💙Thank You💙

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There is so much to say! Where to start. XD

1. Thank you all so much for the support. This book already has over 3k reads and that's insane.

2. Thank you, again, because I now have over 200 followers! You guys each mean so, so much to me.

3. The comments on the last chapter warm my heart so much. I'm not perfect and neither are my books, by any means, but you guys keep me writing. Sometimes when I feel like just not writing anymore, I look at your comments. Your super kind and supportive comments are what infire me to keep writing.

Each and every one of you make me feel so much better about my writing.

4. I have decided, my followers will be called "MochiSwaggers"

5. In case you don't know, I love black and white but I also love blue soooooo, I have decided, instead of using random hesrt emojis all the time, I'm gonna use 💙

It'll be just a little thing I do. It probably isn't original but I like the idea.

6. Shout out to trueTaehyungfan. This girl has always been one of the firsts to read and comment since book 1. She has successfully made it through the two books without shipping tae and Cassy. Too bad they are together.

Also.... face reveal?

That's all for now! Goodbye and I love you all do much! Please continue to support me and my books.


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