4: Silence

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Roses POV:

I stood outside the higschool doors waiting for pearl to come out. I stood under the hot sun as people passed. I closed my eyes and just pondered about things. Those thoughts were inturupted when a cold hand was placed on my arm. My eyes shot open and I looked over to Pearl. I relaxed. I looked at her. Shes still upset, I thought.

"Pearl! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said kind of chuckling, attempting to cheer her up. That just made things worse. She looked down. 

"I'm sorry. Um, let's just go." I said. We started walking down the sidewalk towards my house. Neither of us said anything the whole way. I want to know what she's thinking. God, I worry about her too much.

Pearls POV:

I couldn't spit out a word to her. But why? Why was I like this? I'm never like this when I'm with her! We tell eachother everything so this situation was uncomfortable for me. I had my arms folded the whole time we were heading to her house. I wanted to hold her hand so bad, but I resisted. My head was filled with so many thoughts all day. The more and more I thought the more and more the knot grew in my stomach. I just can't stop.

We finally got to her house. I walk through the door as I relaxed as the smell of essential oils filled the air. Roses mom was really into that kind of thing. We walked forward to the computer room so Rose could mention I was over to her mom. She nods. We head up stairs to her room. We walk in and Rose closes the door behind her. I always loved Rose's room. The walls have beautiful patterns on them and they're painted a soft pink. Matches her well I suppose. I sit on the bed, still silent. She sat next to me, a little closer than she ever has. I blushed a little.

Roses POV:

I can't believe she still hasn't said anything. I'm really worried now. I decided to break the silence.

"So Pearl. Um, are you ok?"

She looks away, still saying nothing. This is getting on my nerve now, I thought to myself.

"Pearl, I have to tell you something."

That finally got her attention she looked at me with soft eyes. 

"What is it Rose?" She said, a hint of sadness in her voice

"I'm...im dating Greg. He asked me out last night." I said

"AND YOU SAID YES??" Pearl stood up frantic.

"Pearl, what's the matter I thought you was cool with him?"  I said


I blushed a little after she said that.

My mom yelled up the stairs, "Everything okay girls?"

"Yes mom." I yell back down.

"Everything is not 'okay' Rose." She said gritting her teeth. 

"Pearl I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said trying to comfort her. I went to put a hand on her shoulder but she ran down the stairs. I turned to follow her but she was already out the door. 

"Oh no. Oh no this is bad." I said. I ran out the door and looked around to see if she was their. I tried calling her, no response. 

I got into a cold sweat. "I-I'll see her tomorrow. I hope." I said under my breath walking back to my house, head still spinning.

"I'll see her tomorrow."

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