If You Can Count

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If you can count then count your smiles,

If you can sing then sing the happiest songs,

If you can see then see only the truth,

And if you can feel then feel the beauty around.

If you can count then count all your blessings,

If you can love then love with all your heart,

If you can be anything then be a helper, a lover,

And if you can choose then choose to be kind.

If you can count then count the things you do right,

If you can tell then tell what you truly believe,

If you can think then do think positively,

And if you can feel, feel the love.

If you can count then count only your good deeds,

And then you will know when you are lacking,

Because good is all that matters in life,

So, if you can be anything then be good all the time.

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