|Epilogue| Leaving marks

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Anne left midway through the next morning to return to her base and the delegation followed that afternoon. They were polite after their meeting with Jason, Seto and Herobrine but none of them had held Adam's gaze for very long. He had silently sighed to himself. He had a feeling that these lords were not going to be the last people who were uncomfortable around him.

Repairs on the two dozen or so houses that had been destroyed started almost instantly and Herobrine proved himself to be very helpful. Multiple wooden beams flew from the ground and stayed in position while they were nailed to each other and the ruined timbers were cleared remarkably quickly. Some of the other sorcerers in the base started copying his actions, although none were quite as efficient as he was. Half a week passed and with most of the houses almost complete, Herobrine quietly left the base. He strolled through the forest nearby, sword strapped to his back, enjoying the stillness of the day. He heard the footsteps coming long before the person called out to him, but by then he already suspected who it was.

"Herobrine, wait!" Adam said.

Herobrine did so, half turning with the ghost of a smile on his face as Adam came to a stop in front of him. He must have run all the way from the base to have caught up with him this soon, but he wasn't breathing as hard as he normally would.

"You're fit," Herobrine remarked.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Adam said. "I feel different to how I used to be. More... more controled, I guess. Everything just seems that little bit slower and louder and brighter. It's not as bad as it was, but... I'm just wondering if-"

"If the magic is still there," Herobrine finished. "If I didn't get rid of it completely." Adam nodded his head a little in an embarrassed sort of way and Herobrine gave a slight grin. "Trust me, I've been watching you closely and you're 100 percent normal again. But since you were hijacked by the magic, it's not surprising that it's left some effects on you."

"Like what?" Adam asked. "Apart from the weird senses thing."

Herobrine shrugged. "Could be a lot of things. You might find that you heal faster or react faster than normal people. You probably run faster, from how you caught up with me. You might even be able to beat that friend of yours in a duel; Mitch, right?"

Adam scoffed. "No way, the guy's been training since he was six."

"You'll never know until you try."

"Yeah." Adam kicked at the ground a little, hands in his pockets. "Do you know how I got that magic in the first place?"

Herobrine shook his head. "Not yet, but that's what I'm going to find out, if I can." He didn't say it, but a horrible thought had been spinning in the back of Herobrine's mind ever since he first felt Adam's magical aura. If he could somehow gain magic like Herobrine's, then maybe his enemies could do that too. And if they did... well, it wouldn't be good. At all.

Adam nodded a little. He seemed to have run out of things to say. Herobrine turned and began to walk away, the brown and red leaves that had finally fallen from the trees making a light crunching sound under his feet.

"I'm colourblind now."

Herobrine stopped, moving his head so that Adam was just out of his peripheral vision.

"Everything's just shades of grey," Adam continued. "Sometimes I think that I see a hint of colour but... I'm think I just imagine it."

"Another side effect of the magic," Herobrine said quietly. "The magic changes your usual eye colour and that damages some of the function of the eye."

"Does it heal?"


Adam tilted his head slightly. "Are you colourblind?"

"No," Herobrine lied. He began to walk away again, the weak sunlight glinting off his sword hilt.

"I'll see you around," Adam called after him as a way of saying goodbye.

Herobrine turned around so that he was walking backwards. He had a wide grin in his face. "I'll see you, but won't be seeing me." Then he spun around and sprinted away, moving faster than any normal human and faster than Adam's slightly enhanced eyes could register. But he was definitely gone.

Herobrine will return

Rolllllll credits!

Yup, that's all folks! And I know, we have a lot of questions unanswered, such as how Adam got his magic, who the enemies are that Herobrine is worried about and what reaction the world is going to have to Adam's magic-destruction episodes. The recruits seem fine for the moment, but who knows, that could change too.

But you know what that means.

That means sequel.

And I'm not going to say anything else on the matter.


What the end of this book also means is that I, yet again, have exams and that means no updates. I know, I just finished exams and I am so sorry, but I promise that after these ones, there's not going to be any exams for a decent few months.

After exams, around the second week of November, I'll be posting a short 7 or 8 chapter book called Cleansing Memories in Ғɪʀᴇ while you guys pick which book I write next, so make sure you are getting updates for my quick stories book cause that's where I'll be posting all the information (link to the book below).

About this book right here, what did you guys think about it? I hope you found it a bit different to most Skybrine books out there. What was good, what was bad, what can I improve on, what did you want to slap characters for etc. 

So until the second week of November or the sequel, stay awesome and don't drink water after having a mint and thank you for reading this book.


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