Chapter 4

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"Amelia. Its Amelia!"

"Are you sure it wasn't Nora? Or Martha?"

"What? Those are not even close!! And yes. I'm sure! I know what my name is!"

The café lady just shook her head with a smile listening to the two kids fight. Jungkook had been coming to the café for a few days now. Irritating Amelia seemed like his favourite pastime.

"Oh my god!" the café lady saw Amelia walk towards her pulling her hair.

"I'll murder him someday! I swear!" she said as she approached the cafe lady. Just then the doorbell chimed.

"Hey! A customer is here. Be quiet," the cafe lady warned the two.

Amelia walked to the table. From the corner of her eye she could see Jungkook watch her. Taking in a deep breath she practiced her smile. As she reached the table she said, "Good evening! What would-" that's when she noticed who it was.

His smile made her forget everything and she said, "Hey Visitor! Alone today?"

The visitor returned the smile and said, "Yup. Just me," and added acting serious, "I hope that's okay?"

"It's very much okay," she chuckled, "So, the usual?" she replied.

"Yeah," he nodded his head.

"What are you doing next Saturday?"

The visitor asked her as he sipped his café latte. Amelia had finished her own Americano a few minutes back. Since the cafe was relatively empty, she sat with him to chat for a while.

"Working here, at the café. Why?" she asked.

"Well, a new band is performing at the *Bowl this weekend. I was wondering if you would like to come see with me."

Amelia thought for a while.

It could be fun but I also feel lazy. Though it would be good to go out for a while.

"Okay sure," she replied.

"Great!" the visitor smiled wide as he stood up. He wore his jacket and said as he walked out, "I'll see you Saturday then!"

Amelia waved him goodbye and proceeded to cleaning the table. A sudden comment made her stop her activity.

"Ooh! Martha has a date with the hot guy!"

I had forgotten he was here!

'Me too.'

Amelia composed herself before she replied, "Not a date. Its Saturday night. It's just an outing."

Jungkook stared at the screen of his phone and then placed it back in his pocket. He stood up and walked to the cafe lady while Amelia went off to the back alley to dispose of the days garbage.

"Can I ask you of a favour?"

The cafe lady looked up at Jungkook's sudden question. She said, "Jungkook, if its money, then sorry I'm kind of short on it."

"No," he shook his head and continued, "I have been looking for a part time job for a few days now. Do you know of any?"

The cafe lady thought for a while and said, "I dont have any vacancy here. But I'll ask around and let you now. Okay?"

Watching Jungkook node his head with a sad expression, she added, "Dont worry. We'll find something."

At this a wide smile appeared on his face. When he heard Amelia walk in he said out loud, "I didn't know Martha even went on dates," the cafe lady and Jungkook smiled ear to ear at his comment.

"He is just a friend. Stop making up stuff!" Amelia removed her apron and went to employee lockers as she said, "And stop calling me Martha!"


"Hey Amelia."

A weird sounding wish made her turn around. With one eyebrow raised and a teasing smile on his lips she saw him standing in front of her apartment. It had been a while and even now she felt embarrassed about that night.

Ever since he had found that she lived right next door, he used to wait for her so that they could walk together until they part their ways. No matter how much she tried she still couldn't get used to it.

"Hey," she replied trying to hide her face.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck on your date tonight," he said showing all his teeth.

"I told you, it's not a date!"

"Mark my words, you will have a boyfriend when you return."

"Shut up Jungkook!" she said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Come here! Let's take a selfie for your big day!" he said blocking her path.

"I'm not taking anything with you," she pushed him aside and tried to walk ahead.

"Oh, come on Amelia! Don't you want to remember this day FOREVER?" he blocked her again.

"Nope," she said shaking her head.

Making a face he said, "Fine. Let's go!" he said as he turned towards the elevator.

"Yeah," she said as she placed her key back in her bag and walked in his direction. Just then it hit her.

"Hey! You called me by my name!"

Jungkook turned around and saw a girl with wide eyes, a big smile on her lips and index finger pointing at him. With a wicked smile he said, "What's that Martha?"

He laughed when her smile fell, she smacked her head with her open palm and walked past him into the elevator.

(*Bowl - reference to The Eighth One)

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