Chapter 2

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-1 week later-

"Are you guys ready?" Jin asked from the living room. You and Cassy both groan in response.

"I told you we need to get up early! Now hurry so we don't miss the flight!" Jin came into the room and ushered you both out.

All the boys chuckle seeing how tired you and Cassy look. "This will become a normal. You'll get used to it." Yoongi said with a wink.

"I hope so." You groan and grab your suitcase. Everyone walks out of the room and head off to the car waiting for them.

"I'm glad manager-nim liked the girls." Namjoon said as everyone entered the car. "Yeah, they were so nervous." Jungkook added.

"Well that basically decided if we can come with you or not." Cassy defended. "We would sneak you on the plane if we had to." Taehyung told her.

"We probably would to be honest." Jimin mumbled. "We could fit in the suitcases." You say with a shrug.

"Which is why you need to eat more, which I tell you all the time." Yoongi said with an exasperated sigh. "I eat like a pig but I don't gain weight." You state and shrug.


"We are here." The driver announced. Everyone got out and grabbed their bags, walking into the airport.

"This is going to be fun!" Jungkook cheered. You and Cassy groan, earning another laugh from the boys.

"Keep moving along, quickly." Manager-nim came from nowhere and ushered you all.

You all get your tickets and wait in the boarding area. Thankfully, you all got firstclass. Tae, cas, and jungkook in one row. Yoongi, you and jimin in another row. Hoseok, jin, and namjoon in the last row.

After boarding, most of the guys decide to sleep but you don't feel tired anymore. "Why can't I sleep now?" You groan in annoyance. Yoongi and jimin both chuckle at your slight outburst.

"Don't worry, you aren't alone." Cassy said from in front of you. "I regret agreeing to this." You mumble. Cassy chuckles and turns around in her seat so she is now facing you.

"These boys are always making us think twice." Cassy teased. "True, true." You play along. Both tae and yoongi huff and cross their arms.

"But we still love them." You add with a wink to Cassy. She winks as well and turns back around, side hugging Taehyung. You do the same with yoongi but neither of you get a reaction. The boys just continue to look straight ahead.

"Come on, don't ignore us." Cassy whined. You poke Yoongi's cheek but he continues to ignore you.

"Why are you ignoring us?" You ask innocently. No response. "Oppa~" You call in a whiney tone. Yoongi visibly gulps but continue looking forward.

"Fine, have it your way. Cas, we should ignore them and see how long they last." You suggest. "It's on. First person to talk to or interact with the other looses." Cas agreed.

"We got this in the bag." You say. Cas turns around in the chair again and you two high five.

"Nobody will believe we are ARMY, we are literally ignoring our bias where as other fans are lucky to just meet them." You think out loud. Cas chuckled and nodded.

"I wish we could switch seats with one of the guys so we could sit beside each other." Cas said. "I can switch with you if you want." Jimin volunteered. "Thank you jiminie!" You side hug him and he chuckled.

Cassy and jimin switch seats so now you and cas are side by side. "So where were we?" She asks with a giggle.


"We have arrived at X. Please proceed off the plane." The flight attendant announced.

(A/N) - I will use X as the state/country since I don't want to have to list one everytime. So just fill it in with your choice or just leave it blank.

You and Cassy perk up as you walk off behind the boys, manager-nim behind you.

Fangirls are everywhere and you are all forced to walk really fast to get past them all.

"I feel bad for the boys even more now." Cas said to you as you both go to the luggage area.

Everyone grabbed their luggage and made a run for the car. The fans were ten times worse now and cameras were flashing everywhere.

You finally arrive at the car and everybody gets in. Everyone groans and sits back in their seat. You and cas were sitting side by side again.

"I wonder how long this little bet of yours will go on." Jin mumbled. "However long it takes. We are winning this!" Cas yells and you both five again.

The boys scoff and exchange glances before smirking. "This means since originally the two couples were going to sleep in the same bed, cas and y/n need to share a room as well as you two." Namjoon points out.

"WHAT?!" the two boys scream. You and Cassy just chuckle and high five yet again. "That's just a benefit to us. More quality time." You say.

The two boys groan loudly and forcefully sit back into their seats. "This is going to be too easy." You say to cas. She chuckles and nods.

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