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Come in ask her already!!! I thought looking at Iceberry. Her sleek, thick white coat blowing in the chilly breeze. I padded next to her. I felt her brush against me and blushed.

"Hey Iceberry... I need to talk to you..." I stopped and turned to her.

"What's up Nighteyes?" She stopped and looked at me.

"Iceberry will you be-" I was interrupted by Silverbreeze running into me.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Nighteyes can we talk?" Silverbreeze asked. Applewing nodded tosignal that it was important.

"Yeah. What's up?" I replied, my heart pounding.

Silverbreeze cast a look at Iceberry, who nodded in approval.

"Nighteyes. I'm... I'm expecting kits." She managed to say before collapsing onto the ground. And putting her head in her paws.

"What? You are? Silverbreeze." I softened my eyes and look at Applewing. Then I went up to her and nudged against her. "That's great to hear. I'm so happy for you."

W-what? You are?" She whispered in disbelief.

"Yes I am. I'm so happy for you." I whispered back.

"Come on Applewing, lets go home." Silverbreeze padded away, with Applewing padding behind her.

"So what we're you saying?" Iceberry asked me after they padded away.

"Oh yeah. Uh- I-Iceberry, will you b-be my m-mate?" I stuttered out.

"Nighteyes I would love to be your mate? What took so long? "

"I got scared that's all." I replied sheepishly.

"Well we're mates now." She nuzzled my cheek.

"O-Okay" I blushed and nuzzled back. 

And we headed back to camp side by side, I felt her pelt brush against mine and smiled.

HEY GUYS!!!!!! Ashy here. Sorry for not updating for awhile. I've been stressed out and all that. But thanks for patiently waiting!!! See you soon!!!!  Love ya!!!!

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