To Be Fair

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I want to say this to you, my dear,

We did our best to make her happier.

But she had a sad soul, my dove,

She wasn't an easy person to love.

We tried to tame her wild heart,

That in itself was the wrong start.

She had so much she could learn,

We should've let her herself discern.

We shouldn't have forced her to change,

Maybe she knew better what to maintain.

She wished to find someone to trust,

Soon her dreams all turned to dust.

We had our role to play,

Even for her, we couldn't possibly stay.

She needed us to love her as she was,

Indeed our impatience was a cause.

But to be honest, to be fair,

We did try, we did care!

She wasn't going to be loved,

Her soul was too restless to be caged.

Her heart was already in a million pieces,

It was broken without leaving traces.

No matter how hard anyone tried,

No one could wipe the tears already dried.

Her anger at the world was something to behold,

Her fear was no less tangible, truth be told.

Not an easy person, doomed to stay unloved,

We knew she could never be anyone's beloved.

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