Bad dreams Really Suck huh?

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I couldn't stop running, my heart pounding, tears rolling down my face, and my body hurt to much. "Waldo!" I shout looking around frantically as the ground shook under my feet, Will was by my side running or I guess floating in this odd sense. He turns to me a look of nervousness in his white, almost dead, eyes, "(Y/N) you have to turn back... the ceiling can't hold much longer... you have to cut your losses and accept she's gone..." he says reaching a hand out to touch my arm before I collapse on the ground. "NO I CAN'T LOSE MAMA!" I scream as I start to dig through piles of rumble looking for the only thing that helped me through it all, my cat Waldo who we called Mama Kitty. Tears ran down my face as I moves to another pile of rumble, the ground shaking more and more violently around me, pieces of the concrete ceiling crashing down around me, one piece even landing on Will though it passed clean through him. "(Y/N) she gone... if she had made it she would be meowing and hiding ot finding a way out. you have to get out before something lands on you." He says his voice echoing around me and sounding directly in my ear despite him being a few feet away. I turned to him, now holding the curled up fluffy black and brown fur ball. "I got her! See! I told you I could save her!" I say before realizing... no one was there... everything was normal... the basement around me wasn't falling apart... I look and see that the fur ball I was sure was my cat... was just her urn... I tear up and hug it tightly to myself before hearing a voice behind me. "Quit clutching that stupid urn! So what that mangy old cat died when he were destroying the old house!" That loud bitchy voice rang out in my ears as I start to turn to yell at my grandmother...

I wake up gasping as I open my eyes, I was in the guest bed holding my Freddy Fazbear plushie, I sit up and look around, the bed was empty but obvious someone else was in the bed. I hug the plushie close to me as I climb outta bed and look over at the chair that sat in front of the TV, there sat Jon past out and snoring, a smile crept across my face as I give him a kiss on the forehead and go to the door to go downstairs and get myself something to drink when I stopped in front of the mirror on the door. My body... my body was covered in bruises and scratches, though I knew it couldn't have been him until I noticed hand marks on my wrist like someone held me down, I cover my mouth and glance back at the sleeping man as my mind began to race. I quickly hurry out and back into my room before frantically dialing Will, I knew he could help me. I held the phone up to my ear as it ring, my foot tapping in anticipation when I hear his voice, "(Y/N)? You okay? It's... 3am for you why are you up?" He asks a concerned tone to his voice. "I-I lied about who's here... it's Schlatt... he paid a visit and is staying the night... I... I had a nightmare and when I woke up I was covered in bruises... scratches... and theres marks on my wrists... i think he did something but I dont know exactly..." I say softly, my voice just above a whisper, he was silent as he listened to me tell the truth before speaking. "(Y/n)... You should've told me sooner... is that why you couldn't play? Did he touch you? I sweat to God of that fucking bastard did..." he gets cut off by me, "no he didn't... at least... not that I know of... all I remember was sitting with him watching Human Centipede... I leaned my head onto his shoulder... I fell asleep having a nightmare about my sadly deceased cat Waldo... when I woke up I was in the bed covered up with my Freddy Fazbear plushie in my arms and he was asleep in the chair..." I say recalling it all but yet never mentioned Will in the dream, I could tell he was irritated from the soft grumble that escaped his lips when I was done speaking. He took a deep breath before speaking once more, "(Y/N) there's something about him you need to know... he's not who he seems and you should watch his videos to see what I mean. He's not a good guy. He constantly pulls his gun on people and makes jokes about murdering people back in 1999." He says walking to the small bed he had put into his office for naps. I can hear the springs squeak as he sit on the bed. "But... he came by to... protect me from my brother when I mentioned he was here. He actually watched a movie and put me to bed... instead of being in bed with me he slept in the chair... he made me feel... safe..." I say rubbing my neck as I hear him grumble probably annoyed with this knowledge. "(Y/N)... you can't trust him... he's gonna hurt you I just know it. You're way too good for him. He's a lying bastard and you need to get him out of the house before something else happens." he says... his voice sounded hollow and upset before the line goes dead...

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