring day. Mitch recorded with Brayden. Just the usual. My parents wanted to come over for dinner. I told them that we just gt back and we didn't to have anyone over yet, also we want to get use to the time change and didn't want them to feel like we weren't interested because we were tired. Some of that was a lie. Mitch wanted to just have a night to our selves. Not like that, just a normal sorta date night. Watch a movie, have a cheesy dinner that he cooked and just talk about random things. A normal date night.

And it was just that, a normal date. We talked about what Derp means. I said what Jen said when we were talking. "Jen said it meant Stupid things that people say or do, and she said aka Obama" We both laughed even if we didn't find it very funny cause he was born in Canada. And we were in Canada so yeah.

I dont know what I am doing and stuff so yeah. Here Kat!!!!!

July 9th, 2016 9:28 PM


Words 528 

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