Chapter 9

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-Cassy's POV-

"Y/N!" I scream, shaking her body. We were crossing the road so we could get icecream at the park but we didn't pay attention. A car nearly hit me but she pushed me out of the way and took the blow instead.

Tears stream down my face as I dial 911. I tell them what happened while begging y/n to wake up but she remains unresponsive.

The ambulance arrives and takes y/n. I climb into the ambulance and sit to her left side while the paramedics race around the small area, trying to get y/n to respond.

I cry and beg her to wake up the whole time to the hospital. They rush the still unresponsive y/n out of the ambulance and I go to the waiting room.

I call yoongi and he picks up almost immediately.


"Yoongi I will explain later but stop practice, get to the hospital beside the apartment, now!" I choke out.

Yoongi hangs up and I continue to cry into my hands. A few minutes later, I here a big commotion and I turn to see the boys racing in.

People were following them and asking for autographs since they don't have any disguise on.

"CASSY! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Yoongi yelled as he ran to my side. "A c-car ran i-into y/n." I stutter. Yoongi looks like he is completely dead inside after hearing that. "It w-was going to hit m-me but she t-took the hit." I explain.

Tae sits beside me and side hugs me, whispering comforting words in my ear. "It's all my fault." I whimper. "No it isn't Cassy." Yoongi snapped. "Don't blame yourself." He said in a softer tone.

I nod slightly and cuddle into tae. "I can't believe this just happened." I hear jimin murmer. I look over and see him crying. Yoongi sits beside him and jimin side hugs yoongi while yoongi comforts him.

It's honestly really cute. I would probably aww at them if I wasn't in so much emotional pain. I close my eyes and try to stop crying. I hear the rest of the boys sit down around us only to immediately shoot up when the nurse calls my name.

"Cassy?" I walk up to her with the boys trailing behind me. "Umm she can only have two visitors at once right now." The nurse informed. Yoongi steps up beside me. "What are your relationships with her?" She asks. "I'm her boyfriend and she is her best friend." Yoongi informs. The nurse nods and leads us both back into a room.

We see y/n laying on a bed unconscious. She was breathing at a constant pace. She looks sad, if that's possible in her condition. Her eyebrows are slightly furrowed and she is frowning.

"She is in a coma right now. She should wake up in about a week. She might suffer from memory loss when she does wake up. She has a broken arm and a fracture on her left leg." The nurse informed.

Yoongi, who was crying, nodded and thanked the nurse before rushing off to the bed. He pulled up a chair and sat beside y/n, holding her hand.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been beside you. I shouldn't have left you alone." He whispers, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.

The sight made me weak and I cried as well, sitting on a couch to her right. I stare at the floor as I listen to yoongi apologise relentlessly to y/n and beg for her to wake up and tell her he loved her.

I eventually hear his soft voice stop and I look up. His cheek was pressed on the bed and he was asleep but still holding her hand. His face was stained with tears.

I go to the other side of the bed and pull up a chair across from the sleeping yoongi.

"Y/n I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm so sorry. You sacrificed yourself so I would be okay. Please wake up. We need you. I have seen yoongi cry but a few times since I met him and he just balled his eyes out. He loves you so much. We all do. Please fight for your life and stay with us. We will be here when you wake up. I promise."

I promise.


A/N : I can only imagine how confused everyone is right now.


Also, I am really sorry but I need to go on a short "break". I won't be posting for about a week.

During the time, I plan on stocking up on chapters so I can post daily.

I'm really sorry for all the slow updates and I hope all that will be solved after the break.

I'd also like to quickly thank chibichuuu because she is helping me through some hard times right now and she's making it easier for me to continue to write.

If you want, go ahead and check out her books. She is starting to update again! Yay!

Thank you all for reading this and supporting me and I hope you all understand.

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