You Were Never There

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It's as if you were never even there,

How time has erased you from my memory!

The pain of your betrayal was too much,

I had to set myself free to save myself from despair.

Never to be broken again, I've mended my heart,

Now, the walls around it are impenetrable.

I will never let anyone in again, I'll be cautious,

As I should have been from the very start.

It wasn't easy to pick up the pieces one by one,

I put them back together but not the way it was before.

Things that are shattered can never be whole again,

Somethings once happen can never be undone.

At last, the memories of the pain are all gone now,

I don't want to remember what time chose to erase.

I've moved on from your temporary love to find better things,

Soon, the remaining ones will disperse somehow.

The things we crave aren't always good for our soul,

It's okay not to get what we want, once in a while.

We may dream all the dreams our heart desires,

But the dreams to follow are only those that'll make us whole.

It's as if you weren't even there to begin with,

Time has erased you from my life leaving nothing behind.

Memories have faded away into nothingness,

My soul has begun to heal, turning your existence into a myth.

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