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Hello im Silverbreeze. I'm Nighteyes sister. I am right now sitting in the Riverclan camp waiting for Nighteyes to shut up and talk to me, which might take long. Hes talking to Iceberry. A she cat that he likes.

"Nighteyes?" I interrupt him nicely.

"What?" He snaps at me.

"I was only going to ask if you wanted to share some fresh kill with me." I whimpered and padded away not caring what he was going to reply. After that my stomach started to hurt and I grimaced in pain.

"Silverbreeze. Are you alright?" Asked Applewing, concern filling his eyes.

"Yeah..." I replied. I decided to go visit Skymoth, the medicine cat.

"Silverbreeze are you alright?" Skymoth looked at me and tipped an ear down.

"My belly hurts." I replied with uncertainty.

"Let me feel around to see if there's something wrong." Skymoth felt my stomach and gasped in surprise.

"What is it?" Applewing looked concerned.

"Are you her mate?" Skymoth asked excitedly.

"Yes." Applewing replied.

"She's expecting kits." Skymoth jumped excitedly.

"Oh my Starclan!!! Finally!!" Applewing exclaimed.

At first I was shocked then I looked down at my round belly with happiness shining in my eyes. Then at Applewing who was looking like he was about to run out and tell the whole clan. I looked down again and imagined what my kits would be like. And I smiled. What a good family we were going to be. Then realization hit me. I need to tell my brothers. What were they going to think?

"When is she due to have them?" Applewing was asking Skymoth.

"It looks like two to three moons..." He replied.

"I love you." Applewing told me. "I hope we have lovely kits."

"Me too." I purred.

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