Getting to know you

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No one's POV

During class (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about Ben. She tried so hard to not think about the blue-haired boy and focus on her work but no matter how many times she told herself to stop thinking about Ben her thoughts would only get stronger.

*Time skip to lunch*

Your POV

It was now time for lunch and I finally stopped thinking about Ben but I kinda felt a little bad, to be honest. I then sat down by myself as always eating the lunch that I made myself because I hated what school had for students to eat. 

"(Y/N)?" I look to see Ben holding a lunch bag. "Oh hey Ben. Whats up?" "Um can I sit here with you?"

"Um yeah, I don't mind." Ben smiles and sits right next to me at the table. "Whoa, you made that yourself?" "Yeah, I always bring my own lunch. I hate the food here." "Me too. I always did hate the muck that they call 'food' here." I giggled at his joke about the food.

Benjamin's POV

(Y/N) giggled at my little joke. God, she is so cute I couldn't stop thinking about her during class. I blush so hard I must look like a tomato. "Whoa, is it hot in here or what?" I try to let some air in my sweatshirt which I think is helping.

 I let some air in for a few moments before (Y/N) asked the question that I was afraid she would ask. "What's on your neck?" I freaked out. I didn't know what to do but cover my neck with my hands and sweatshirt. 

"N-Nothing. I swear." (Y/N) looked at me for a moment before making a small sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. If it's really nothing I wont force you." (Y/N) goes back to eating her lunch with a sad smile. Maybe I can trust her. 

"*sigh* Okay I'll show if you promise not to tell anyone about this." (Y/N) stops eating and looks at me and smiles "My lips are sealed." I inhale and exhale slowly before I move my sweatshirt just enough so (Y/N) can see

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