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I woke up, and I was in my bedroom.

I started walking around the room and my aunt rushed in.

'You have to go to school now!' she said.

'Um... Ok...' I said.

I went to tie my hair into a pair of space buns and added bleached streaks into my hair to show that I am not like other girls.

I grabbed my bag and went straight to my new school.


I entered my new school ''Unoriginal High'', instantly, all eyes were on me.

'Hi! You must be the new girl. My name is Charlotte Sidekick. But you can call me Charlotte.' a girl with raven hair and violet eyes came out to me and said.

'Ooh, although I don't know anything about you, I want you to be my new BFF.' I exclaimed in joy.

'Yas!' she agreed.

As me and my new friend, three blonde girls wearing cheerleader uniforms came up to me.

'OMG! You must be the new girl!' the one in red lipstick said, she was towering me.

'Yes, bish! What do you want?' I replied in a hostile tone, because no blonde girl can be trusted. This is totally not discrimination.

'I just want us to get along, right girls?' she asked the other supermodels behind her.

The two nodded in unison.

'By the way, I am Regina.' she said.

'I'm Rachel.' said the one in a ponytail.

'Call me Rebecca.' said the busty one.

I could tell that they are mean girls just by their names, they weren't even trying to hide their evil nature. I must save my dear school from these demons.

I walked into my first class, it was English.

As I made my grand entrance, the fan blew behind me dramatically. A boy was looking at me in a totally not creepy way, probably because I was so not like other girls. He was the handsomest boy I have ever seen, he had raven dark hair and mysterious eyes, his left eye was icy blue and his right eye was crimson. He had a very very pale complexion because all love interests in romance novels must be as white as snow.

Immediately, I knew that he was the one for me. Despite not knowing anything about him apart from him being extremely hot, I want to date him, marry him and eventually, we'll have the most beautiful kids ever.

I decided to sit next to my soulmate.

👽💥💫 Timeskip🔥😘💦

'How do you spell dog?' asked the teacher.

'B O K' spelled Regina.

Blondes, am I right?

'It's D O G.' answered the piece of beefcake next to me.

He is sooooooooooo smart gahhhhh!

He is too perfect to be real~~~

'Hey.' said the insanely intelligent boy beside me in his smexy voice.

'You cute.' he said.

I blushed. Senpai noticed meeee!

Grammar? What's that? I think that his hotness melted that away.

'Thanks, boo.' I said shyly.

'My name is Gary Stu.' he said in a flirty way.

'I am Friction. I think that my now dead mum was drunk when she named me.' I blushed intensely.

'What a beautiful name.' he paused and smirked 'Just like my 🍆 in your 🌸...'

'Nani?' I asked innocently. I am not like other girls, I don't have a dirty mind.

We stared into each other's eyes longingly, not giving a crap about our education.

The lesson ended. We all left the classroom.

Then, I saw Gary and Regina the ♀🐕 making out beside the lockers.

'Gary, WTF?!' I yelled. All eyes were on me, especially Charlotte's.

'Gary and Friction kissing on a tree, K I S S I N G..' teased Charlotte.

'Shut you ugly mouth.' I said.

'Oh, she is my side chick.' said Gary.

'THIS IS WARRRRRRRRR!' I yelled at Regina.

'But... he is never your man.' said Regina, felling confused af.

'I don't care!' I shouted.

This song played in the background:

A warning to the people, the good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
And the moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight

To the right to the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth,
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left,
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world

A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victor, the messiah
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
And the moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left,
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth,
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left,
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world, it's a brave new world

I do believe in the light, raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done, the war is won, lift your hands towards the sun
Towards the sun, (it's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
It's the moment to live and the moment to die, the moment to fight)
Towards the sun,
Towards the sun, (it's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
It's the moment to live and the moment to die, the moment to fight)
The war is won (to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight)

To the right, to the left,
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth,
It's a brave new world from the last to the first
To the right, to the left,
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world, it's a brave new world

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world

I gave her the bird and left school.

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