Chapter 5

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"Jagi, wake up." Yoongi's voice said. You open your eyes to see a sleepy yoongi. "Hmm?" "I need to leave with the others soon. I wanted to say bye since I won't be back till late." He said.

You sit up and nod, yawning. "When are you leaving?" You ask. "Umm like ten minutes." He replies. "Have you had anything to eat?" You ask. He nods and smiles at your concerned face.

"Good." You mumble. "Cassy is being woke up by tae. I'm guessing you two are just gonna hang out all day." Yoongi said. "Most likely." You reply.

You get up and quickly freshen up in the bathroom and change before going out to meet yoongi and the others.

"Bye nunnas, see you tonight." Jungkook mumbled, hugging you and cassy. You both return the hug and chuckle at his actions.

"Bye kookie, make sure you guys don't overwork yourselves." Cassy warned. They all nod and assure Cassy they will take care of themselves.

"We have an interview today and then practice all day after that." Namjoon informed. After finding out the channel and time, you and Cassy go back to the room you share with yoongi.

"I'm still tried." You whine. "The interview isn't for a while so let's sleep for bit." Cassy mumbled.

With that, you both throw yourselves onto the bed and cuddle, falling asleep quickly.


"MOCHI!" you jump up from the bed and see Cassy turning the tv on. "The interview is starting." She mumbled. You gasp and run to the couch she was on, jumping to the spot beside her

"And mochi?" "Ne, you're like the second mochi so I shall call you mochi." She responded with a giggle. "But jiminie is the mochi!"

"Well so are you now!" She argued. You sigh and accept defeat. "IT'S STARTING!" She screamed.

The boys did their normal introduction and the interview was mainly about questions asking if they were eating well and resting and just stuff like that.

"So, you were seen with two girls. Fans are wondering who these girls are. Do you mind explaining who they are?" The MC suddenly asked.

Both you and Cassy choke on air and wait for their response. None of the boys looked worried at all.

"Well one of them, y/n, is my girlfriend. The other one, Cassy, is taehyung's girlfriend. We started dating soon after we joined school. We love them and couldn't imagine being without them so they will be touring with us." Yoongi answered.

"Well this is big news for everyone. How do you think fans will react?" He asked.

"Well we know there are a lot of ARMY that wish to be with us and such so there will obviously be the unsupportive. I just ask of you ARMY to understand how much these girls mean to us. They have become our lives now and protecting them is something we will do at all costs. Just because we have girlfriends, doesn't mean we can't love ARMY so please do not hate on them. Once you get to know them, they are the sweetest girls you will ever meet. Please just give them a chance ARMY." Yoongi said.

"Taehyung, do you have something to say about the matter?" The MC asked.

"Well as yoongi hyung said, these girls are our life now. Cassy has made me so much happier and I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I will always love ARMY and I can only hope you will all be supportive of our girlfriends. After all, you all say you want us to be happy and only want the best for us. Well these girls give us happiness and they don't treat us like we are famous idols, they treat us like we are their normal boyfriends. That is one of the best feelings." Tae finished.

"Jimin, you seem nervous, do you have something to say on the matter?" Jimin looked up to the MC and looked confused. He had been playing with his fingers and staring at his lap during the subject of you and cas.

Jimin looked at yoongi who nodded. "Well I actually have feelings for y/n, and always will but I know she loves hyung so I respect that. I just really hope ARMY will be supportive of the relationships because seeing either of the girls hurt would hurt me as well." Jimin said.

"If Cassy and y/n are watching this right now, what would you say to them?" The MC asked.

"SARANGHAE JAGI!" tae and yoongi yell, showing finger hearts. "SARANGHAE!" The others yell, doing the same as the boys.

You and cas were in tears because of the boy's kind words. You hug Cassy and she pulls you into her lap, hugging you properly. "THEY ARE SO CUTE!" you scream. Cassy giggles weakly and agrees.

"What did we do to deserve them Cassy?" You ask, wiping away tears. "I don't know." She replied, wiping away her own tears.

"I love him so much." She mumbles. "Words can't describe how much I love yoongi." You mumble.

"Should we go to the park instead of cry?" Cassy asks. "Yes! And we can get icecream." You agree. Cassy laughs and you get off her lap, running to the bathroom to clean your face.

You finish and jump on the bed while Cassy goes to the bathroom. A minute later, she comes out.

You link arms with her and smile brightly. "To the park?" "Off we go."


Confusion and suffering is soon to come. ;)

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