Chapter 18

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Jungkook had completed his work for the day. With his first income in hand he half walked, half ran to the café.

Have to treat Aami today with something.

He thought and a child-like smile spread across his lips.

He walked to the café pretty fast. It was getting colder by the minute and he wanted to get out of it immediately.

Watching him practically run into the café, the café lady said, "You sure were in a hurry to get here." Watching her smug smile, he said, "It's too cold outside. That's why."

"Sure," she said in a tone that slightly annoyed him.

As he made his way to the employee lockers, the café lady said, "Aami is not back there," pointing to the booths she added, "She is at the last one."

"Thanks," he said.

As he approached the last booth he saw her sitting with her chin on the table, her hands typing again. Furrowing his eyebrows he said, "Are the days being repeated? I feel as if I have been seeing you this way for a week now."

She looked up and just nodded at him with a half-hearted smile and went back to typing.

Feeling confused he asked, "What is going on?"

After about 10 seconds, which was the time she took to understand that he had, actually, said something, she said, "What? Oh yeah. I was just texting him."

"Him?" he was confused for a second until it clicked, "The long-distance friend? It has been a whole day! What do you two have to talk so much?"

"Well actually..." she seemed unsure of how to tell him this. But she sat upright and continued, "He was asking me details about a friend of mine. He said it's to set up his friend with her. You know, like a blind date."

Jungkook felt a little bit upset watching her resume texting that guy again.

If she is investing so much time and energy texting this guy, this can't be just some ordinary friend. He thought.

After silence that went for about ten more seconds, he lost his patience.

"And?" he asked her.

Looking up from her phone she said, "Then he asked me of my opinion on his friend and he sent a pic of him. Judging by the looks, I told him that his friend looks smart and confident. But then he said..."

She paused feeling unsure of whether she should tell him. Watching her fidget, he peered into her phone and she showed him the text.

LDFriend: But not as good as me though, right?

Jungkook looked up at her with round eyes.

"I'm a little confused," she said.

"You have to stop talking to him. All this seems a little weird to me," he said in very serious tone.


Listening to the message tone, both crowded over the screen again.

LDFriend: What do you think about me?

The question made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Why is he asking this?

She started typing again.

Amelia: Why do you want to know?

LDFriend: Just answer my question

Watching her fingers move over her touch screen phone, Jungkook felt annoyed.

"Stop talking to him."

She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows. Then she typed again.

Amelia: Not until you tell me why I must answer that question

Jungkook's face couldn't mask the irritation he felt. His finger tapped on the coffee table continuously trying to contain his frustration within.


She checked her phone.

LDFriend: I just wanted to tell you that my friend is just like me. So, you don't have to worry about setting up your friend with him

Amelia: Not a convincing enough answer

She shook her head as she typed with a smile. But her smile fell when she read his reply.

LDFriend: Alright then. I'll tell you the truth. It's not for any friend of mine. I saw the pic of your friend and I liked her. I was asking you of her details to ask out her out myself.

Watching Amelia's face fall Jungkook grabbed the phone out of her hand. He immediately read the text and said in disbelief, "What an ass!"

Hearing him comment she grabbed it back and typed.

Amelia: Is that so?

She sat idle, thinking for about five seconds. Returning her gaze to the screen she typed again.

Amelia: Okay.

"Okay? 'OKAY'?" Jungkook repeated raising his eyebrows at her reply. But she remained silent, giving no reaction to Lucas.

Ping! Her screen lit up after about a minute.

LDFriend: Are you mad at me or something? :/

She thought for about a second, typed further and sent.

Amelia: No. but you should have told me truth from the beginning itself.

Amelia: Just saying

Again, she felt the phone being pulled out of her hand. Being much stronger than her, it was easy for Jungkook to do this. Even though his bangs covered his eyebrows she could see his anger on his face after he read the message.

"That's it? Shout at him! Fight him! Scold him! Don't be so nice Aami. He was playing with you all along. I knew that!" he said his volume coming down on its own, "I should have stopped you in the beginning itself..."

He put forward her phone towards her and said, "Here. Take your phone and tell him how you feel. He can't lead you on like this and then pretend to be just good friends."

When she put forward her hand to take her phone from him, he suddenly retracted his arm. He said, "You know what, there is no need."

He started checking something in her phone and said, "There is no need for you to talk to him ever again. There!"

She watched him place the phone on the table before he sat down opposite to her. Arms crossed he sat looking at the wall across him.

Upon complete silence he turned towards her. She was just watching him sitting completely silent. He said, "Say something Aami!"

"What should I say?" she asked in reply. Suddenly she seemed tired.

"I don't know. Get angry, get mad!" He turned towards her and placed both his elbows on the table.

"Alright fine. I'll reply to him," she sighed.

"Yeah you can't," he shook his head.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she asked, "What? Why?"

"I blocked his number."

He expected her to fight with him like she usually does. But she just sat quiet looking at him. And then she said, "Okay."

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