#38 He's Obedient

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Ever since they married, the Kyo mansion prepared new quarters for the both of them but Ri-yan still slept in his old room.

Staying at the bigger room annoyed him as it would only emphasize his good relationship with his wife.

But if grandpa said to let Re-yee rest, then he couldn't lead her to his old room, right?

So he could only turn and go to that arranged room for them.

Sliding the doors, he lazily snapped his fingers and the lights went on along with the aircon. He could also do voice command but he was too lazy.

"The closet's further inside, just choose anything. I told them not to make frilly stuff or bright pink ones so no worries."

He casually said then plopped down at the furry bean bag chair in the middle of the room.

Re-yee entered the room that could already be called apartment by average income earners.

The door was the traditional paper doors but it was made of dark mulberry wood and she doubted if the paper was literally paper as she was sure this room had soundproofing and normal hanji [1] weren't good for that.

The inside didn't look ancient at all.

The main theme of the walls was a very light blue and the fluffy rug under the bean bags was gray.

In the far right, the glass sliding door opened to a magnificent garden.

Before reaching the glass, you would need to pass by the alabaster grand piano. On the wall nearest the piano, acoustic and electric guitars hung vertically. On the opposite wall was a mural of endless branches of white plum blossoms with orioles hovering.

In the middle of the room, Ri-yan was sprawled over and reading a manhwa[2] that he took from the built-in bookshelf beside the entrance.

Re-yee discovered that the wall where the door was, was surrounded with bookshelves.

To her left was the 65 in. mini theater system, complete with surround sound and gaming equipment.

A little ways from the wooly bean bags was a thick curtain of little blue beads that looked like a waterfall.

Re-yee parted the beads which led her to the inner room.

The lights here were dim but the king-sized bed had a canopy of the same aquatic beads which refracted the soft light in all directions. It was akin to entering a spacious cavern behind a real waterfall.

To the left were two doors. She opened one and it led her to the walk-in closet. The other one was most likely the bathroom.

Re-yee chose a pastel green jeogori and knee-length chima [3] of a darker shade. She also found some slippers, changed into them and went out.

Ri-yan watched how she casually sat on another bean bag and closed her eyes.

Her hair hung loosely on her shoulders as opposed to the pristine ponytail whenever she was in the office. Surrounded by the fluffiness of the bean bag, she looked younger and her features went softer.

She was treating all of this more casually than he expected.

"Should I sneak out and sleep in my old room later?" He tested the waters.

Re-yee didn't open her lids. "He'll know."

Her words implied that he was stupid for not knowing that his grandpa would be aware of it even if he snuck out in the middle of the night.

Ri-yan wanted to flip out. He was already being considerate but he got slapped instead!

He didn't want to talk with her anymore.

So the minutes were spent in silence but they were used to it until the intercom sounded with Mingyu's voice, saying that dinner was ready.

The two joined grandfather Kyo for dinner.

Meals at the Kyo family were mostly quiet, unlike the Na family where the old madam liked chatting with Lisa and Garrick and Jaehwoon commenting every now and then.

"Do you like the room, Re-yee?" Grandpa suddenly asked to which Ri-yan almost choked on his food.

Why did he need to ask that?

It would only look more obvious that their one year of marriage was practically spent avoiding each other.

On the other hand, Re-yee was unbothered.

"Nothing bad comes from Jihoo oppa."

She accurately guessed that the room was designed by the husband of Ri-yan's sister.

Grandpa Kyo nodded as a matter of fact and proceeded to eat.

After a while, he spoke again.

"Has your father told you?"

Re-yee lifted her gaze at this question.

"Your official wedding ceremony will be a month from now."

Her chopsticks momentarily paused

"Oh," then she looked at Ri-yan. "Father knew your plans before the press con?"

Ri-yan played with the food on his bowl.

"I told him what I'll announce and he said not to directly mention you so we'll still have time to prepare for the ceremony."

He raised his head and blinked his eyes. "You told me to deal with the issue however I want. No need to ask you. So I dealt with it."

Re-yee only stared at his fake innocence. Why did she have a feeling that she dug her own grave?

When they got married, they had a mutual decision not to publicize it because of their respective careers. Moreover, their marriage was out of pure convenience so both of them were reluctant to tell everyone about it.

Their families could only respect this decision even if it didn't bring any advantages to both sides.

Now that Ri-yan indirectly admitted that he was already taken, people in their circle would begin speculating whose family's miss the young master Kyo was committed to. Were they already married or just betrothed?

Either way, their marriage would be known sooner or later so it was better for the news to come directly from them.

It would be another headache if a baseless issue sprouted once again.

In the end, there was nothing Re-yee could do but agree. Besides, there was also the annual convention of ME Media so it was a win-win situation.

It was just... something was telling her that Ri-yan was acting a little bit off. But she waved the thought off as it wasn't anything significant.


[1]Hanji- Korean paper made from Paper Mulberry 
[2]Manhwa- Korean comics or webtoons.
[3]Jeogori is the upper garment, Chima is the skirt.

I used so many descriptive words in this chap so I made a peg-board a.k.a aesthetic stuff to somehow illustrate what's on my mind. 

This is it for this week~ I already exhausted my brain juices. Please vote and comment on every chap :)) Idk if I can make the next update 9 chaps but I'll try.

If you're a fan of my work, consider donating thru Ko-fi! The link's on my dashboard.

You can also find the link to discord there so let's talk some time~

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