Far Away, A Place I Love

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There is a place that I wish to see,

It's as far away as can be.

I hope to get my wings someday,

So that I may fly away.

But wishes are not always meant to be,

Still, I do hope to be one day free.

Hope can sometimes turn to disappointment,

Things don't always unfold the way they're meant.

The question remains, hope or not to hope?

Let's hope even if in solitude you later mope.

What will be will be,

If I'm meant to, I will see.

That place I love even more than life,

That person I might become otherwise.

There is a place that I wish to see,

It's somewhere I can be truly free.

Away from anger, away from hate,

A place where my curiosity I can sate.

I thirst to know more,

The things about which I'm not even sure.

It's a land of my dreams, I know this much,

The thing that I can't even touch.

So near and yet completely out of my reach,

Maybe there is a lesson it meant to teach.

I crave it more than anything else,

I want to listen the story it tells.

The love I have for something I haven't seen,

This defiance of commonsense is obscene.

The heart cannot always explain all it wants,

And withers away when it can't,

It's a mystery I want to unravel,

And that's why I wish to travel.

To the place far away, in my dreams,

As impossible as it might seems.

I'll get my wings someday,

That's the only hope for me to fly away.

And finally see this place I love,

Far away from all the hate, my dove.

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