Chapter 29

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Noticing the major change in Amelia's and Jungkook's behaviour, the café lady invited them to the café next evening. She had planned a dinner for the three of them with junk food and coke. She wanted to know what was happening, but she didn't want any complaints from her next day customers, in fear of being short of staff.

She had called up Jungkook and asked him to get Amelia as well.

Jungkook knocked on the door next to his, twice. Nobody opened. He then rang the bell and heard some shuffling noises from inside. The door unlocked and he saw Aami standing on the other side.

"Hey! The café lady had called," he said.

"Yeah? Why?" Amelia replied with another question.

"She has food and coke!" his enthusiasm overflowed from within him.

"Give me a few minutes. I'll get ready and come to your place," Amelia said placing steps back into her apartment.

This is when Jungkook noticed her mood. She was silent. She was not fighting with him. While he was practically giddy, she had a long face. She was throwing him out of her apartment.

She was not happy.

He placed a foot between the door and the door frame, and stopped her from closing it.

"Aami, what's wrong?"

Her face scrunched up again. Nose got redder; eyes teared up. While a frown formed on her lips she said, "Nothing Jungoo. Just go!" she said kicking at his foot. He decided to drop the topic for now.

"Okay fine! You don't have to tell me then," he continued, "But we should go. The café lady should know about us now. I know for a fact that she was rooting for us."

"I'm sorry," Aami replied, "The café lady should know what about us exactly?"

She looked at him with a blank expression, her eyes not showing any emotion. Her question gave him an unexpected shock. Jungkook's face fell slowly. He said, "Why are you talking this way? Please tell me what's going on."

She looked away not willing to meet his eyes. He said, "Let me in or I'm breaking this door."

She moved back making way. He walked into her apartment and heard her lock the door behind him.

"I am here," he turned around and took her hand in his. He said, "Please talk to me."

While she stood still, he noticed her clutch onto an envelope. Swiftly he pulled it from her hand, opened it and skimmed through its content. She said in a broken voice, "I had applied to a few other publishers as well. And guess what?"

A few sentences in the letter caught his eye.

Need to be more creative.

Not an original idea.

Not relatable to general public.

Do a course in writing first before you attempt to submit amateur work.

"Amateur they said. Not relatable they said," her voice caught his ears and he looked at her now. She was not crying. And yet she was. She was holding it in, which he felt, was worse.

"Take it as constructive criticism Aami," he said moving towards her.

"I know Jungoo. I know that I should. But this is the ninth publisher who is refusing my work. Ninth!"

He walked to her and pulled her to his chest. Hugging her, he rubbed her back in circles with his hand.

"Maybe I should stop writing. Maybe it's all a waste of time." Her voice turned ugly while she tried to bring it back to control.

They were right.

"They were right."

I am good for nothing.

"I am good for nothing."

I am nothing but a waste on this planet.

"I am nothing but a waste on this planet."

"Sssh," he tried to calm her down.

After a deep breath, she said, "But I love writing so much! It's so addicting Jungoo..."

"It's never a waste of time. You have to keep trying Aami."

Amidst her muffled sobs he continued, "And I do not want any of these thought from you again. If you love writing, you should stick to it. I have read your work Aami. You are good. But you have to believe in yourself. You have me and I'll always support you. But only you can make sure that you stay brave and fight."

He felt her sobs calm down a little. She had become calmer in his hug.

Just then he felt his phone vibrate in his jean pocket. He pulled it out and saw there was a text.

PROF: Waiting for your decision Jungkook. Let me know by the EOD. Regards, Professor.


Jungkook sat staring at the screen of his phone. Occasionally he looked up and watched Aami walk around her apartment kitchen. While she prepared dinner for the two of them, he cleared his throat. He opened his mouth several times but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

They had called the café lady, cancelled the plans and decided to stay in for the night.

She walked to the dining table set for two and placed the plate in her hand in the middle. Nothing big, just two sandwiches.

"I'm sorry I don't have anything good," she said sitting across him.

"This is more than enough," he replied with a small smile. She smiled in return.

While she got busy preparing to eat, he watched her. It was already past 10pm. There wasn't much time left for the day to end. He had to tell her.


She looked up at him. She saw his very serious face staring back at her. She saw him clutch his phone in his hand. He sat up straight in his chair. Everything about this scared her a little.

"What's going on Jungoo?"

He felt a little nervous realising that in one glance, she could say that he was about to say something serious.

"I got offered a job."

He saw her face relax and a smile decorated her lips.

"My professor got it for me. It pays well and its mine if I accept it."

With a beaming face, she stood up and walked to him. As he continued sitting in the chair, she hugged him and said, "Congratulations! Why do you look so scared if this was the news? You scared me!"

This day isn't so bad after all. Something good came out of it.


That when she heard him say, "But its five hours away."

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