1: Meeting The Devil

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Have you ever felt like you're drowning? Pushed down by a force so strong you doubt you'll ever rise up again. Your lungs are so full of water, burning your skin even when you think you've coughed it all up.

Lilly Fairchilde once said that even the most hardened criminal is starving for the same thing that motivates the innocent baby; love and acceptance.

But, aren't we all missing something, wishing we had the kind of love that makes us a little dizzy, but so full of warmth, or maybe you have that kind of love, maybe its something else you're seeking.

Life is full of a million pathways, we never know what pathway will take us where, but we travel on the one that seems best to us- using that logic life is a journey, full of the expected and the unexpected and maybe, if you're lucky- it will also include love, the one that sets your soul on fire.

Well, this is my journey, my pathway leading to love, and sadly I only have a limited time to find it. Fingers crossed the man I have set my eye on will love me, but there is one issue.

I'm not his type of woman.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a tall woman snapped her fingers in front of my face "Excuse me, are you deaf"

"No, not deaf, just ignorant to people who are rude" I sighed "What can I do for you" my smile was tight, as fake as the nails on her fingers

"You waitresses are the worst, I need a refill"

I grabbed the glass, making my way over to the bar "Jerry, I need some rum and coke"

"For you" he laughed

I rolled my eyes "I wish", he passed me a glass and I made my way back over to the woman, but in my haste tripped over my feet, resulting in the drink pouring all over my crush's shirt.

He looked down at his navy blue blazer, pulling it apart to look at his now brown stained shirt, then ever so slowly he looked back up at me.

"Oh, my, gosh, how inconsiderate, you should get her fired Adi" a woman glared my way

His gruff voice brought me back out of my reverie "I usually like my drinks in my mouth, not on my shirt" his smile was infectious, his eyes wandering up and down my body before stopping at my eyes

"Im sorry Sir, I wasn't watching where I was going"

He cracked another smile "I guess you were just lost in my eyes, it's okay, i'll let you off" he tapped my shoulder gently "What was your name again"

"Zoya Sir"

Adi tapped his chin "Zoya Sir, what an unusual last name" then with a breathy chuckle he whispered into my ear "Call me Adi, everyone else does"

I nodded sheepishly before turning around and wandering over to a quiet corner to have my mental break down in private, this was a dignified event you know.


I stood impatiently by the coats, taking tickets and then returning the guests their things. Without thinking I held my hand out for the number, then grabbed the coat under the numbered hook, turning to hold it out when I saw Adi facing me with a very sly smile.

"I hope you haven't spilt a drink on that to" his brow was raised, and I couldnt deny wanting to kiss that smug look off of his beautiful face, but again; this was a dignified event.

"No Sir"

"You can call me Adi"

I shrugged "We wouldn't want any of the staff thinking you're treating me any better than the rest, Sir"

"Hm, you sure are confusing Zoya" the way he said my name made my stomach flip, he was so suave and I was so not. He took his jacket, pulling it over his blazer then nodded his head

"Have a good night, im sure ill be seeing you around"

When I was sure he was out of hearing distance, I mimicked him "Im sure ill be seeing you around, no thank you, id rather get hit by a car than be a server at another one of those events" but of course, it was just my luck when he peered his head back around the corner

"There was me thinking you were having the time of your life" he snickered

"If you call having the time of my life spilling a drink on the man that is signing my pay cheque, then yes Sir, I had a blast"

"Hm, I like you Zoya, you're a funny girl"

I curtised dramatically "I do try, goodnight Sir"


"Hey, Zoya, why have you got a bonus on your pay cheque" my manager asked, her brow raising "Did you offer extra services or something"

"No" I gasped "Of course not, I have no idea why he did what he did, you know what ill go and talk to him, I dont need his handouts" I fumed, storming out towards my car "Oh Mr Hooda, you are so in for it"

I looked around the car park as I arrived outside H.E and walked in, "I need to speak to Mr Hooda"

The receptionist looked up "Im sorry ma'am, unless you have a meeting, I can't allow it"

I closed my eyes tightly, counting to five as I took a deep breath, now was not the time to get angry, it would only worsen the situation

"Zoya, how nice of you to come down here"

I span around to see Adi facing me, "Why did you pay me more than the rest of the staff"

He shrugged "Guess I felt like you deserved it"

"Well, take it back, they all think I offered you 'other services', now dont get me wrong, each to their own but im not that kind of girl so I would greatly appreciate it if you were to edit it"


"Tha-, wait what, what do you mean no"

"Exactly what I said Zoya, im not editing it"

"Atleast explain why you gave it then"

"Let's just say, you caught my eye Zoya, you made my night at a very boring event, that's what its for"

"I dont need any handouts, its okay for you, but for people like me, you know, working class, getting this much money for one event is just abnormal and people are going to start talking, then I will lose my job, and I can't lose my job, so please"

He crossed his arms "Alright, ill cancel it, if you do something for me"

And that, is when I made a deal with the obnoxious, aggravating, handsome devil that stood before me.

So, I tried a different style of writing, do let me know your thoughts:)

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