Chapter 1: Practice What You Preech

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I never enjoy heavily "villain-nizing" someone. I don't hate, or at least I try my best not to. Like a lot of kids my age, I can be fairly superficial. I never say anything. My quiet nature lends to my family life, although it's rather a bonus because I can't get into any drama. However it's not my nature. It's something I unconsciously activate due to how long my family would ask me to things, but always brush off my answer. My stability is my facade, not my kindness. 'What's the point of asking if you don't even care about what I say?' Who knows. Perhaps I am in the wrong. I like to see the better in all people. No matter how snobby or obnoxious. 'They were raised that way? Somethings led to their behavior?'
Everyone has their own story. However, you can't speak on somebody else's behalf, without consent. You lost your friends because of yourself. It was never me. Maybe you wouldn't have lost them if- oh sweet golly I don't know- you just... "didn't assume things about me."

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