Chapter 6

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(2357 hours)

   Pipers eyes shot open and she sat up, sweeping her gun around the room.

   "Can't sleep?" Harley asked from her spot by the door.

   Piper sighed as she lowered her gun and rubbed her forehead. "Not anymore."

   She stood up and walked over to Harley, taking a seat next to her.

   Harley looked down at her watch. "Six more hours."

   Piper glanced at Collins and Doc's sleeping frames, then back to Harley. "Do we have a plan?"

   Harley nodded. "We make it to that evac and call in a nuclear strike to these coordinates... I want everything in this building dead."

   A few tears rolled down Harley's cheek. Piper took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze...

(0104 hours)

   Skinner opened his eyes, quickly scanning the room before looking down at his watch. A small smile formed on his face.

   He grabbed his gun and stood up, slowly making his way towards the door. He peeked out down the hallway before stepping out of the room.

   "Gotta find the exit." He whispered to himself...

Ten hours earlier...

Piper, Harley, Doc, and Collins swept the hallway as they walked.

Piper stopped to lean against the wall. "I need sleep." She said.

The rest of the team stopped and glanced at each other.

"I agree, we should find some place to rest." Collins said.

Harley nodded. "Alright, then, let's find a room with a locking door."

After finding a room to sleep in, Doc and Collins laid their vests on the floor, using them as pillows.

Harley and Piper took two empty seats by the door.

"I'll take first watch, just focus on getting some sleep, ok?" Harley said with a slight smile, although it didn't quite reach her eyes.

Piper nodded and looked back at Collins and Doc, who were already passed out.

She leaned over and planted a sweet kiss on Harley's lips. "I'll see you in the morning."

Harley gave her hand a gentle squeeze before Piper stood up and tried to get comfortable on the floor.

About an hour later, the other three laid passed out on the floor while Harley stared down at her hands.

"You're gonna pay you son of a bitch." She repeatedly told herself.

Then she pulled her knife from her boot and held it over her wrist. "You're gonna pay..."

Skinner nervously turned a corner, holding his gun up the best he could with three broken fingers.

   "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" He quietly called out.

   When he didn't get an answer, he decided to keep moving.

   After wandering for a while, he leaned against the wall and glanced at his watch.

   With a tired sigh, he continued on, eventually finding a room to sleep in...

(0132 hours)

   Harley poked her head out into the hallway before opening the door. "All clear, let's move." She said, stepping out into the hallway.

   Everyone else followed her out.

   "Does anyone remember where the front doors are?" Piper asked.

   Doc shrugged and Collins glanced around, seemingly confused.

   "We'll find it, don't worry." Harley reassured.

   Harley suddenly stopped and crouched, the rest of the team doing the same.

   "What's up?" Piper whispered.

   "I think I hear footsteps." She whispered back, pointing her gun down the hallway.

   Piper leaned out next to her, pointing her gun down the hallway as well.

   As the footsteps got closer, Piper flipped the safety off.

   Then, they saw him... Skinner came limping around the corner, gun raised.

   "Skinner? We thought you were dead." Harley said, getting to her feet.

   A wide grin spread across his face as he ran up to them as quickly as he could.

   He pulled Harley into a tight hug, then Piper and Doc.

   "Fuck, I'm glad to see you guys... I've been wandering around this shit hole since I woke up." He said.

   "Any sign of the alien?" Doc asked.

   Skinner shook his head. "I haven't seen it since it kicked my ass."

   They shared a quick laugh.

   "So, do you guys have a plan?" Skinner asked.

   "Yeah, get the hell out of here, then blow this place of the face of the planet." Harley replied.

   Skinner nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Sounds good to me."

   Harley nodded back.

   Then, they heard a pained grunt.

   They all turned to see Collins standing behind them, the Wraiths tail protruding from her gut, blood leaking from her mouth.

   "Shit!" Doc yelled as he raised his gun, the rest of the team doing the same.

   The Wraith whipped Collins off its tail and into a nearby wall before growling and bringing its tail around to hit Doc.

   He flew down the hallway and landed hard on his back.

   The other three opened fire, pushing the Wraith back as they slowly backed up down the hallway.

   The Wraith growled as the bullets buried themselves into its side.

   Piper ran out first, then Skinner and Harley.

   They stared down their sights, slight smoke rising from the barrels.

   The Wraith breathed heavily as it stared them down.

   But, before it could charge them, Collins tackled it to the side.

   "Run!" She yelled, pulling a grenade from her belt.

   Skinner and Piper took off down the hallway, scooping up a barley conscious Doc on their way.

   But, Harley stood frozen, staring down the Wraith as it struggled against Collins grip.

   She pulled the pin from the grenade with her teeth. "Go! Now!"

   Harley let out a shaky breath before slowly turning and running after everyone else.

   A loud explosion rang out as she turned the corner. She stumbled into the wall and slid down it, a few tears in her eyes.

   Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up.

   "Cmon, we have to move." Piper said, offering her a hand.

   Harley took it and let Piper pull her up before following her down the hallway.

   They ducked into the first room they could find and slammed the door shut.

   "God dammit!" Harley yelled, planting her fist into the door.

   Piper squeezed her shoulder. "Harley-"

   Harley shoved past her, breathing heavily. She paced around the room, her breathing starting to slow a little. Then, she leaned against the wall and slid down it, bringing her hands up to her eyes as tears spilled out of them.

   "We're all gonna fucking die here..."

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